Where am I in google?
Hi guys and Gals I have noticed recently that people are asking about the importance of where they are on Google and getting a bit upset what things are not happening when they are on page 10 or 7 page etc etc
I want to tell you that the first thing is DO NOT worry about where you are on a page of Google because it is only ONE search engine
You can be on page 10 goole but page one on Bing and page 3 on Yahoo and pat 5 on Yandex
You see every thing has a different viewing audience and it all takes time
So rather than worry and get upset that you are not where you thought you should be just take a chill pill and concentrate on writing good interesting blogs that have good long tailed keywords !
Because that is what is drawing traffic and that is what this business is all about and NOT looking at a graph!
Hope this helps
All good fun
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Very sage advice! Thank you, again. I'll be honest, though, I have never tried to see where I am. I don't know how to do it "incognito." Ive been concentrating on research and long tailetailed keywords.
You are right here Paul, we shouldn't be getting hung up on where we are with places on like Google as they are all different. I have one just now that is on page 1, position 2 on Google, Page 1, position 1 on Yahoo and nowhere at all within the first 10 pages in Bing. So there you are. xxx
That's true. Instead of sitting back and moaning, it's time to roll up my sleeves and get on with work.
Thanks for pointing out other search engines that are out there Sometimes we over focus on only one..
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Thank You Paul
my pleasure