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Seize the Moment - Do Something Spectacular Today! Kimberleigh in the UK, It has just gone over 2 months now since I joined WA. I joined





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asked in
Getting Started

I am looking to define my client's avator, their demographics and psychographics... What tools do you use? Any help and feedback would be awesome! Thank you.

have you tried using facebook ads - not to actually place the ad but to see the audience size for demographics - this way you can 'tune' your avatar to being the one you want - just remember to save the audience and then try another one.
this way you can use them when you have the offer ready for them.
the other way is to look for free pdf downloads to determine the characteristics of your avatar.
have fun
you can do the same in google ads as well - not tried bingads yet.
and i am sure you can do similar in pinterest etc

Oh thank you so much Phil, I had not tried google ads and the free pdf downloads, or Pinterest, you have given me a wealth of information! Thank you so much.

Hi Kimberleigh!

One tool you may use to define your client is Google Trends. Pick the keyword or the niche and search for locations around the world. Target the locations of most searches and use SurveyMonkey or Polldaddy or similar tools to ask those people about their preferences.

Maybe some social analytics tool, then some Persona Generator, etc. In my opinion you may also ask the present customers (if you have any) as well to create a Buyer Persona (Avatar) by answering your specific questions...etc.

Hope it helps a bit!

Have a great day,

Thank you Igor, this is Awesome! Thank you!

Very welcome! I hope you are fine.

I would like to know that myself :)
I'm curious what answers you'll get, there are so many experts here in all sorts.

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Hey champions! what tools can I use for this?

Hey champions! what tools can I use for this?

asked in
Getting Started

I am looking to define my client's avator, their demographics and psychographics... What tools do you use? Any help and feedback would be awesome! Thank you.

have you tried using facebook ads - not to actually place the ad but to see the audience size for demographics - this way you can 'tune' your avatar to being the one you want - just remember to save the audience and then try another one.
this way you can use them when you have the offer ready for them.
the other way is to look for free pdf downloads to determine the characteristics of your avatar.
have fun
you can do the same in google ads as well - not tried bingads yet.
and i am sure you can do similar in pinterest etc

Oh thank you so much Phil, I had not tried google ads and the free pdf downloads, or Pinterest, you have given me a wealth of information! Thank you so much.

Hi Kimberleigh!

One tool you may use to define your client is Google Trends. Pick the keyword or the niche and search for locations around the world. Target the locations of most searches and use SurveyMonkey or Polldaddy or similar tools to ask those people about their preferences.

Maybe some social analytics tool, then some Persona Generator, etc. In my opinion you may also ask the present customers (if you have any) as well to create a Buyer Persona (Avatar) by answering your specific questions...etc.

Hope it helps a bit!

Have a great day,

Thank you Igor, this is Awesome! Thank you!

Very welcome! I hope you are fine.

I would like to know that myself :)
I'm curious what answers you'll get, there are so many experts here in all sorts.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

What is Fitness? Is this a subjective word, like beauty and intelligence? I am curious as to what fitness means to you personally if you had never seen the "stereotypical imag

If you Google it then this shows up on the top.

1.the condition of being mentally/physically fit and healthy.

2.the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task

I think these are two good points that show up when you google your question I did ad mentally with point 1.
In my opinion, as a Fitness coach, I think these two points gives a good answer to your question.

Have a great day.

Stay Healthy, Be Fit


Good question for discussion.
Fitness to be is being healthy and strong both physically and mentally. Having the ability to live life to the fullest.

Thank you so much, I appreciate you!

At my age fitness means being healthy and having the ability to play with your grandkids without having issues breathing. Jim

Thank you, I love that.

Fitness means being able to do the things I want to do without experiencing issues related to being unfit.

IE If I want to walk for an hour - no problem. Swim for an hour - no problem.

Thank you! Great outlook. I appreciate your comment.

Funny, I was just sitting down to write a post about selling fitness online. It really is subjective for sure. My wife and I run a couple of pilates studios and as part of our intro to the studios we actually ask them what fitness means to them.. here are the top five:

Lose weight/be skinny
Not get tired
Keep up with kids
Eat right
Exercise daily..

And those are the top 5 by a long shot - granted our market is 30 - 60 year old females butthe realism in their answers is interesting..,

Hope this helps


Thanks for your comment Paul, it does put things into perspective. I wonder then if fitness is even perhaps a result of something else... :) Thank you so much, your comment has given me so much to ponder on.

When I think of fitness is exercise and eating healthy.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Hi... To me fitness is a lifestyle. Not too overboard in any one direction like body building or in only one sport, ie: marathons, swimming, etc.

What comes to mind when I think of fitness is a lifestyle balanced with good eating habits and excercise.

Thank you so much for your Comment, I have the same mind about fitness as a holistic approach to the upkeep of one's earth vehicle, the body.

Hi Kimberleigh. To me "fitness" is the ability to perform in a desired way, I guess that is pretty generic but it seems to fit the word, so yes, it does seem to be a subjective word. Just thinking.

Thanks Ray! I appreciate your comment

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Fitness? what is fitness? is this a subjective word?

