A Bit Disheartened

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Recently I’ve been witnessing something that is a little bit disheartening. Not with WA, but with some of the community. Please, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying anything bad about anyone. I love this place and the people here. But I think that sometimes some people forget where they came from or how they got to where they are.

Recently, there have been some complaints with something on websites running slow or something isn’t available, etc. Then I start hearing complaints about how WA doesn’t have the fastest something, or the best whatever. Ok, that happens.

Then some community members start complaining about how WA is BASIC, it’s only for starters, only for beginners, that they are thinking about pulling their websites and transferring them somewhere else. Alright, that is all well and good, everyone should do what they feel they want to do. The disheartening part is that they somewhat trash the platform we have here. I get it if someone feels like they are ready to ‘move on’, it’s part of growing. But why would someone trash the very thing that taught and aided them to get where they are now? I’ve always believed to be thankful for your past, to be thankful for the ones that aided you to get where you are and want to be. To say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ before you move on. And to never burn bridges. It would be sad to burn that bridge, then someday realize that you want to go back, but when you look, that bridge is no longer there.

I apologize if anyone is offended. I mean no harm. I know this isn’t about the majority of the community and I didn’t put anyone on ‘blast’. And maybe the ones who said those things, really didn’t MEAN it, but just got caught up in 'the moment’. I’m just saying, don’t forget how you got where you are… and to think before you speak, because people do hear you.

Again, I apologize. To each their own. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

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I am sorry that you are feeling disheartened because of the failings of others. Please do not let them control how you feel. Life is far too short for that.

My wife tells me I must have been born on another planet as I am totally oblivious to what is happening around me. That is a blessing and a curse. I say that because in the three months I have been here I've not noticed members express their feelings you have seen. In what forum did they talk like that?

I think that even if a member is technically more advanced than what is taught here, there are other critical lessons that must be learned. Things like how to write Blogs that speak to the hearts of their customers. And the correct way to interact in the social media space to get the best response. These lessons are all taught here. Maybe they are expert at that too?

WA is not for everyone. Nothing is. Before they signed up they had the opportunity to check out the program to see if it was right for them. Nobody forced them to join.

There is a flip side. When they build their business they will come across individuals who are new at creating an online business. WA is a great place to send them. And they will earn commissions.

By bad mouthing WA they are doing more harm to themselves than the WA community that numbers nearly 1.5 Million.

Let's move on and leave those losers to their own devices. Right?



I agree with you about WA is not for everyone and that they are only hurting themselves.
WOW, is there really 1.5 million people at WA? I never recall appreciated how many of us there are!
Love how positive you are!

Oh Patty, so well said. It saddens my heart also. I usually feel the ones who need to trash something do it out of self-inadequacies and a dislike for themselves.

You are right in they are burning a bridge and that very same bridge may take them down a much-needed path in the future.

No matter how big someone gets they are never too big to be thankful and kind.


I couldn't agree more. In the south we have a saying, " Don't pee where you eat." and it's so true. You make your money here and you raise your sites to an elevated high and then you try to poison pill the place the minute you have a doubt or complaint. Feel the server is lagging like the other day? Use a support ticket, not the open forum. WA doesn't allow plugins you want for security reasons make your arrangements with them or someone else in peace and do not trash the program hurting others for your own brand of sour grapes.

lol what a great saying! adding it to my cool words list :)

Well said Patty and there is no need to apologize for telling the truth.

Yes, I have seen over the years people try to trash the platform we have here, some will say this is a scam when you join as a starter then they ask you to pay later to become premium.

Well, this is a business and you do get many benefits when you start.

Yes, we have the starter member option that is at no cost and they have the choice if they want to be serious and continue or see if this is for them.

No one pushes you to join and each member has a choice to make for themselves be it just continuing as a starter or going further forward as premium.

Of for those others, they can just leave and that's it

You will find some are not real members with the fact they come here to learn some are competitors who join as a starter and try to do their damage that way by being negative to WA.

Some join because they still think they are going to be rich in a very short time.

Then when they realize they need to put in the effort and work for it they gripe and whinge about Wa and the platform.

Many just don't want to do the work and expect to just push a button and money will come flowing in.

We all know how great this platform is not just the training which in reality would easily cost thousands to learn elsewhere.

Not to mention all the other benefits members get that you would normally have to pay extra elsewhere.

So there will always be those negative folk who have nothing better to do than complain rather than working out why they are failing over and over again.

You did great with this post and I really hope that some of those actually do realize just how fortunate they are being here.


Some of us are enjoying and totally appreciate what we get from WA. I believe anyone who doesn't can move on without creating animosity.

Tyen, again, some people can't really help themselves,they are fond of talking down people who have been a source of helpnor succour to them and are very ungrateful and inappreciative. We definitely have come across such people. We just hope that they get to learn a lesson someday.

Just be thankful that you see the wrongfulness in their posts.

I see a wonderful opportunity for learning and growing and tons of chances to learn from those ahead of myself. I'm sure that's what most people see here. It really doesn't matter what others see as long as you see the value in this community.

There are two ways to have the tallest building in a city: design and build your own building up to be the best and have people congratulate you on your accomplishments, or tear down everyone else's buildings so that none remain that are taller than yours.

WEAK PEOPLE tear others down.

They don't have what it takes to build themselves up and lead.

Never be taken aback by the actions of weak people.

Keep building your tower. Keep using the information from those before you that aren't afraid of you succeeding. Forget those that abandon this path, even if they believe it is the wrong one.

Here, you have support and knowledge.

Those that don't appreciate those blessings DO NOT MATTER.

I Agree, I seen the same thing in chat and got a little angry that people would trash the platform that got them to where they are now. I can't imagine what a newcomer may have thought, especially being skeptical and cautious as it is. I remember how skeptical I was 5 years ago and people like that are poison who trash talk. Nothing is perfect and WA has always resolved any issues that may arise in a very timely manner. I've been here 5 years and intend to stay at least 5 more.



Well said, Patty. You are 10% correct. A lot of us arrive at WA knowing very little about Affiliate Marketing and we love WA while we are learning. That does not give us the right to trash WA when we have outgrown it.

I wonder how long those people were with WA and grew before they decided that WA was "Too Basic"?

WA has taught me a lot and I will be forever grateful, to Kyle and Carson and the Community that is so keen to help others.

A great post.


It should read 100% correct. Sticky keyboard sorry.

Exactly. Your keyboard has served you well and for so long but you blamed it. That's what Patty has written. You have to go back to the same keyboard again!
I am sure you would have said sorry to your keyboard!

I agree. Nothing is perfect and some of WA training is outdated.

However, there is nothing stopping people from working on some training and sharing what they have learned with the rest of us. Jay, Zed, Lois and Marion Black are all examples of people who constantly pay it forward. I'm sure there are many more as well, these 4 just came to mind.

Kyle & Carson are improving the website bit by bit and we can all help them rather than criticize.

You are right in that we are a community and a community should work together.

Hi Patty, there's always some 'bad' eggs so to speak. I think your post gives us an opportunity to 'shout out' to the community how awesome the training is that Kyle and Carson have setup, the people here in the community are and how awesome Site Support is.

So for all you newbies and experienced members out there hearing some of thee grumblings...

I'm grateful I found Wealthy Affiliates. In my opinion there is no better, safer place to host my business.
Thank you WA! and everyone here for the positive support I've received.

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