About seodoc26
Rank 4405
664 followers Joined August 2018
Hello everyone. I'm Brian and really excited about building an online business. I have no experience with this but am eager to learn how





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asked in
Getting Started

Hi everyone, I have one google analytics account for my primary website and .com domain. What I want to do is verify a second website with google (siterubix.com site) also to

Great, thank you also. Now I have to re-figure out how to do all that again. lol

You still have access to the training Brian, so you are not without access to help, right. See screen print below...

That's why I love you so much. You always have a training-great answer. Thanks..... Got it.

She is Brian. She usually has the answer before I have the question. Some secret Canadian Super Power I guess.

I have two on my single Google account

Wow...Thank you for such a fast and direct response. Have a wonderful day

Yes, you can use your one account to verify as many sites as you want. Best of luck!

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Can I verify a second website on my 1 google account?

Can I verify a second website on my 1 google account?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi everyone, I have one google analytics account for my primary website and .com domain. What I want to do is verify a second website with google (siterubix.com site) also to

Great, thank you also. Now I have to re-figure out how to do all that again. lol

You still have access to the training Brian, so you are not without access to help, right. See screen print below...

That's why I love you so much. You always have a training-great answer. Thanks..... Got it.

She is Brian. She usually has the answer before I have the question. Some secret Canadian Super Power I guess.

I have two on my single Google account

Wow...Thank you for such a fast and direct response. Have a wonderful day

Yes, you can use your one account to verify as many sites as you want. Best of luck!

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

When I first started using AdSense the auto ads were great and related to my product and niche.

Now all the sudden I'm getting ads that, in my opinion take away from th

JImmy got your answer below. Use the blocking controls option.

Got it thank you

If you want to control the ads displayed go to your adsense account and go to the blocking controls.
However, if you suspect it is no longer effective because it shows ads not related to the niche maybe you are using auto ads change it to ad units.

Ahhhh.... Yes, I am using auto ads. Although at first they did a great job with relevance. Now I'm getting everything accept what's relevant. So thank you, I'll try changing to units. Many thanks!

Adsense auto ads display stuff relevant to the visitors search history usually, with not a lot of relevance to your niche. There are ways to control some of this in Adsense. I just haven't taken the time to do so.

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How can I display relevant ads with adsense?

How can I display relevant ads with adsense?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

When I first started using AdSense the auto ads were great and related to my product and niche.

Now all the sudden I'm getting ads that, in my opinion take away from th

JImmy got your answer below. Use the blocking controls option.

Got it thank you

If you want to control the ads displayed go to your adsense account and go to the blocking controls.
However, if you suspect it is no longer effective because it shows ads not related to the niche maybe you are using auto ads change it to ad units.

Ahhhh.... Yes, I am using auto ads. Although at first they did a great job with relevance. Now I'm getting everything accept what's relevant. So thank you, I'll try changing to units. Many thanks!

Adsense auto ads display stuff relevant to the visitors search history usually, with not a lot of relevance to your niche. There are ways to control some of this in Adsense. I just haven't taken the time to do so.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi....after following all the training I can find about adding Amazon ads to my website, ie:

- copy/paste product html code into "edit html"
- go back to visual and

Hey Brian,

Looks like I just wasted my time helping by offering you a resolution to this question you asked the first time: Wish members would not do this. Asking the same question twice like this takes time away from other member's question.

I apologise. After postng the first time no one responded. I thought something may be wrong so I reposted. I'm sorry I offended you. Thanks for responding though.

You didn't offend me Brian. As members, we have been asked to restrict from asking the same question. Some members have been on here asking the same question as much as 3 times in one day.

As members, we try and help each other out, but most of us cannot sit here and just wait for question to answer.

There will be times when yes, sometimes you will have to wait a bit for a response.

Hi - take a look at this video.

Thank you. I watched it. But like the rest I've watched, the content writer area looks like this (1st image), mine looks like he this (2nd image). So again, after following the directions on the video, my e Editor and the ones that the videos are using don't seem to mesh. I don't know what to do.

Hi - it looks as though you are using a different version of WordPress, but the principle should be the same. I presume you are trying to add the HTML from an Amazon Text + Image link?

So, in the video, when it tells you to add the code to the text section, in your case, you add it to the Code Editor section. Then click update. When you switch back to the Visual Editor, the image should be there. When viewing it on your website, you will probably need to refresh the page, the first time you try it.

Ok. I'll try that thank you

This is always my end result in a published page

Ok, so you are not trying to add a Text + Image link, where it shows just one product? Are you creating a Native Shopping Ad, where you have several recommended products?

I think part of your code is missing. It should start with < and end with >

Check you have copied the code in full.

Ok... It happens that I am trying to add a native ad. However, I've tried all that include an image: Amazon banners, link + image, images and native. The only thing that actually works is a text link.

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the code I copied so I'll check that again.

I did it again paying close attention to the code added. Same result. Prior to updating I get the small pic box after switching back to visual. After updating I see only the code published

Ok, just remembered - when you are adding a Native Shopping Ad, when you look at in Visual mode, you are correct - all you will see is a small box. However, when you look at it on your website, the images should be there. I am determined we will sort this out!

