Tags for seo


More than one member asked me the same question after I published my previous blog - https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/robert-a/blog/easy...

These members asked about the various tags, namely Meta and Title, they should use and where within their articles/blogs.

There seems to be a wide difference of opinion regarding Meta Tags because the ‘Experts’ believe them to be obsolete. I beg to differ.

Meta tags are not obsolete and I have no hesitation in saying that meta tags are still used by all the major search engines and are extremely important to search engine ranking. If you need proof of how important meta tags are, try removing your meta tags and watch what happens to your search engine results.

In my opinion, and remember it is only my opinion, Meta tags are frequently overlooked but they can and do improve the ranking of any website.

How do I know this? I have tested my meta tags time and time again just to be absolutely sure they are being used by the search engines to rank my website’s content; therefore I can definitely say that meta tags are used for a description of the webpage and for indexing within the search results.

Now we come to the Title Tag. The title tag is one of the most important on-page SEO factors to consider. This is because it’s the first tag that search engine spiders read and place a high level of importance on the keywords found within it.

The title tag is also used for the title of your listing in the search results.

Correct title tag optimization is essential and will result in a dramatic increase in your search engine ranking. The title tag should contain at least one or more keywords to be of any relevance to the webpage.

Search engine spiders will go on to read the Description Meta Tag next.

This tag is often used as a description of your website. The description tag should also contain a few keywords.

The Keyword Meta Tag is also very important to search engine ranking giving search engine spiders a sample of relevant text and content within a webpage.

So to finish folks I have said it before and will say it again no matter who disagrees with me - To achieve high search engine ranking please optimize your meta data because proper on-page optimization will greatly improve where your site is placed by the search engines.

Have a read of an article on one of my sites. It contains information that is relevant to this blog and also contains links to more information on Tags.


If you agree or disagree with the content of this blog then please leave a comment and tell me and your fellow members why.

Have a great day.

Robert Allan

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Recent Comments


I like this one Robert, very interesting in deed.

No probs helping out Tim and thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Hope it helps you out in 2016.

Very helpful on this complex subject.

Hello Michael and thank you for your comment.
Always happy to point people in the right direction.
Have a great night tonight but remember - a sorry heid the morn as we say over here in Scotland.

Great stuff Robert thank you.

No probs George and thank you for reading my blog and leaving a comment.
I will get around to see what you've done to improve your site in due course but as its the 31st - hope you have a great brand new year ahead off you.

Hi Robert. I would also add that as a "user" on Google, if I search for something and the link comes up with good title and tag lines I am much more likely to click on that link, even if it is ranked below the ones with automatically generated meta-titles/description. (If that makes sense). I think it's easier on the eye in general. Thank you for the advice and clear description :)

Thanks for the comment Clare and I would do the same as you.
Its a personal preference at the end of the day.
Might not be the right choice but its yours and that's what counts.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience. Geoff

Hello Geoff and thank you for your comment.
Hope you went away with some helpful tips/advice.
Always glad to point people in the right direction.
have a nice day.

Hi Robert. I have read your previous blog and do not remember anybody questioning the importance of meta tags.

Here are a few facts:

a) Meta title and meta description are clearly used by many people. Jay recommends adding them. I do add them them every time.

b) The fact is that in WA lessons meta description and meta title are simply left to Google because regardless what you put in meta title and meta description this can be ignored by Google. You missed to say this in the examples you gave above. Of course Google uses Meta Title and Meta Description but those are not always your own.

I am not writing this as an 'expert' because I am not an expert, this is only what we learn here at WA.

You write ":If you agree or disagree with the content of this blog then please leave a comment and tell me and your fellow members why."

I did make some comments in your previous blog where I disagreed with some statements (but those were unrelated to meta tags so I assume I am not an 'expert' you have in mind). However instead of responding within the blog you sent me a PM. The blog is the place to discuss such things openly.

I respect what you write but this is my thinking.

Hello and thank you for your comment.
Of course you wont remember anyone questioning the importance of meta tags - unless of course you have found a way to access my PMs.

I always base my blogs on personal experience and research and I did say in my blog that this is my opinion?

Everyone has their own opinions on everything so I'm not in the least bit surprised that you don't agree.

As for experts I meant those that put themselves across as such on the internet. I think half the time they just like to see themselves in print and I for one don't pay a great deal of attention to what they say anyway and like most other people (WA members included) I make up my own mind and if it works for me then I don't see the harm in passing on tips/advice to fellow members.

I hope you agree with this and if not then that's ok and have a great day anyway.

Thank you Robert, no problem at my side, I appreciate what you are saying.

Okey dokey.
We can agree to disagree on virtually anything on the planet as long as we don't fall out over it.
Life's way too short for that.
Have a great day/evening.

You too Robert, all the best. We are fine for sure.

As always, a good blog from you Robert. I always find them helpful and when I get chance I use your knowledge as its intended. Thank

Hello Paul, haven't heard from you in awhile.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog though.
All comments good or bad are always welcome but I hope that everyone who reads my blogs goes away with some little snippet of helpful info.
Have a nice day down there in Herefordshire.

Windy Wet and Sodden Hertfordshire to be precise. But thankfully as I am up in the Mountains ( literally ) not flooded thankfully. Cheers

No probs, just as wet up here but the cold settling in for tonight.
Enjoy whats left of your evening.

nice job

Hello Chuck and thank you for reading my blog.
Hope it was of some help to you and you go on to put into practice the info it contains.
Have a nice day.

Thank you for sharing this :)

My but that was fast for a reply but thank you for you comment and glad to help out.
Perhaps the members who where still a wee bit confused while 'get It' now.
A picture says a thousand words as they say so that's why the oics are in this blog.
Have a great day.

HI Robert and I LOVE this as it clearly shows what to do and what is meant - thank you for sharing and I now have it filed away - best regards Paul

A quick reply Paul so thank you for that and for your comment of course.
Glad to keep members up to speed on what to have within their meta data.
Have a nice day.

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