Are you lazy or procrastinate?

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This morning one of our interns ask this question. What is the difference between lazy and procrastination? Well I did not think that there would be a big difference, but there is so I got told.

See the lesson I got and how my intern sees the difference in procrastination...

( all this got triggered because we cancelled a project this morning)

So the world does not always unfold according to our expectations. Lady Luck steps in sometimes when we been putting off a task and never got around doing it. What a happy moment when a project gets cancelled, and it turns out your boss doesn't need the report anymore you never got around writing it in the first place. Is this a happy moment but is this procrastination or is it intuition. No this is called "beneficial procrastination."

It only happens when the world operates against your expectations on average. There is a way the word is used, and it is believed that delaying something is procrastination. Most of the time it is not.
Is procrastination like going to Vegas and spinning the roulette wheel? Once in a while, you win, but most of the time you won't.
He gave me a card and said what do you think? That is me right ...


That got me thinking, what is procrastination? Is it a delay for tasks to do because we don't like, want or not ready to do or is it laziness.

What do you think?

Have a great and wonderful Day


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Hello, Sandy

Lovely post!. Mark Waldman’s definition is correct. We often, if not always, postpone unpleasant work. Have you noticed, though, the pleasure, the satisfaction after that work is completed! You then wonder? What took me so long?!

Often it is a sense of urgency that pushes us on: Loss of or the need to secure a regular income; sheer love and passion for the project; an urge for “benevolent revenge” ( subject for a blog, perhaps); and so on.

I find working to a schedule that goes with a to-do list for the day helps me to avoid procrastinating. If mos of the items of the list are not ticked off, I do not sleep well!


Hi Mojalefa
I am a big list lover, and my list is still handwritten ( just something to do with the energy and feel I put in) it will be done faster, and it is so true. I am always excited when I tick off the items on my daily list.
Have a wonderful day

Both are unproductive and won’t get you to your goal!

Hi Marcus
Indeed they are. Depends on the lazy person vibration as I have a friend and she is lazy but she gets things in life easily.
Have a beautiful day
Cheers Sylvia

Yes, both.

Thanks for stopping by
Have a wonderful day
Cheers Sylvia

For me it's a combination of both. Actually, I'd say that laziness is more less is a form of procrastination and distraction is another. I need to put plates on my car and i have to do it today. So that would be laziness since i have been holding out til the last minute.

Where as, i've been working on a post and throughout the week i've been distracted by other things that have put put that in a stalemate. There is a small amount of laziness there as well because of the focus and concentration it takes to channel every ounce my fiber and being into getting the content onto the page. I too often fall short of the challenge and have to remind myself the article is'nt going to write itself and I have to rise to it.

Glad you wrote this, been on my mind a lot lately, Brad

Hi Brad
Yep, good explanation. I can relate to that.
I believe the person who is lazy is happier than the person who procrastinates. Yep, good explanation.

Have a great day

Procrastination is being busy, but doing nothing productive with your business.

Laziness is just doing nothing. Not even pretending to be busy.


Yes, that is also an explanation. Why do we procrastinate? What is the reason behind it? I know myself that I do it when I don't like to do something. I found a solution and I delegate the work to others or I outsource. Have a great day.
Cheers Sylvia

I think the main reason behind the procrastination is we are trying to avoid something we either don't like or are not sure of. If we procrastinate for long enough maybe it will resolve itself!


procrastination is being very busy with the wrong things, lazy is escaping every chore

Hi Loes
being busy with the wrong things so you don't need to do the other things you are procrastinating about. Done it and been there.
Have a beautiful day

Laziness is when I feel like doing nothing.
That might be for example aimlessly watching YouTube videos, or just TV with no value in it.
Fortunately, I am not that often in such state.

Procrastination is when I have a plan or to do list and I do not take action towards finishing it off.
Sometimes I do procrastinate in “academic” way :)
Meaning, I do not write content, but I watch tutorials or Live training videos and taking notes.
Or I do activities as I would not normally do – like mow the lawn, or clean the car…

The important thing is to get back to the to do list and be productive.
That might be difficult, but I think that is one of the faculty that can be mastered. (like muscles)

All the best :)

Sounds good and I have to admit I went onto the Internet and search for the deeper meaning of it. It states in an article that procrastination is an inner avoidance of facing or doing something.
I have to say it started to raise some question marks for me since this morning when our intern started to ask me that question.
Cheers Sylvia

Yes, the above question is a valid one indeed, to my mind it's certainly a combination of both.
Procrastination is and always will be the thief of time...... time can never be regained, and we only have so much time to do what we have to in life!
Sylvia, thanks for sharing and take care.


You are so right. It is such a great gift our time. I love when Albert Einstein quotes" “Time and space are not conditions of existence, time and space is a model for thinking.”
— Albert Einstein

I think it's all of the above Sylvia.

Yes, I think it is both. But it makes me think that sometimes we are supposed to do things, we don't do them for whatever reason and when you get around doing them they are done so fast and so easily maybe that wasn't the right time for us or because we are not ready. I know with things I don't like to do I will procrastinate 1000percent. Most of the time I look for someone to do it for me.
Cheers Sylvia

I can totally relate Sylvia.

Yes, I'm lazy sometimes and I procrastinate. This is something I have to work on. :)



Hello Hugh
I think this is the human race, I know when I procrastinate than it is most of the time the work I don't like to do. But that you can not categorise as lazy as lazy comes with peace of mind as you do not worry about it. Whereas procrastination comes with worry and constant thinking of the task.
My belief somehow got split into different thoughts now.
Cheers Sylvia

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