About PaulineT
Rank 39265
1,444 followers Joined August 2016
Hi. I'm Pauline. Grew up in the Caribbean but now reside in the UK with my two children. I am keen to start my own





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asked in
Getting Started

Can someoneclarify the difference between the two. Thanks.

A domain name can be likened to a license name or copyright for a domain.name. IT is exclusive to the registered owner as long as the annual fee is kept current. Here are a few items that a domain can be used for.....

Website: www,(mydomain).com
email: George@(mydomain).com
FTP server for exchanging very large file: ftp.(mydomain),com.

Hope helps Pauline



Yes, these examples have answered my question. Thanks Pat.
One other question... Can a website be moved to a different domain or does it have to stay within the same domain throughout its lifetime?

thank you

I read all of the answers, already given to you and I think I got lost...

The domain name is the (hhtp://somethingsmething.com)
the website name is ON the website when you click onto it.

This page, for example, is 'Wealthy Affiliate'

The DOMAIN NAME is (http://) my.wealthyafilliate.com....

thank you


Domain is a registered address, so you build the site in such a location, like a house.

Yes they can read the same, usually they do.

Very good. Great example.

Oh....I don't think I even knew there was a difference. Easy explanation, thanks!!!

A website cannot exist without a domain to rest in. However, a domain can be empty and still exists.

A website is born when you place a WordPress Install ,( or another platform) in it.

Ok. But can I use the same name for both? E.g. fishingrods.com

Yes, technically by altering your themes and menus. However, both could not exists together and there would be mass confusion.

One WP Install per Website, one Website per Domain.

Create a subdomain of the domain if you want to do as you say.

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What is the difference between domain name and website name?

What is the difference between domain name and website name?

asked in
Getting Started

Can someoneclarify the difference between the two. Thanks.

A domain name can be likened to a license name or copyright for a domain.name. IT is exclusive to the registered owner as long as the annual fee is kept current. Here are a few items that a domain can be used for.....

Website: www,(mydomain).com
email: George@(mydomain).com
FTP server for exchanging very large file: ftp.(mydomain),com.

Hope helps Pauline



Yes, these examples have answered my question. Thanks Pat.
One other question... Can a website be moved to a different domain or does it have to stay within the same domain throughout its lifetime?

thank you

I read all of the answers, already given to you and I think I got lost...

The domain name is the (hhtp://somethingsmething.com)
the website name is ON the website when you click onto it.

This page, for example, is 'Wealthy Affiliate'

The DOMAIN NAME is (http://) my.wealthyafilliate.com....

thank you


Domain is a registered address, so you build the site in such a location, like a house.

Yes they can read the same, usually they do.

Very good. Great example.

Oh....I don't think I even knew there was a difference. Easy explanation, thanks!!!

A website cannot exist without a domain to rest in. However, a domain can be empty and still exists.

A website is born when you place a WordPress Install ,( or another platform) in it.

Ok. But can I use the same name for both? E.g. fishingrods.com

Yes, technically by altering your themes and menus. However, both could not exists together and there would be mass confusion.

One WP Install per Website, one Website per Domain.

Create a subdomain of the domain if you want to do as you say.

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asked in
Getting Started

Building my first website

Good luck to your new website.

Use as many words necessary to tell a story.

As many as you like - ask yourself - how much do people want to read about me and why?

Cool! Thanks CateR.

It can be as long as it needs to be to let people know how you got to where you are now :)

I thought there was a limit of 500 words which is why I asked. I remember reading on a blog that Google has a limit off 500 words on posts or am I mistaken?

No, Google loves long, short and medium articles - as long as they are relevant and written with the reader in mind, rather than SEO being the first priority :)

Thanks Jude. Greatly appreciate all your input everyone :)

I geared my "about me" to my niche and how it intertwined. I didn't just make a general information section. So that might change how much information to include.

As many as you like


Have a look on my website www.Freeweightlossprogram.siterubix.com
I have made strong about me page on it with alot of words and made it kind of interesting
You might get some help from it :)

Will do Zoha. Thanks.

Mine is only about 60 words, but I'm satisfied with it. It's obviously very short, but it still describes both me and my site very well.

I'll remember that as well for other 'about me' posts in future. Thanks Hofmeister.

Tell people what you want them to know,keep it simple but true.I find long winded material is boring to reed,but the choice is yours.

Ok so there isn't a 500 word limit then

There's no 500 word limit on any pages or posts Pauline.

all the best

Thanks. Same to you also! Do you know the answer to my question?

I dont actually remember now

Keep it short and best


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How many words are allowed in the 'about me' section ?

How many words are allowed in the 'about me' section ?

asked in
Getting Started

Building my first website

Good luck to your new website.

Use as many words necessary to tell a story.

As many as you like - ask yourself - how much do people want to read about me and why?

Cool! Thanks CateR.

It can be as long as it needs to be to let people know how you got to where you are now :)

I thought there was a limit of 500 words which is why I asked. I remember reading on a blog that Google has a limit off 500 words on posts or am I mistaken?

No, Google loves long, short and medium articles - as long as they are relevant and written with the reader in mind, rather than SEO being the first priority :)

Thanks Jude. Greatly appreciate all your input everyone :)

I geared my "about me" to my niche and how it intertwined. I didn't just make a general information section. So that might change how much information to include.

As many as you like


Have a look on my website www.Freeweightlossprogram.siterubix.com
I have made strong about me page on it with alot of words and made it kind of interesting
You might get some help from it :)

Will do Zoha. Thanks.

Mine is only about 60 words, but I'm satisfied with it. It's obviously very short, but it still describes both me and my site very well.

I'll remember that as well for other 'about me' posts in future. Thanks Hofmeister.

Tell people what you want them to know,keep it simple but true.I find long winded material is boring to reed,but the choice is yours.

Ok so there isn't a 500 word limit then

There's no 500 word limit on any pages or posts Pauline.

all the best

Thanks. Same to you also! Do you know the answer to my question?

I dont actually remember now

Keep it short and best


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asked in
Getting Started

Forgot to add the + in the previous question.

yes it sure is and should be part of everyones marketing strategy

Thanks BeauAndNik.

anytime my friend :)

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Is it google account for social networking?

Is it google account for social networking?

asked in
Getting Started

Forgot to add the + in the previous question.

yes it sure is and should be part of everyones marketing strategy

Thanks BeauAndNik.

anytime my friend :)

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