Increase Brand Awareness, Rankings, Traffic, & Backlinks in 25 Minutes Per Day

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READING INSTRUCTIONS: Make a HUGE Pot of Coffee, Get a Sleeping Bag, Kiss Your KIds Goodbye For a Week, We’re in For a LOOOOONG Ride!

What Does Google Want?


When Do They Want it?


How Do You Get it?

I’m About to Show You!

Let’s Talk Backlinks

Google created their “Search Quality Rating Guidelines” in March 2013.

One year later in March 2014 Google added E.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) to these guidelines.

And in December 2022 a new “E” was added to the above guideline (Experience) to now give us. E.E.A.T.

Now, we all know that Google can be ever so secretive (and often unclear too) about what they actually want from bloggers and webmasters.

However, they have confirmed a couple of elements to achieve E.A.T. - Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

And these are:

Pagerank and Backlinks

Essentially, you could say the best way to show that you’re an “expert”, that you have “authority”, and that you are “trustworthy” is to have other websites LINKING to your content.

There are those in this industry who will say you don’t need backlinks and there are those who will say it’s essential.

However, look at it this way.

If 3 different websites all target the same keyword, their content is EQUALLY wonderful and helpful, and fully answers the searcher’s query, who do think Google is going to rank highest?

It will typically be the website that has satisfied E.A.T best, which they have achieved through BACKLINKS.

So, YES, backlinks do matter.

The reason that it’s not a subject of conversation at WA is because most of the SEO skills you’ll learn here are ON-PAGE SEO (SEO that YOU control).

Furthermore, the whole point of targeting LONGTAIL KEYWORDS is that you are looking for keywords with LOW PAGE ONE COMPETITION.

In other words, the keywords that you’re targeting SHOULD NOT require backlinks to rank because they have very little competition on page one of Google.

That’s the theory anyway, but I’m sure you’ve all written content that targets a low competition, longtail keyword, but you still HAVEN’T ranked.

A Quick Backlink Lesson

View a backlink as a “vote of confidence”.

Plus, you SHOULD be providing a backlink to another website is EVERY article that you write.

The EXTERNAL LINKS that you place in your articles are basically a BACKLINK for the website you are linking to (a vote of confidence).

There are two main types of backlink, namely DO FOLLOW and NO FOLLOW.

DO follow simply means that you are passing on some of your PAGE authority to the website that is being linked to (also known as “link juice”).

NO follow simply means that you are linking to another website but YOU ARE NOT passing on any of your page authority.

Links from WITHIN your content on WordPress are DO FOLLOW.

So, every time you write an article and place an external link in that article, you are saying to Google, “I give this website’s article a thumbs up and I would like to pass on some Page Authority” (this DOES NOT impact your own article’s page authority, so you don’t “lose anything” by doing this, and there are potential gains for you by doing this).

Okay, what I’m going to introduce to you today is probably the EASIEST way to obtain BOTH Do Follow and No Follow backlinks.

Guess what?

I reckon this is something that ALL of you already do, but you just need to tweak it slightly to your advantage.

This method is also viewed by some people as a terrible way to get backlinks, as there was a HUGE amount of Spamming done using this method BEFORE 2012.

However, if you do this the RIGHT WAY (which I’m going to show you) it can be a GAME CHANGER.

Blog Comments - You’re Doing Them WRONG!!

Okay, so the main reason that you use Site Comments within the WA platform is to increase “Social Engagement” on your blog posts, i.e. you want OTHER PEOPLE to comment on YOUR blog posts.

Social Engagement on your blog posts is a “sign” to Google that people are enjoying your content (unless of course it’s a terrible comment which tells you how bad your content is, LOL).

And Google will take notice of this and MAY choose to rank an article higher because it is deemed “popular”.

Plus, the people who leave a comment on YOUR blog post will actually receive a backlink from YOU.

Okay, the best type of backlinks will obviously be DO FOLLOW, from a HIGH AUTHORITY website, and with RELEVANT ANCHOR TEXT.

Anchor text simply means the words that are highlighted to link to any website’s article.

