Kyle Is Not a Robot!

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Kyle Is Not a Robot!

Not a statement that I'd ever expected to have to make, but I saw this accusation the other day in Live Chat.

Kyle is just AI giving AI generated answers to questions posed by naive members in Live Chat.

And, of course, like all good conspiracy theories, not to be swayed by any evidence to the contrary.

Any denial by Kyle can be countered with "of course, AI would deny that it's AI, wouldn't it?"

Still, it was good for a laugh.

More on Live Chat

I also wanted to take this opportunity, on behalf of all of us who respond with help for other members (especially newbies) in Live Chat, is that none us ever expect:

  1. Thanks
  2. Acknowledgment
  3. Responses to our follow-up questions seeking clarity so that we can give a better answer.

We are sure that you understand that, although we have our own businesses to run, nothing is more important to us than helping you. If we don't understand your question such as "how do i link the videos?" or "what is this all about?" that's our fault and we shouldn't insult you by asking for more information.

Sorry, must have taken my Cynical Pill this morning.

My apologies to the many members who do use Live Chat correctly. We do enjoy helping you.

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Hey Phil,

I know I am late to this party but couldn't help share my thoughts. I came across this post as I was reading some of your very valuable content and thought it funny that people will have the nerve to put such an allegation out there in a live chat. As a newbie I can only say a big thank you for the help and responses either from Kyle (AI) or any of your others who are running your own businesses but still find time to help. These responses have been very helpful and with over 2 million people on this platform I wouldn't bart an eye should there be a bot answering questions but I know there isn't. So like many have alluded to in response to your post there will always be those types hiding behind screens and waiting cause commotion. Thanks though for bringing this to light and I am very grateful for all of you who jump in to help when I have a question.

have a great day
best Sheila Daisy

Thanks, Sheila, A lovely, thoughtful comment.

Hi Sheila,

Its never too late to turn up to a party, because the party in Wealthy Affiliate just carries on, no matter what time of day it is. hahaha


PS: I am not a bot

But a bot would say that, wouldn't it?

Hi there, Phil.

There will always be ingrates lurking around for lack of nothing better to do.
These myopic, bottom-feeders will eventually destroy themselves.

I am very honored to have you and all other high-profile affiliates giving us guidance and direction. What you do for the WAC is absolutely phenomenal.

By the way, is that a generic Cynical pill?
Have a wonderful week.


Thanks, Rachele. No, it was prescribed for me when I was born.

Love your sense of humor, Phil.

Not the first time, nor the last. I think people find it unusual that an actual owner would communicate with the community and with people who haven't paid them. We have never been on a high horse, nor do we ever plan on doing business that way.

But with AI, I think more and more people are going to wonder about that...there have been folks that have questioned if the entire chat was AI. lol

Although I haven't had any thoughts of you being a bot, I have been amazed at the time you are on live chat and also that you have returned every message I have sent to you!

Hats off to you and this wonderful community that you guys and gals have created.

Keep your work ethics this way. Respect to you and your team!

🌟 Nellya

So good, he must be AI. I can think of worse allegations lol.

So true!

We all feel that way, Nellya. It's a refreshing change.

Hi Kyle,
I've been trying to reach you. I wanted to get help with my membership status right now. I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

Kyle is unlikely to see a message posted here. Have you tried contacting him at as I previously advised?

Yes, I tried that when you sent me the direct link. I can keep trying I guess...

Haha, I work all hours of the day, sometimes in here at 2am, sometimes at 5am, and somewhere in between. The beauty of an internet business, you don't need a static schedule and it can work around your life (which can be crazy with 2 active kids lol).

Don't worry, we will never change our ways of help and support!

No worries, I will get you sorted Haeyeon, getting back to you right now. :)

I always used to say that the beauty of having your own business was that you could choose which 80 hours of the week you wanted to work.

Hahaha 🤣

Like all good jokes, it has an element of truth. You are always working to self-imposed deadlines.

Good morning Phil,

That's a good title for a blog post, Phil!

I have to admit I am utterly amazed how, when I write a comment on a blog post, Kyle always manages to comment. I know that you are talking more about live chat, Phil, but with everything going on, I know Kyle must be unbelievably busy!

I don't spend that much time on live chat, but I believe I happened to see what you mentioned, Phil! Maybe because Kyle is so quick and responsive in general, people do not believe that he is real! I'm amazed at how much time Kyle actually spends helping the community, despite all the other projects he has going on.

I also write on a few other forms, but not like I do on Wealthy Affiliate. I have to say that Wealthy Affiliate is by far the most friendly forum I have been part of.

Have a great day.


Yes, he is very active Roy. The person who made the comment has also responded here and explained that she didn't really think that Kyle wasn't a real person, but was just frustrated at not getting any responses other than boilerplate to her payments issue.

