About NickV1
Rank 36477
388 followers Joined July 2017
Male 5'8" 56 years old, looking forward to my next business venture. Working hard to enjoy that perfect cup of coffee. Enjoy watching Eagles, Flyers and





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asked in
Getting Started

Can someone repost the link on FB advertising please, not finding it in training.

Not sure which one you're talking about but here's one that might help. You can find more by searching for 'facebook ads' in the search bar: Hope this helps :)

Will check it out thanks. :)

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Reposting fb advertising not able to find?

Reposting fb advertising not able to find?

asked in
Getting Started

Can someone repost the link on FB advertising please, not finding it in training.

Not sure which one you're talking about but here's one that might help. You can find more by searching for 'facebook ads' in the search bar: Hope this helps :)

Will check it out thanks. :)

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asked in
Getting Started

Is Jaaxy a partner of WA or an affiliate.

I upgraded to the pro version. Glad I did.

Yes, Kyle and Carson own Jaaxy. Here is a post of Carson writing about Jaaxy:

WA owns Jaaxy!

Its owned by kyle and i think carson as well

It makes since, I see that you can only pay with pay pal, any reason.

Im not really sure about that sorry. Try speaking with kyle to see if you can py another way

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Just asking. is jaaxy part of wa or a different company?

Just asking. is jaaxy part of wa or a different company?

asked in
Getting Started

Is Jaaxy a partner of WA or an affiliate.

I upgraded to the pro version. Glad I did.

Yes, Kyle and Carson own Jaaxy. Here is a post of Carson writing about Jaaxy:

WA owns Jaaxy!

Its owned by kyle and i think carson as well

It makes since, I see that you can only pay with pay pal, any reason.

Im not really sure about that sorry. Try speaking with kyle to see if you can py another way

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asked in
Getting Started

I am still in the developing stage oh the site.

I have offers my feedback, (two of them) the next step is to request feedback.

The only thing I have on the site is

You can request feedback on your Niche blog at any time! First with the design of it, and then add content and request feedback again on your content, and then request comments after you receive feedback! I usually take people's advice and fix up anything that needs fixing! That's what's so great about this community, all the help we get with advice on our sites, and how to make them better!! :)

Thank you good advise

You're welcome! :)

Ask for feedback on design formatting and site features Nick!

Thank you, that's the way I will go then

You can ask feedback on other things besides content.

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Should I add context to my site before I ask for feedback?

Should I add context to my site before I ask for feedback?

asked in
Getting Started

I am still in the developing stage oh the site.

I have offers my feedback, (two of them) the next step is to request feedback.

The only thing I have on the site is

You can request feedback on your Niche blog at any time! First with the design of it, and then add content and request feedback again on your content, and then request comments after you receive feedback! I usually take people's advice and fix up anything that needs fixing! That's what's so great about this community, all the help we get with advice on our sites, and how to make them better!! :)

Thank you good advise

You're welcome! :)

Ask for feedback on design formatting and site features Nick!

Thank you, that's the way I will go then

You can ask feedback on other things besides content.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I asked this question before just a couple of days ago and I'm still not sure of what it means. This morning I was ranked at 2121, this evening I am at 2195.
How does it wor

Worry about Google rank. Not WA rank.

Thank you

Whether you are concerned about getting it or not Nick, I will say that not only is ranking a metric of activity and how much you help others in the WA community, the higher your rank raises, the more difficult it is to raise further.

I wouldn't worry about WA rank, it's merely a reflection of your activity and engagement within the community here, it's not a benchmark of "success" in any shape or form and it certainly won't earn you a dime.

It's also true that some of the most financially successful Members here don't rank in the WA league table at all, they're far too busy earning to engage on the level required to maintain rank.

Unfortunately, some members get distracted by following, socialising, blogging and "competitive" ranking within WA to the detriment of their training and then end up complaining they're not getting anywhere business-wise.