Lol... Yes, that's what the training says too. My image 3 is a screenshot of the update on my site which only shows the code--no actual image

You are definitely missing some code. I have just created several different ads as an experiment, and they all start with the same script, which for some reason, it won't let me paste here.

Can you do a screenprint of the Amazon page, where it shows the code you should be copying?

<iframe src="//rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?o=1&p=13&l=ez&f=ifr&linkID=5bb247f4998f7331e4aa668392a67260&t=seodoc26-20&tracking_id=seodoc26-20" width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Thats of a generic banner ad on Amazon. My screen is not working very well

Now you are confusing me! That is an entirely different code from the ones you showed in your previous screen prints!

Your previous screenprint was for the placement of a Native Shopping Ad, with specific recommended products.

This code appears to be for an Amazon banner? That is added in a different way, using a widget.

Here is the code for the Native Ad with 4 products attached:

amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "seodoc26-20";
amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
amzn_assoc_region = "US";
amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks";
amzn_assoc_linkid = "db7d3d58658f7507c500a105ac05abb4";
amzn_assoc_asins = "B072QLXK2T,B01DM6BDA4,B07K7GQTSB,B00N2ZDXW2";

This is from Amazon's Ring 2 product line

Sorry, this is the Native ad. I guess I am starting to lose it. Been up all night doing this. My apologies. Below is the correct Native ad

amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "seodoc26-20";
amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
amzn_assoc_region = "US";
amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks";
amzn_assoc_linkid = "db7d3d58658f7507c500a105ac05abb4";
amzn_assoc_asins = "B072QLXK2T,B01DM6BDA4,B07K7GQTSB,B00N2ZDXW2";

I don't know.....it keeps putting [removed] in there for some reason. that's not in the code

That's ok, I know what it should say in the "removed" spaces, and it looks like its the correct code.

Let's think about this from another angle. I notice from your profile you joined WA over a year ago. When did you join Amazon's affiliate program?

Approximately a month ago

That's not the answer then. I was wondering if you were perhaps using a previous Amazon affiliate account, which you had been removed from for not meeting the target. I will continue to think about it.

I applied because Kyle in the training said to apply. So I did and was accepted. So here I am trying make my site Amazon friendly.

I was accepted to AdSense also two weeks ago. I was suspended yesterday for 30 days because I guess I voilated some of there policies. So, those ads are down now for 30 days.

My site is: videosecuritygroup.com. I have been a member for a year, then got caught up working too many hours and wasn't able to dedicate any time to my site. So I picked back up in July and have made alot of progress and am currently working on reviews to add to my site.

Everything is happening all at once: my mobile side is sooo low, my desk top is high 90's, my images need SEO, my site is a mess. Since I don't know exactly what to do, I just re-concentrated on my training and am starting to write reviews.

So, I am making time out of no time. I don't know...I'm pretty frustrated and have not made the progress I want. I have so many errors in google console but site support says everything is alright.

This is all new to me

I really appreciate your input. It's 8:30 am here, I have a 2 hour drive to work in traffic. So I'll be back home in front of a computer about 3 am my time. I am available all day and night by the WA app on my phone though. I just won't be able to do anything on a computer until I get back home.

I am doing this because I have a dream and no retirement future. My site is all about a two-step program: Educating and providing knowledge about why people need to have a family plan of action in the event of live burglaries and home invasions, and--invest in a low cost efficient home security system for added protection.

I do like to write and now I am 57. My plan is to be retired by 2026 while continuing to build these types of websites. Goal is to travel and call home wherever I want. I am racing a little against time I suppose but I feel better now then not at all.

Thanks again for your help


I am in the UK, and it's 4:45 pm. I will get back to you when I have figured something out. Security is an important topic. I was burgled 2 years ago, and they took my car keys (which I stupidly left in my kitchen) and stole my car. Talk to you soon.

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How to make amazon ads show on website?

How to make amazon ads show on website?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi....after following all the training I can find about adding Amazon ads to my website, ie:

- copy/paste product html code into "edit html"
- go back to visual and

Hey Brian,

Looks like I just wasted my time helping by offering you a resolution to this question you asked the first time: Wish members would not do this. Asking the same question twice like this takes time away from other member's question.

I apologise. After postng the first time no one responded. I thought something may be wrong so I reposted. I'm sorry I offended you. Thanks for responding though.

You didn't offend me Brian. As members, we have been asked to restrict from asking the same question. Some members have been on here asking the same question as much as 3 times in one day.

As members, we try and help each other out, but most of us cannot sit here and just wait for question to answer.

There will be times when yes, sometimes you will have to wait a bit for a response.

Hi - take a look at this video.

Thank you. I watched it. But like the rest I've watched, the content writer area looks like this (1st image), mine looks like he this (2nd image). So again, after following the directions on the video, my e Editor and the ones that the videos are using don't seem to mesh. I don't know what to do.