I understand, Phil, where the lady is coming from. However, the messages that she was referring to were also not from live chat, I believe.

Have a great day.


Kyle responded to her in Live Chat today, so she may be getting somewhere.

That's good, Phil, let's hope so! When you're new to the platform, it can be easy to get frustrated, especially if it's regarding a payment. People need to remember that it is a massive platform with huge amounts of activity. I have to say that I think Kyle and his team do an amazing job in general.


I'd agree with that.


I have written to Kyle multiple times as you can see from my attachments to this message. THE SAME MESSAGE comes back. Are you saying that Kyle himself sent the same message to me personally? Again, and again, and again?? I personally would not send the same EXACT thing over 4 different times in a week. Sorry if I'm not laughing. It's not funny to me. At least someone's laughing at another's expense.

By the way, your phone number is an automated message as well. I tried calling and received Kyle's voice message. Which of course, is always the same since it's a recording. I couldn't get in touch with anyone (a real live person) about my issue and what happened. It's very rude to butt your head into someone else's personal issues with what's going on. I wrote on the chat that day because I can't get a single person to communicate with.

Haeyeon, these are boilerplate messages. It doesn't mean they are AI generated, just created once and then copied and pasted in response to common queries. I have several of them that I use myself.

And I'm sorry if you are offended but the suggestion that Kyle is an AI was very funny to those of us who have known him for years and have had many personal interactions with him.

What was the specific issue that you were unable to get help with?

Well as I said in my previous reply, what is your actual issue? Maybe we can help.

Well, funds have been tight around the holidays and I'm not making big bucks right now. I cancelled my automatic payment for November. It still went through. I have reached out to Kyle via email and also reported the issue with ticket messages. I tried calling the WA phone number for a live representative. Much to no avail, I'm losing an uphill battle. I was going to return after the holidays when I have more free time and funds. As each day goes by I know it counts toward my premium membership for November(which I haven't been using). I had read it's easy to cancel a premium membership and then reinstate it later. However, I can't seem to get a hold of anyone. I am frustrated by the situation and my last resort was live chat. I still haven't heard from anyone and I just get automated messages in every way I reach out. When I wrote that message in the live chat I know that Kyle is a real person, I just meant I'm getting automated messages. I am well aware of how automated email messages work and all. I'm not saying Kyle is a bot. I just need help.

Did you contact Kyle directly at ?

I posted a question to him there a couple of days ago and it was answered by him within the hour.

Your frustration is understandable.

I will try again. Thanks.

Good luck with it. Please let me know how it goes.

Hi - I am sorry, you are not getting the response you need.

Did you cancel your subscription through your account settings?

That is the only way it can be done.

And if you paid by PayPal, did you cancel the recurring subscription there, too?

If you didn't do both of these, I suggest you take that action now, to ensure no further payments are taken.

Thanks for helping with this one, Diane.

Hi DianeScorpio,
I have cancelled on both the account settings and also contacted PayPal about it. I still have no response from anyone :(

I saw that he commented on this post. I left a comment for him. I hope he responds
since he already has to you.

Here are two files to show that I had cancelled my account early in the morning on that day and was still charged. As soon as the payment when through Paypal (you can see the dates on both files) I contacted PayPal right away as soon as I saw what had happened. Since the 15th of November I have been trying everyday via direct email, ticket messages, Paypal, by phone...I tried doing everything I could. I can't get anyone to talk to me about this. By the way, I'm not asking to speak directly with Kyle. I'd just like to talk to anybody who can resolve this issue. Thank you for your help.

The problem is, that WA payments are not handled by WA itself, they use a third-party payment processor.

And cancelling on the day the payment is due is too late, ideally it should be at least the day before.

However, I see that Kyle responded to you an hour ago, so hopefully, it's resolved now.

That's clear, Diane.

Yes, he has responded to me via direct message. Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it greatly.

Thanks for your help Phil. This post ended up getting me in direct contact with Kyle. I received the help I badly needed. Thanks again!

You're welcome, Haeyeon and I'm really happy that it's worked out for you.

Kyle, thank you very much for the update. You have a wonderful Monday, My Friend.


Thanks, Larry but it's Phil, not Kyle.

phil, i'm so sorry, I did it again.😊😊😊😊😊😊

No problems. It just made me smile.

Phil, 😁 Larry

I take my hat off to those who help the newbie’s on live chat.
Some of the questions can be answered IF the new member had read the training.
Also I sometimes cringe when I see someone insulted while trying to help. Luckily it doesn’t happen often. And I think it is mainly done because the newer member does not understand that you are “ helping” and trying to run your own business at the same time.
Politeness and decorum are a big plus when first navigating “live chat”
Overall, I love seeing questions from new members as it shows involvement and a willingness to learn.



Yes, I love helping those who are willing to be helped.

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