Just Upgraded to Premium Plus - This is getting serious.

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So, I have taken the plunge and upgraded to PPlus.

What after all this time, has persuaded me to take the plunge? Well, it was a couple of things really.

  1. After 7 years of being a Premium member and not doing anything of any note here apart from starting a couple of websites and then letting them sit, I was thinking I should either get serious or do the dreaded quit and accept it was never going to happen. Well, I am not a quitter, even if it takes me 7 years to realise it so I returned to have a look around. What did I find? I found an amazing Hub system that made the training so much more streamlined and easy to follow. Then, I noticed something else and that is my second point....
  2. AI. Oh wow, this is a game changer. Suddenly I realised I could be publishing a post every day in a fraction of the time it would have taken previously. I now know I can bank posts at the weekend for publishing daily during the week, allowing me to get on with other things.

So, there you have it. I am here to stay and have now taken the step to get serious.

If you are new, and just checking things out, there really is no excuse for failing anymore. Everything is here and as far as I can see, Kyle and Carson are evolving the platform all the time at an insane rate.

Onwards and upwards to the top. See you all there!!!


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Recent Comments


Congratulations, Richard, on your upgrade!

Doesn't it feel good to work in the Hubs system? I love it! The Hubs system helps me so much. Have fun with it :)

Best wishes for your success here in Wealthy Affiliate! I'm following you, also.


Many thanks Teri,

I've followed you as well.

Congratulations on your upgrade and I know you will do great :)

Thanks, Letina,

I hope you are doing great.

I’m trying to stay positive… if I can do that I think I can make it 🤞🏻😊

Many congratulations on your upgrade Richard and the new tools we have here now are indeed game changers!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Many thanks, Nick.

You're most welcome my friend! :-)

Awesome, congrats Richard and great to hear you are stepping back in to really focus on your business growth. I know you are going to love Premium Plus+ and I can't wait to see where you take your business in the months and year ahead!

Keep us updated!

Certainly will.

I have my sights set on Las Vegas in January but not sure if things will fire up quickly enough. However, if not January then certainly 2026. No doubt.

Congratulations, Richard!

Best wishes for your success here in Wealthy Affiliate!

Thanks, Howard.

Congratulations Richard!

Now get to work! lol


Thanks, Jay,

Already rocking. 9 posts in 6 days and counting.

It is time (about time!!!)

Excellent Richard!

Here's some additional inspiration:

Thanks, Jay.

I have just given it a watch and as always, it is good to have examples of things working when we are just starting.

There is it right there.

My focus right now is on a website that will be promoting WA and when I have that making some sales I will fire up a niche website I started 18 months ago.

But for now, I will publish a minimum of 1 post a day on my WA site.


Woohoo! That's a great move, Richard! Congratulations.

Thanks, Abie,

All systems go now.

That's awesome, Richard! All the best.

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