Therefore, let’s say the target keyword for your blog post is “make money online”, a Fantastic backlink would be from a website that has a Domain Authority of 90 or above, they link from WITHIN their content, and the anchor text used to link to your website’s article is “make money online”.

This could be seen as the “perfect backlink”.

However, the only way to achieve this type of backlink is either a massive website comes across your article and thinks it so wonderful that they have to link to this article from one of their own OR you actually ask the website to link to you (which is against Google Spam Policies, but this STILL happens every single day on the internet).

That being said, by leaving blog comments on other people’s blog posts you will mainly obtain links that are NO FOLLOW, probably not from an extremely authoritative website, and the anchor text will typically be your NAME.

But, I’m now going to show you how to find DO FOLLOW blog commenting opportunities in your niche.

Plus, I’ll also explain how this can also provide you opportunities to write guest posts, obtain legitimate Do Follow backlinks, with GOOD anchor text, and WITHOUT having to ask for them.

Here Goes!

Let’s Break Down a Blog Comment

So, when you arrive on a website to leave a comment it generally looks like this.

There’s a place to leave your comment, and then sections to leave your name, email address, and website address.

The email address is never published or visible to anyone else, bar you and the website owner.

However, your name will be visible by the side of your comment.

And if you provide a website address, your name on the comment will turn BLUE, which means it has become a LINK, and it is linking to that website address.

Okay, so here’s a comment someone has left on my Exercise site.

As you can see their name is in blue, which indicates this is a LINK.

However, the anchor text for this link is obviously the person’s name, so this backlink to this person’s website doesn’t carry a lot of authority, BUT, it is STILL a backlink.

Here you can see when I hover my mouse over the person’s name it changes colour to red, this shows that it is a LINK, and as you can see in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen it shows the name of the actual website that is being linked to.

I meant LEFT-HAND SIDE in the above image... LOL!!

Increasing Brand Awareness

Google typically finds “new” content via links.

So, if ever you’re having difficulties in getting an article indexed, find opportunities to LINK to it.

The best way to do this is via an internal link from an article that is already published on your website.

You can also “share” your content on social media, which will also provide a NO FOLLOW BACKLINK to your article.

Going to the "Website Comments" section of WA and pasting your article url and asking others to comment also provides a link back to that article.

However, whenever you leave blog comments you will always be leaving your HOMEPAGE address, i.e your domain name.

I would suggest that you ALWAYS put in your domain name when leaving comments.

You can actually put in the url of a specific article, but to me, this comes across as insincere, and it is OBVIOUS that you are only leaving a comment to obtain a backlink.

Sure, this is in fact what you are doing, but you can still “play by the rules”.

Plus the more genuine and sincere you are, the greater the chance that “good things” will happen in return.

Okay, so the fact that every time you leave a comment you also provide your website address (which is what your NAME is linking to), you are essentially placing your website name all across the internet.

Just imagine if you leave 500 blog comments a year (easily achievable by the way).

This means that your website name or domain name has been placed in 500 different places on the internet.

You should also always comment on blogs that are IN THE SAME NICHE AS YOU, which makes your comments more RELEVANT in Google’s eyes.

However, the more places on the internet your domain name can be found the more people will become aware of your “brand”.

Creating Relationships

Just in case you haven’t realised it, doing business on the internet is ALL about creating relationships with other people.

Of course, you can create a successful website by “going it alone”, but the more “sociable” you are online (in the business sense) the better results you’ll typically achieve.

In the next section I’m going to show how to find literally unlimited blogs in YOUR NICHE to comment on, but you should also be using this to CREATE RELATIONSHIPS.

As an example, a great way to do blog commenting is to find 50 RELEVANT websites that allow for comments in your niche.

You then leave comments on these websites on a daily basis, and you stick to these 50 websites.

Therefore, let’s say over the course of 100 days, whereby you are leaving 3 comments per day on websites, you will have left 300 comments in total.

This equates to 6 comments EACH over the course of 100 days on 50 different websites.

Do you not think that the blog owners are going to start to notice you?

Plus, they’ll often reply to your comments, and you can also reply back, essentially you’re having a conversation with them.

And if you provide valuable and helpful comments, the blog owners are going to love you showing up on a regular basis.

