ParthaGPT in the House: Are You Ready For Your MIND to be BLOWN?

blog cover image

NOTE: Apologies Everyone for the formatting of this blog post.

I have had to re-edit 4 times since I published just to add my H tags (subheadings), and then as soon as I publish they immediately disappear.

No idea why, obviously I'M doing something wrong (YES, it's me, this is DEFINITELY Sarcasm)

No mucking about today, let’s get straight into this.

Are You Ready?

Let’s Go!

Let’s Head Over to YouTube

Okay, let’s imagine that you have a keyword already and you’re now at the research stage for writing your article.

Personally, I love to do INITIAL article and niche research on YouTube, as often you’ll find things, many facts and figures, that are not found on the top ranking articles in Google.

For the purposes of this blog post my keyword/article is going to be:

Why Does My iPhone Keep Restarting

Here’s a video on YouTube that I’m going to work with.

Okay, just underneath the video to the right-hand side you’ll notice the 3 dots.

Click on this and a dropdown menu will appear, click on SHOW TRANSCRIPT.

Next, highlight all the Transcript text from the video and COPY.

Time to Check Out ChatGPT

Right, I’m not going to go through how to use ChatGPT and about creating different types of prompts.

This has been well covered over the past month by Phil, Diane, and Kyle.

So, go check out their various blog posts and training for more of a “beginner’s guide” to using ChatGPT.

For what I’m about to show you, you're only going to use 2 prompts, which you can just copy from this blog post.

The first prompt is:

Give me the 7 most important points from the following transcript

I will then open bracket ( and paste in the transcript from the YouTube video and then close bracket )

And then click enter.

Here’s the results that ChatGPT has provided.

Here's the 7 points again:

Now it’s Time For Google

Next, head on over to Google and type in your keyword.

What you now want to do is to note down all the SUBHEADINGS (H2, H3, H4, H5 tags, etc) from the TOP 3 ARTICLES.

Okay, our aim when writing an article is to hopefully rank in the top 3 search results of Google.

Yes, I know everyone gets excited about “ranking in Google”, but in reality, the difference between ranking in position one and position ten for just ONE keyword could mean 100s, if not 1000s, of difference in visitors and traffic.

Anyway, Google has deemed the top 3 articles for ANY keyword as the “best” results for people searching those queries.

So, it makes sense to “piggyback” off their “success”.

By noting down all the subheadings of the top 3 search results you now know what subjects you will need to cover within your article.

Here’s article number one:

Nice and easy here, as article number one has a Table of Contents which lists their H2 tags (SUBHEADINGS).

Next, article number two:

Okay, no Table of contents here, but they certainly have many different H tags, which is good, so let me note these down.

And finally article 3:

So, you now have the 7 most important points of a YouTube video (thanks to ChatGPT) and also all the subheadings from the top ranking articles for the keyword.

You now know ALL the points you need to cover in order to produce a top-notch piece of content that has the ability to rank in the Top 3 search results.

How Do I Make My Article BETTER?

Clearly, just rewriting everything on Google and YouTube is not going to get you to the top of the rankings.

I know many people come into this new and actually believe that rewriting other’s content, or simply quoting exactly the same information that they find on Amazon will somehow catapult them to the top of the rankings.

Guess what?

It won’t…

If you’re just rewriting other people’s content, their content WILL ALWAYS rank above yours.

So, you need to put your own spin on this.

AND, if we add something EXTRA, now we’re talking.

So, let’s give this article something that no-one else has.

PLUS, this could potentially get you lots of BACKLINKS and EMAIL SIGN UPS.

I go back over to my YouTibe video and once again copy the video transcript text.

I then go to ChatGPT and ask the following:

Generate 10 multiple choice questions based on the following transcript (oops, spot the error in the image above, LOL).

So, we’re asking ChatGPT to create a multiple choice quiz from the YouTube video transcript (Go on admit it, you LOVE a quick and easy multiple choice quiz, LOL).

Plus, one of the best ways to learn something is to CHECK YOUR KNOWLEDGE, which is best done by either “testing yourself” or teaching someone else what you have just learned.

So, once your quiz is created you can add it to your blog post.

Sure, there are ways in which to make this more visually pleasing, but I will leave that up to you to learn about.

There are quiz-related plugins, you could create an infographic on Canva out of your quiz, and there are websites that allow you to create a “SHARE THIS INFOGRAPHIC” button…

Here’s some of the Best WordPress Quiz Plugins.

But, as I say, I’m not here to teach you these things today, simply to share the idea of what’s possible…

However, anything you ever want to know about going into more detail with these types of quizzes, just type your question into YouTube.

Anyway, here’s what the quiz looks like.

Now, I’ve just copy and pasted the questions into a newly-created Canva image.

However, you can also brand the image by having your website url in one of the corners.

You can obviously make it look much nicer in Canva, etc.

Okay, you’re going to ask your readers to “check their knowledge” and take the multiple choice quiz.

If you use a Table of Contents plugin (which you should) ensure the quiz really stands out:

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: Take Our “iPhone Keeps Restarting” QUIZ

Now, when it comes to providing the answers to your quiz, well this is how you can get readers to sign up to your email newsletter.

You’ll also need to create something else to entice your readers to sign up.

But, in reality, this could simply be 2-3 articles that you’ve written and then converted into a PDF, i.e. Free ebook:

“Want to know how you fared on the quiz?

