About Tinnakon
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533 followers Joined November 2014
Hi all I'm glad to be in this community hope I can make new friend here. I'm total newbie and am interested in hobby like





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asked in
Getting Started

AvantLink needs me to paste its java script on the place where it is called template that is used on the homepage of my website.

Could anyone tell me how can I access to t

Looks like upsgirl has you covered.

Go to Appearance.
You want to click and drag TEXT from the left side to the right side.
It will be placed under Sidebar.
When you let go, the box opens.
Paste the link in the large space.

Are you just wanting to add an advertising Banner to your website?

I just found that it was under the Editor menu where I have to edit the "header.php" by pasting the javascript given by Avantlink website.

The reason is to let Avantlink verifies my website since I have just applied for a new affiliate marketing program. Avanlink is a mediator, I think, that the owner of affiliate program is associated with just for recruiting purpose.

Thanks for your concern and giving help.

Okay, but you will need the next section so you'll have it for adding your Banners.
You are very welcome.

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How to accesss to my homepage template?

How to accesss to my homepage template?

asked in
Getting Started

AvantLink needs me to paste its java script on the place where it is called template that is used on the homepage of my website.

Could anyone tell me how can I access to t

Looks like upsgirl has you covered.

Go to Appearance.
You want to click and drag TEXT from the left side to the right side.
It will be placed under Sidebar.
When you let go, the box opens.
Paste the link in the large space.

Are you just wanting to add an advertising Banner to your website?

I just found that it was under the Editor menu where I have to edit the "header.php" by pasting the javascript given by Avantlink website.

The reason is to let Avantlink verifies my website since I have just applied for a new affiliate marketing program. Avanlink is a mediator, I think, that the owner of affiliate program is associated with just for recruiting purpose.

Thanks for your concern and giving help.

Okay, but you will need the next section so you'll have it for adding your Banners.
You are very welcome.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This might be a weird question but I still can't figure out how to do it. Will be very much appreciated if someone can answer this. Thanks

You have your answer from jvranjes

Yes but could not hlep. My case is different since the product I want to delete are the default items that were displayed as a sample when start building the store. I had to deleted all default category in order to create my own one and start to add in my product. Now my product are displayed but the default items are still there. In this sense how can I follow his suggestion - there are no categories available to choose from. That default categories were all deleted.

I don't have an Amazon store so I really can't help. I'll be building one over the next couple of days, but hopefully you will have this issue resolved by then. If you haven't, PM me. Also, if you haven't reviewed these videos, they may help:

How To Build An Amazon Affiliate aStore

How To Set Up Your Amazon Affiliate aStore On Your Website

Thank you very much it is solved, I deleted the old store and create a new one without touching the example given. I create all new category and follow all instruction until it is completed.

That was a good way of doing it.

Go to your aStore, go to categories, choose one, click add products on the right. This will open new but also old on left. If you click any old it will offer possibility to delete. Jovo

Ditto, this is exactly how I do it. Amazon did not add a default category to my aStore. I've never seen that happen!

Hmmmm....this one will be tough to answer. For starters, what is your website URL?

My URL is http://www.howtorcplane.com
The aStore is just in construction phase I do not put the HTML code on my website yet.

Hmm. Well without seeing your Amazon frame and the item you want removed I'm not sure how to help. All the best

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How to delete some product from astore in amazon?

How to delete some product from astore in amazon?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

This might be a weird question but I still can't figure out how to do it. Will be very much appreciated if someone can answer this. Thanks

You have your answer from jvranjes

Yes but could not hlep. My case is different since the product I want to delete are the default items that were displayed as a sample when start building the store. I had to deleted all default category in order to create my own one and start to add in my product. Now my product are displayed but the default items are still there. In this sense how can I follow his suggestion - there are no categories available to choose from. That default categories were all deleted.

I don't have an Amazon store so I really can't help. I'll be building one over the next couple of days, but hopefully you will have this issue resolved by then. If you haven't, PM me. Also, if you haven't reviewed these videos, they may help:

How To Build An Amazon Affiliate aStore

How To Set Up Your Amazon Affiliate aStore On Your Website

Thank you very much it is solved, I deleted the old store and create a new one without touching the example given. I create all new category and follow all instruction until it is completed.

That was a good way of doing it.

Go to your aStore, go to categories, choose one, click add products on the right. This will open new but also old on left. If you click any old it will offer possibility to delete. Jovo

Ditto, this is exactly how I do it. Amazon did not add a default category to my aStore. I've never seen that happen!

Hmmmm....this one will be tough to answer. For starters, what is your website URL?

My URL is http://www.howtorcplane.com
The aStore is just in construction phase I do not put the HTML code on my website yet.

Hmm. Well without seeing your Amazon frame and the item you want removed I'm not sure how to help. All the best

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