This relationship that you’re building with these 50 blog owners can lead to some very lucrative “offers”.

The more these blog owners are aware of you, the more likely they are to visit your website and catch up on reading a few of your articles.

The more they do this the higher the likelihood they will find something on your website that they like, which is also relevant to content they have on their site.

Guess what?

This COULD mean that they “naturally” link to your content from their content.

You’ve just obtained a LEGITIMATE NATURAL DO FOLLOW backlink.

Then again, once reading your content they think you're a great writer and because they have your email address (which you include in the provided email address section) they can contact you.

“Hey Old Fluff, Partha here, firstly thanks for all the fantastic comments you always leave on my blog posts. I really enjoy reading them and it’s clear that you have a great passion and are very knowledgeable about (insert niche). I wondered whether you’d be willing to write a guest post on my website. You can of course, link to your own website from within the guest post, as well as writing an author bio, which includes links to all your social media too”.

Guess what?

You’ve further increased Brand Awareness, as you are now writing on someone else’s website. Plus, you have once again obtained a LEGITIMATE NATURAL DO FOLLOW backlink.

Let’s kick this up a notch now.

I’ve previously spoken about Niche Edits.

This is now something you can do with these 50 bloggers that you have BUILT A RELATIONSHIP WITH.

A niche edit is a better type of backlink than a guest post.

A guest post is a brand new article, so the “page” has no authority, and you have to wait for indexing and potential ranking”

A niche edit is simply an article on someone else’s website that is ALREADY indexed and ranked (hopefully), probably has regular traffic, that has links going out to other websites. Your aim is to ask the blog owner to link to you from that article instead of the website they are currently linking to.

Why would this blog owner do this?

If your article is BETTER than the one they are currently linking to.

How do you do this?

You choose an article on the website that you NOW have a “good relationship” with the owner.

You check their EXTERNAL links to see who they’re linking to.

Do you have the same type of article on your website?

Is it better than the article that is currently being linked to?

If so, BOOM!! Job done.

If not, could you write a new article (fresh content for your website) and ensure that you go into much more detail than the article being linked to?

You then visit the About Me page of the website that you want your backlink to be placed on, find their email address and email the owner:

“Hey Old Fluff, Partha here. Firstly, as you’re probably aware (from the number of comments I leave on your website) I absolutely love the content you’re putting out. I wondered if I could be ever so cheeky, and potentially point something out and ask a “favour”.

I’ve noticed in your article about “Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tips” that one of your tips, “Share Your Content on Social Media” has a link going to the XXXX website where they discuss Pinterest.

Funnily enough, I have recently written an article about Pinterest, but I have actually expanded on what XXXX website has said, and I’ve even included statistics, graphs, and an infographic.

Now, the reason for the “cheeky” is because I wondered whether you’d be willing to replace the link to XXXX website to a link to my article… here is a link to my article, so you can have a read for yourself.

Hopefully, you;ll agree that I have gone much more into detail, which I guess is also much better for your readers. Plus, I’m also happy for you to use my infographic on your website, which I’m sure you’ll agree will also be great for your readers.”

Old Fluff agrees.

Guess what?

You have once again obtained a LEGITIMATE NATURAL DO FOLLOW backlink.

Let’s Find Some Blogs in YOUR Niche For You to Comment On

Okay, everything I’ve spoken of so far is about finding websites just like yours to comment on.

And as I’ve explained, these will mainly be No Follow Comments which use your name as anchor text.

So, even though they provide a backlink, it isn’t the greatest, but a backlink is still a backlink.

Plus, you are increasing and building brand awareness by leaving comments on RELEVANT blogs in your niche.

Furthermore, you are building relationships for potential legitimate backlink opportunities.

For these types of blog posts you simply require a specific phrase to type into Google.

Let’s look at an example for affiliate marketing:

Go to Google and type the following into the search bar (exactly like this, do not change anything, you must have the quotation marks "" in this specific place).

Affiliate Marketing + “Leave a Comment”

(Obviously change the “Affiliate Marketing” for YOUR niche, or something RELEVANT to your niche, you can even type in a specific longtail keyword).