Hi - it looks as though you are using a different version of WordPress, but the principle should be the same. I presume you are trying to add the HTML from an Amazon Text + Image link?

So, in the video, when it tells you to add the code to the text section, in your case, you add it to the Code Editor section. Then click update. When you switch back to the Visual Editor, the image should be there. When viewing it on your website, you will probably need to refresh the page, the first time you try it.

Ok. I'll try that thank you

This is always my end result in a published page

Ok, so you are not trying to add a Text + Image link, where it shows just one product? Are you creating a Native Shopping Ad, where you have several recommended products?

I think part of your code is missing. It should start with < and end with >

Check you have copied the code in full.

Ok... It happens that I am trying to add a native ad. However, I've tried all that include an image: Amazon banners, link + image, images and native. The only thing that actually works is a text link.

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the code I copied so I'll check that again.

I did it again paying close attention to the code added. Same result. Prior to updating I get the small pic box after switching back to visual. After updating I see only the code published

Ok, just remembered - when you are adding a Native Shopping Ad, when you look at in Visual mode, you are correct - all you will see is a small box. However, when you look at it on your website, the images should be there. I am determined we will sort this out!

Lol... Yes, that's what the training says too. My image 3 is a screenshot of the update on my site which only shows the code--no actual image

You are definitely missing some code. I have just created several different ads as an experiment, and they all start with the same script, which for some reason, it won't let me paste here.

Can you do a screenprint of the Amazon page, where it shows the code you should be copying?

<iframe src="//rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?o=1&p=13&l=ez&f=ifr&linkID=5bb247f4998f7331e4aa668392a67260&t=seodoc26-20&tracking_id=seodoc26-20" width="468" height="60" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Thats of a generic banner ad on Amazon. My screen is not working very well

Now you are confusing me! That is an entirely different code from the ones you showed in your previous screen prints!

Your previous screenprint was for the placement of a Native Shopping Ad, with specific recommended products.

This code appears to be for an Amazon banner? That is added in a different way, using a widget.

Here is the code for the Native Ad with 4 products attached:

amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "seodoc26-20";
amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
amzn_assoc_region = "US";
amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks";
amzn_assoc_linkid = "db7d3d58658f7507c500a105ac05abb4";
amzn_assoc_asins = "B072QLXK2T,B01DM6BDA4,B07K7GQTSB,B00N2ZDXW2";

This is from Amazon's Ring 2 product line

Sorry, this is the Native ad. I guess I am starting to lose it. Been up all night doing this. My apologies. Below is the correct Native ad

amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true";
amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "seodoc26-20";
amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
amzn_assoc_region = "US";
amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks";
amzn_assoc_linkid = "db7d3d58658f7507c500a105ac05abb4";
amzn_assoc_asins = "B072QLXK2T,B01DM6BDA4,B07K7GQTSB,B00N2ZDXW2";

I don't know.....it keeps putting [removed] in there for some reason. that's not in the code

That's ok, I know what it should say in the "removed" spaces, and it looks like its the correct code.

Let's think about this from another angle. I notice from your profile you joined WA over a year ago. When did you join Amazon's affiliate program?

Approximately a month ago

That's not the answer then. I was wondering if you were perhaps using a previous Amazon affiliate account, which you had been removed from for not meeting the target. I will continue to think about it.

I applied because Kyle in the training said to apply. So I did and was accepted. So here I am trying make my site Amazon friendly.

I was accepted to AdSense also two weeks ago. I was suspended yesterday for 30 days because I guess I voilated some of there policies. So, those ads are down now for 30 days.

My site is: videosecuritygroup.com. I have been a member for a year, then got caught up working too many hours and wasn't able to dedicate any time to my site. So I picked back up in July and have made alot of progress and am currently working on reviews to add to my site.

Everything is happening all at once: my mobile side is sooo low, my desk top is high 90's, my images need SEO, my site is a mess. Since I don't know exactly what to do, I just re-concentrated on my training and am starting to write reviews.

So, I am making time out of no time. I don't know...I'm pretty frustrated and have not made the progress I want. I have so many errors in google console but site support says everything is alright.

This is all new to me

I really appreciate your input. It's 8:30 am here, I have a 2 hour drive to work in traffic. So I'll be back home in front of a computer about 3 am my time. I am available all day and night by the WA app on my phone though. I just won't be able to do anything on a computer until I get back home.

I am doing this because I have a dream and no retirement future. My site is all about a two-step program: Educating and providing knowledge about why people need to have a family plan of action in the event of live burglaries and home invasions, and--invest in a low cost efficient home security system for added protection.

I do like to write and now I am 57. My plan is to be retired by 2026 while continuing to build these types of websites. Goal is to travel and call home wherever I want. I am racing a little against time I suppose but I feel better now then not at all.

Thanks again for your help


I am in the UK, and it's 4:45 pm. I will get back to you when I have figured something out. Security is an important topic. I was burgled 2 years ago, and they took my car keys (which I stupidly left in my kitchen) and stole my car. Talk to you soon.

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