Simply provide your email address for the answers AND we’ll also send you a Free Ebook: 25 iPhone Tips That Will BLOW YOUR MIND!”

If you’re not at the stage of email newsletters yet you could get readers to click through to a different page or post on your website to reveal the answers (longer time spent on your website = GOOD for SEO).

Perhaps, you’re going to regularly create quizzes on your site, so you have a specific page (not post, but a PAGE that is marked as NO-INDEX) where your readers can click through too.

Maybe, the answers are simply provided in the COMMENTS SECTION of that specific blog post.

This is a great way to potentially get people to start conversations in the comments section of your blog post - “Answers in the Comments Section Below - How Did You Score? 10/10 I hope” (social interaction on your website = Good For SEO).

Realistically, there are many ways that you can use these types of quizzes on your blog posts.


I can’t do ALL the “Outside of the Box” thinking for you… prove to me (but especially YOURSELF) that you have what it takes to make it in this business and come up with something “Outside of the Box” for yourself.

Final Thoughts

See, I told you - quick, easy, no mucking about today!!

So, using YouTube video transcripts to get the most important points.

Using YouTube video transcripts to create a multiple choice quiz, thus giving your article that extra oomph, and potentially something that none of your competitors are doing.

And here’s something else you probably haven’t thought about.

The multiple choice quiz created by ChatGPT was approximately 600 words in length.

This means that if your “keyword” is a very simple question that people are asking in your niche, you could literally “answer that question in the form of an article” in no more than 500-600 words.

Obviously, as you’re going through all the subheadings on the top 3 ranking articles, you should be able to create something that has plenty of helpful information and tips.

However, I know that often with these “easy to answer question keywords” it’s difficult to say too much without adding a load of fluff - Enter a 600-word quiz to “beef up” your content.

And that’s all folks.

Thank You For Reading


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FluffGPT makes Partha's method even easier!

Why go through the posts yourself to find the subheadings when ChatGPT can do it for you?

Use this prompt -

List all the H2, H3, H4, H5 subheadings in the following post

And then copy and paste the entire post into ChatGPT.

You should end up with something similar to the screenshot below.

There's always ONE!!!


I actually thought of that afterwards, and suddenly thought, "I bet Fluff sticks her oar in"...


Thanking You DIANE!!

Fantastic tip!!

That’s great to know Diane!

Thank you!

Maria 🌹

I use Neuronwriter which scrapes the top 30 sites for subheadings and content for similarities to come up with an outline. It doesn't specify which heading is which, although I always stick with H2 after the initial heading.



Thank you too, Diane!

Nice prompt - thanks!!

Thanks Diane, great info.

Very nice, thanks.

Hi Partha - brilliant one again!!

I know quite a few of those individual bits and pieces but I love the way you put them together to make something new!

It's like, I say: "Yes I know what eggs are, and I know flour and milk."

But then you show me pancakes!!

And then you cover them with cream and blueberries!!


Ok, mind blown in two areas.

The first being that the H tags were working for you. They never have worked for me, so just use bold now after they failed multiple times when I first got here.

I appreciate the highlighting of using videos to break down key points, then using those points as a quiz to get emails. While I'll admit to cursing when I've done quizzes in the past and then they require the email I assume some actually fall into the sunk cost fallacy dynamic and actually give the email, hah hah.

I might sing up for a ChatGPT account and tinker with it after reading this. I'm in the process of writing the pillar posts of pillar posts and this might come in handy, The top ranked article on the topic is a little over 8k words. I don't know I'm going to beat that but this could help me in each chunk of the post.

Glad to see you posting again. I look a few times a week to see if you have.



Yeah definitely give ChatGPT a go Jason.

Even just using the prompt:

Generate a blog outline for the following keywords (word 1) (word 2) (word 3)

will AMAZE you.

I even did one this morning

Generate a blog outline for the following keywords (hip flexors) (sore) (squats)

Once signed up, just copy and paste the above in and you'll see how fantastic the structure is...

Brilliant as usual.

There are so many great uses for ChatGPT that most people would not even think of.

I didn't know that I could get the transcript of a youtube video.

Learned something new tonight! Thanks for this Partha! Now I can try it out in my niche and create a new article!

Thank you so much for this inspiring blog, Partha!

I learned something new. I did not know we could copy and past those keywords in the box on YouTube! Cool!

NOT keywords... it's the ENTIRE transcript of the video... EVERY SINGLE WORD that is spoken during the YouTube video.

OH?! 👀 I will check this out when I leave from work today!

This is such a helpful article to complement everything that I have been reading about AI tools, thank you!
I can't wait to see how much of it I can make work.
You are very much appreciated!!


Thanks again. I’m going to sign up for gpt tomorrow. A question I have is about putting ads on my site. Mediavine and ezoic said they want long form content. So if the article is only 600 words then what are some other ways to make it longer.

I've had sites approved with both where the majority of content is between 800-1200 words.

"Long Form" can actually just be close to 1,000 words.

You have to remember that approximately 10-15 years ago the vast majority of articles were typically 300-500 words (sure, there was also lots of "long form" content, but we never used blink an eye at writing a 400-word article).

You could use the ChatGPT prompt above to creat a quiz, I guess that would work quite well in your niche.

Additionally, ass an FAQ section to your article - Go to the People Also Ask section and pick FIVE questions that are EXTREMELY relevant to your article.

80-100 word "answers" to each question and you've just created an FAQ section and 400-500 additional words on your blog post.


Thanks a lot I appreciate your help.

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