Here’s what the Google search result looks like.

Now, unfortunately not every single website you come across is worth leaving a comment on, but you will need to determine this for yourself.

Plus, some websites will allow comments, but they don’t provide the types of links that you want.

In fact, the number one result in the Google Search above is a website I would think twice about leaving a comment on.

Basically, they require you to create an account, and then log in to leave a comment.

Granted, this may only take about 2 minutes to do, but seems like a bit of a hassle to me.

If you can, you’ll want to find websites that allow you to leave a comment in the first example I provided at the beginning of this blog post.

So, you can SEE a comment box, and places to leave your name, email address and website address.

Here it is again.

Once you find a website like this, read through the article and then focus on just ONE aspect of the article, and create your comment around that ONE ASPECT.

Here’s the number one ranking blog posts for the above search.

The article is about “12 Types of Content For Affiliate Marketing”.

So a GOOD COMMENT would take ONE of these 12 and then discuss YOUR experience of using it. DO you agree or disagree with what they have said? And can you provide another tip?

Can you see how a comment like this is much more SPECIFIC, FOCUSED, & HELPFUL (to both the author and their readers)?

Some Websites Have DO FOLLOW Blog Comments?

Yep, that’s right, although I’ve only spoken of blog commenting providing No Follow comments, some websites do have a Do Follow Comment Section.

You just have to change the phrase every so slightly that you type into Google:

These can include:

Affiliate Marketing + “Notify me of Follow Up Comments”


Affiliate Marketing + “Submit the Word You See Below”

(Often when leaving blog comments you will be required to fill in a Captcha) ←- Do NOT type this into Google, this is for your information!!!!!!


Affiliate Marketing + “Enter Your Name@Affiliate Marketing”

(Again, as I mentioned earlier, replace “Affiliate Marketing” in ALL of the above examples with something relevant to YOUR NICHE)

And finally, here’s one of the best ways to obtain Do Follow Blog Comments.

There is a plugin known as CommentLuv.

I advise you NOT to download this plugin, DO NOT have it on your own website.

People who install the CommentLuv plugin are specifically looking for people to comment on their blog posts.

As I’ve explained, this increases “social engagement”, which can be great for rankings, traffic, etc.

However, inviting comments on your blog posts can also lead to spam.

The people who have installed the CommentLuv plugin are fully aware of this, so I guess a lot of their day is spent reading comments, and deleting many of them.

But, you can obviously find websites in your niche that have this plugin installed.

The Google Search term should be:

Affiliate Marketing + “CommentLuv”

Here’s what the Google Search results look like.

Now, if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll probably have either Keywords Everywhere or Moz Bar downloaded to your browser.

The main reason for this is to check the Domain Authority of websites in Google search.

And as the CommentLuv “backlinks” from blog comments will be DO FOLLOW (Hey Google, please pass on some of my authority to the website I’m linking to here), it makes sense to leave comments on higher DA websites.

DA goes from 1-100, so the higher the better.

But, anything above a DA30 will be pretty decent.

Now, with the comments you leave on a website with the CommentLuv plugin you actually get TWO backlinks.

The first one will be exactly the same as everything I’ve discussed thus far.

So, a No Follow Backlink that uses YOUR NAME as anchor text.

However, as soon as you type your domain name into the “Website Address” section TWO things will happen, depending on how the website owner has set up their COmmentLuv plugin.

Often, you won’t see anything come up, sometimes you will see the name of the LAST blog post you published on your website, and occasionally (The BEST) you will see the names of the last TEN blog posts you have published on your website.

You can choose any one of these and the TITLE of your blog post will be displayed under your comment.

This provides a DO FOLLOW backlink and the ANCHOR TEXT will be your TITLE so it should include your KEYWORD!!


Here’s an example, I simply typed my Exercise website domain name into the “website address” section and it immediately displayed my last 10 published blog posts. I simply choose which one I want to provide a BACKLINK to.

This also means that anyone reading my comment, and if it’s a high-quality and valuable comment, they MAY click through to the article that is being linked to on my site.