I have lost count over the years of the number of high ranking members and even Ambassadors who after a year or two at WA start whining they are still not earning. It often only takes a casual inspection to realise they've ended up with hundreds - if not thousands! - of pieces of content here at WA, in order to rank highly on the WA "leaderboard", but hardly any by comparison on their own websites, where it would actually have done them some good.

I'd always recommend anyone joining WA focuses on creating their own successful businesses first, before even thinking about their WA rank! :)

Rich thank you for that, it's kinda of what I was thinking, needed someone to verify that.
I will try to engage as much as possible for now as I'm learning. Business is business and sacrifices have to be made if your going to succeed.
Thanks again.

No probs. you're most welcome! :)

Hi Nick, if you have not do so, here is one of the training courses on WA rankings.
I would also suggest going through the course training available all in WA, you will eventually learn more and know later.

That's what I have been looking for. That I can do.
Thank you.

You've dropped 4 but you will gain it back and more going above 2121 (2120 and lower) people have to grasp a lesser figure s a higher rank all the way up to Kyle at no.1!

I'm not worried about getting it. I will with no question, just like to understand it better.
I was always the one person in class that asked the question that everyone thought it was stupid, but then again the only stupid question is the one that is not asked. Lol
That kind you for responding.

Hi, press on the your rank on the right on the top where your numbers are . You will see your rankings&statistics;. It is pretty clear. People rank by tutorials, participation in community life, answering questions, blogging. All the best:)

So what you are telling me is because I too the day off and did not respond to anything or anyone today I when's down in the ranking?

When you do not do anything and other members participate, your rankings will get up. It is for everybody:)

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Ranking what does it mean?

Ranking what does it mean?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I asked this question before just a couple of days ago and I'm still not sure of what it means. This morning I was ranked at 2121, this evening I am at 2195.
How does it wor

Worry about Google rank. Not WA rank.

Thank you

Whether you are concerned about getting it or not Nick, I will say that not only is ranking a metric of activity and how much you help others in the WA community, the higher your rank raises, the more difficult it is to raise further.

I wouldn't worry about WA rank, it's merely a reflection of your activity and engagement within the community here, it's not a benchmark of "success" in any shape or form and it certainly won't earn you a dime.

It's also true that some of the most financially successful Members here don't rank in the WA league table at all, they're far too busy earning to engage on the level required to maintain rank.

Unfortunately, some members get distracted by following, socialising, blogging and "competitive" ranking within WA to the detriment of their training and then end up complaining they're not getting anywhere business-wise.

I have lost count over the years of the number of high ranking members and even Ambassadors who after a year or two at WA start whining they are still not earning. It often only takes a casual inspection to realise they've ended up with hundreds - if not thousands! - of pieces of content here at WA, in order to rank highly on the WA "leaderboard", but hardly any by comparison on their own websites, where it would actually have done them some good.

I'd always recommend anyone joining WA focuses on creating their own successful businesses first, before even thinking about their WA rank! :)

Rich thank you for that, it's kinda of what I was thinking, needed someone to verify that.
I will try to engage as much as possible for now as I'm learning. Business is business and sacrifices have to be made if your going to succeed.
Thanks again.

No probs. you're most welcome! :)

Hi Nick, if you have not do so, here is one of the training courses on WA rankings.
I would also suggest going through the course training available all in WA, you will eventually learn more and know later.

That's what I have been looking for. That I can do.
Thank you.

You've dropped 4 but you will gain it back and more going above 2121 (2120 and lower) people have to grasp a lesser figure s a higher rank all the way up to Kyle at no.1!

I'm not worried about getting it. I will with no question, just like to understand it better.
I was always the one person in class that asked the question that everyone thought it was stupid, but then again the only stupid question is the one that is not asked. Lol
That kind you for responding.

Hi, press on the your rank on the right on the top where your numbers are . You will see your rankings&statistics;. It is pretty clear. People rank by tutorials, participation in community life, answering questions, blogging. All the best:)

So what you are telling me is because I too the day off and did not respond to anything or anyone today I when's down in the ranking?

When you do not do anything and other members participate, your rankings will get up. It is for everybody:)

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