Fitness? what is fitness? is this a subjective word?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

What is Fitness? Is this a subjective word, like beauty and intelligence? I am curious as to what fitness means to you personally if you had never seen the "stereotypical imag

If you Google it then this shows up on the top.

1.the condition of being mentally/physically fit and healthy.

2.the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task

I think these are two good points that show up when you google your question I did ad mentally with point 1.
In my opinion, as a Fitness coach, I think these two points gives a good answer to your question.

Have a great day.

Stay Healthy, Be Fit


Good question for discussion.
Fitness to be is being healthy and strong both physically and mentally. Having the ability to live life to the fullest.

Thank you so much, I appreciate you!

At my age fitness means being healthy and having the ability to play with your grandkids without having issues breathing. Jim

Thank you, I love that.

Fitness means being able to do the things I want to do without experiencing issues related to being unfit.

IE If I want to walk for an hour - no problem. Swim for an hour - no problem.

Thank you! Great outlook. I appreciate your comment.

Funny, I was just sitting down to write a post about selling fitness online. It really is subjective for sure. My wife and I run a couple of pilates studios and as part of our intro to the studios we actually ask them what fitness means to them.. here are the top five:

Lose weight/be skinny
Not get tired
Keep up with kids
Eat right
Exercise daily..

And those are the top 5 by a long shot - granted our market is 30 - 60 year old females butthe realism in their answers is interesting..,

Hope this helps


Thanks for your comment Paul, it does put things into perspective. I wonder then if fitness is even perhaps a result of something else... :) Thank you so much, your comment has given me so much to ponder on.

When I think of fitness is exercise and eating healthy.

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Hi... To me fitness is a lifestyle. Not too overboard in any one direction like body building or in only one sport, ie: marathons, swimming, etc.

What comes to mind when I think of fitness is a lifestyle balanced with good eating habits and excercise.

Thank you so much for your Comment, I have the same mind about fitness as a holistic approach to the upkeep of one's earth vehicle, the body.

Hi Kimberleigh. To me "fitness" is the ability to perform in a desired way, I guess that is pretty generic but it seems to fit the word, so yes, it does seem to be a subjective word. Just thinking.

Thanks Ray! I appreciate your comment

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am still trying to improve my site speed which regardless of changing themes about 6 times and trying everything has not improved at all - would using a CDN like Cloudflare b

Go to Site Manager, click on details, change speed to extreme, and also reduce plugins to a maximum of 5. Delete inactive plugins.

Hi Kimberleigh, I too have problems with my site speed, but it is mainly for mobile. I have tried several different free themes. I think that is one of my problems.

I am using Blog. dot right now and, when I look at the Pro version it guarantees increased speeds and better SEO. I just can't afford it though.

I will be looking into jetrbby80316 training to see if I can gain some pointers. Mobile speeds are so important for traffic.

Wishing you the best,

Try using my evergreen training, many people are still getting great results after over one year

You are an absolute genius! Thank you so much. I am seeing the light, at last! Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! :)

Just out of interest Kimberleigh, is it both desktop and mobile and what are you using as reference, please.

Hey Twack! Yes, it is both Desktop and Mobile - I am using a very light and fast theme now called Astra and have tried everything possible suggested by google but it keeps saying: Server Response time is too long. My website has been down for 6 weeks as I have been changing themes and testing various plugins to no avail.

Thank you. The reason I asked is that I'm having 'speed' issues but only on 'mobile' but mine was coming up with two issues:
'Time to Interactive at 8.8s and First CPU Idle at 7.3s.' ,my other site is fine. All images are optimised and I use 'Site content' to publish. All this leads me to look towards 'Theme' as you have done. I'm just researching at the moment to see if I can find anything else to look at.

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How to improve site speed?

How to improve site speed?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am still trying to improve my site speed which regardless of changing themes about 6 times and trying everything has not improved at all - would using a CDN like Cloudflare b

Go to Site Manager, click on details, change speed to extreme, and also reduce plugins to a maximum of 5. Delete inactive plugins.

Hi Kimberleigh, I too have problems with my site speed, but it is mainly for mobile. I have tried several different free themes. I think that is one of my problems.

I am using Blog. dot right now and, when I look at the Pro version it guarantees increased speeds and better SEO. I just can't afford it though.

I will be looking into jetrbby80316 training to see if I can gain some pointers. Mobile speeds are so important for traffic.

Wishing you the best,

Try using my evergreen training, many people are still getting great results after over one year

You are an absolute genius! Thank you so much. I am seeing the light, at last! Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! :)

Just out of interest Kimberleigh, is it both desktop and mobile and what are you using as reference, please.

Hey Twack! Yes, it is both Desktop and Mobile - I am using a very light and fast theme now called Astra and have tried everything possible suggested by google but it keeps saying: Server Response time is too long. My website has been down for 6 weeks as I have been changing themes and testing various plugins to no avail.

Thank you. The reason I asked is that I'm having 'speed' issues but only on 'mobile' but mine was coming up with two issues:
'Time to Interactive at 8.8s and First CPU Idle at 7.3s.' ,my other site is fine. All images are optimised and I use 'Site content' to publish. All this leads me to look towards 'Theme' as you have done. I'm just researching at the moment to see if I can find anything else to look at.

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