Now, I wouldn’t expect huge amounts of traffic from the websites that you’re leaving comments on, but once you’ve built up a nice portfolio of sites to comment on, and as long as you’re leaving great comments, you should get the occasional visitor.

Realistically, if you’re leaving 3 comments per day, within 2-3 months, you may find that you’re getting 100-200 EXTRA visitors to your website a month from these other websites.

However, don’t forget, these backlinks have the ability to push you higher in the search engines (higher rankings = more traffic), plus you are building a relationship with the website owner, and potentially other people who comment on the blogs too.

Make Your List of 50 Blog Posts

Okay, so now it’s time for you to do some research and use the above prompts to find RELEVANT websites in YOUR NICHE for you to comment on.

I would suggest that you do a mix of different types of websites, so some no follow, some commentluv, some do follow, etc.

Now, when you first start leaving comments you’ll probably find that the articles are aged and there are lots of comments already on there.

Realistically, you want to be the first person to comment on a blog post because this means that every person that leaves a comment afterwards will ALWAYS see your comment first.

Imagine 200 people leaving a comment on a fantastic blog post and you’re at the top with an AWESOME comment.

I guarantee a few of those 200 people will click through to your website (more relationship building and traffic).

So, when you are leaving comments there’s often a section that says something like:

“Notify me of follow up comments”


“Notify me of new posts”

You just check these boxes and you’ll receive emails when more comments are added and when the author publishes a new post.

Here’s an example of some emails I’ve received doing this:

The aim here is as soon as you get an email notification you immediately go to the blog post, read it, choose your specific section of the blog post to focus on, write a fantastic comment, and HOPEFULLY you’re the first (or ONE of the first) to comment, thus meaning more people get to see your comment!


Final Thoughts

What About the 25 Minutes Partha?

You probably know by now that I’m a fan of the Pomodoro Technique, which is simply 25 minutes of ultra-focused work followed by a break, and then returning to do another 25 minutes of ultra focused work, followed by a break again.

These short work sessions will allow you to remain focused on the task in hand and are also great for motivation (nothing seems so BIG when you break it down).

So, how about you spend 25 minutes a day DOING THIS?

I have managed to get it down to completing THREE COMMENTS in 25 minutes.

Sure, the first time you do this you may only get one comment done in your 25-minute work session.

However, I’m sure you’re starting to realise, the more often you do certain business tasks the more efficient you get at them.

Who knows, 2-3 months from now, you could have 150+ additional backlinks, 4 fantastic relationships with bloggers in YOUR NICHE, opportunities and offers for guest posts, opportunities for niche edits, higher rankings, and more traffic.


You do realise that leaving lots of comments on OTHER people’s websites will also improve your own writing skills and give you IDEAS FOR NEW KEYWORDS & NEW CONTENT.

What’s not to like?

Thank You For Reading


p.s. Does one of our "ChatGPT Prompt Experts", e.g. Fluffy, Phil, Andy C, or Andy M what to try and see if there is a way to input a blog post url into ChatGPT with a prompt about writing a "reply" or a "comment"... see if that works, and then respond here, and I'll include it above.

p.p.s. I rwalise there's a lot to take in here, so any questions, I PROMISE I'll answer!!

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Recent Comments



Thank you so much for this awesome information. I've done a quick test-run to put it into practice - but I'll come back and read this with more attention to detail later as well as improve my first knee-jerk reaction to it.
Even with this quick trial, I see how promising this technique will be for someone like me who doesn't naturally do networking very easily!

You're a mine of information and inspiration!

Have a great day,

Hey Partha,

Hope you're well my friend.

I just grabbed a DA48 backlink from a CommentLuv page via the 'recently posted' ... so anchor text rich :-)

I just checked the source code of the page and it is a 'nofollow' ... same as another CommentLuv link I acquired on a DA12 .

So it seems CommentLuv links are not always 'dofollow'. It must be a setting in the plugin allowing the webmaster to make the links 'nofollow'.

Anyway, great method which I will keep using and hope to hit the 'dofollow' motherlode.


