Lesson 3: Develop Keyword Clusters for Each Post

To improve your site's ranking in search engine results, using keyword clusters can be more effective than repeating a single phrase. A keyword cluster consists of a group of related keywords or phrases based on a particular concept or idea. For instance, if you are creating a blog post about survival food, you can develop keyword clusters such as survival food buckets, survival food bars, survival food kits, and survival food list, among others.

You can create a keyword cluster for your entire blog post or for each subsection of the post, depending on the post's breadth or narrowness and whether you can develop independent keyword clusters for different parts of the post. For example, if you are creating a pillar blog post on survival food, you might develop a keyword cluster for premade survival food, another for growing a survival food garden, and one for canning or dehydrating your survival food.

When you update your old blog content, you should analyze the keywords and phrases you used and consider expanding them into related clusters. As you conduct your keyword research, you may find additional relevant information that could expand your post into a more comprehensive and extensive piece of content based on one of the keywords you found for a cluster.

Using keyword clusters is an effective way to meet Google's preference for delivering comprehensive and extensive content to users so that they don't have to continue searching for more information after leaving your site.

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ValerieJoy Premium Plus
Hi Phil, I'm so pleased to have located this training whilst searching, or more appropriately, thinking about how to restore one of my websites. The niche is MMO and requires a great deal of work. Also, I think it could be just what I need to get started with ChatGPT.

Tomorrow is my planned commencement date and I'm looking forward to getting started and achieving!!
phil1944 Premium
Well, you deserve congratulations then. Good luck with it all.
ValerieJoy Premium Plus
Thanks very much, Phil. I'll let you know how it goes!
phil1944 Premium
I look forward to it, Val.
ValerieJoy Premium Plus
Thanks Phil.
Hey Phil,

Let's hope that these 10 tips revive my dead blog because the 11th tip would be a SEANCE. Hahahaha!😀

phil1944 Premium
I hope they help, Maxine. A seance would definitely be a last resort.
KLThayer Premium Plus
Excellent information Phil. I've created my blog tracking spreadsheet, (great idea, btw) and am implementing the additional advice you have given. Thanks again for more awesome content!
phil1944 Premium
It's great that you're implementing stuff, Kevin.
Slavka6 Premium
Hello, Phil.
A well-covered topic.
Completely understandable and presents everything that a post should have.
A few more things can be added. However, this is the basis for being well-ranked and visited by users.

Well done, Phil. 👍🏼
Thanks for sharing with us.

Slavka 🖐🏼
phil1944 Premium
You're welcome, Slavka. Any additional suggestions always welcome.
Slavka6 Premium
Hi, Phil.
I am not competent to give you suggestions.
It's just up to all of us to work and apply what we've learned from all your training and posts.

Thanks, Phil.
I appreciate your work and knowledge.
I know that it takes a lot of effort to present something like this.

Best regards,
Slavka 👋
phil1944 Premium
Thanks for the appreciation, Slavka.
Jenell44 Premium
As always, great advice, Phil.
phil1944 Premium
Thanks, Jenni.