Are you saying your method works better than Adam Enfroy's? What he did back then was in 2019 when he did lots of guest posting to get a lot of backlinks. So, in other words, PP's method of getting backlinks is to scour all these MMO niches, give my website link, and comment on their site just in hopes of getting a backlink. Really? If I do that, I can reach 600 or thousands of websites for potential exposure. Blah. Blah... on it goes....who got all the time in the world to do all these things, even for guest posting? All of those measures are very time-consuming and is not efficient. It's more work on top of everything we need to do on our websites.

Jay says getting those backlinks is not guaranteed even if I blast to over 600 sites. He teaches social backlinks and one external link to Wikipedia because there are no affiliate links.

Now, I am supposed to reach out to thousands of other bloggers competing with me in selling their product, probably a very high ticket affiliate program, and I am to do all this yada blah that you say on here will get me backlinks, " I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine." Most people pay for it.

This is way time-consuming. Do you have evidence that it works? Have you done it personally? If so, could you show screenshots of your expertise site blast of over 6000000 million sites? Eh???? I like to see that.

Also, you lost me on the DO FOLLOW and NO FOLLOW—the content structure needed to be clarified. Going from here to there seemed mixed up; I could not follow which. Internal links are followed; external links do follow; that's my understanding. When external and internal linking, do you open a new window? I am not clear on the following part. When to use No Follow?

I thought that an external link was always no-follow according to Jay. And affiliate links in the sponsored section. If you work with the block-editor, you can mark this straight away

Hi, I remember Partha's post about Wikipedia being a no follow. It's impossible to get a backlink from Wikipedia because it is not a reliable source, but Jay advocates using it because there are no affiliate links there.

I never heard Jay say that an external link is always not followed. I understood it could be both.

If it's a site you don't know well, no follow, but if a well-known high authority site won't spam you, then there is no need to add the no follow, according to Partha. Internal links in your website content always do-follow

Jay has the links that do not open new windows; they are closed according to his P Plus class.

A year ago, our lovely Prince Partha wrote this on one of his blogs Partha wrote and I quote his statement:

"Nofollow can also mean, "I do NOT fully support the content that I am linking to as I cannot verify whether this person is an expert".

You would add nofollow when linking EXTERNALLY to a non-authority website or a website that you don't know very well.

If you're linking to a well-known or authority website, there is NO NEED to add a nofollow attribute (the hope is that you leave an external link as DOfollow then they may do the same for you - this can help with rankings depending on the authority of the website that links back to you)."

I know it's confusing. Sometimes it's confusing to me. I get all different answers. I'm hoping PP will respond it's probably his bedtime in the UK almost 10 pm there so hopefully will respond in the morning.

I know it get's confusing, I just always have been following Jay's advise on this, as it was said in a live class, I think last year.
I thought I had a screenshot, but seem to have deleted it, but will keep looking for it, need to clean up my desktop anyway lol


I cant find the screenshot, but as I said, I always did it Jay's way. No follow for external links, no follow for affiliate links. ( so unless someone wants to exchange do-follow links with me to each others site in the same niche, it has happened, I do this)
As for the internal links, I'm even more confused as well, because it used to be do-follow, but if I understand right from his classes, it is now no-follow, because people use more and more the cellphone and they now how to navigate back to a former post on your website if they want to.
I don't think that the latter has any influence on SEO though?

By the way it's the same timezone here, 12pm for me lol, good night!

I know it's no follow for new sites for external links; it's mostly your discretion. Internal links do follow, but no open window. That's what he said I have it in P Plus class which you were in last year right you downgraded? You want other pages for Google to see the link juice. You should never use Nofollow on internal links as it's throwing link juice out the window. I was in his class on Saturday about SEO. Most people have open to a new window for all links. Jay keeps his close. That is his personal preference. He's SEO expert for years also what he says last year will have no bearing on this year because SEO is forever evolving and changing every day. Let's wait for the Prince to speak! Smile!

& @Lizken

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies... What is going on here???


I leave you alone for a couple of hours to chat amongst yourselves, and LOOK what happens!!! LOL!!

Right, let's make this easy.

Do you have to follow this method?

Hell No, it's just another form of marketing.

In the same vein, do you have to apply everything single thing you learn from the various Premium Plus teachers?

Hell No!!

There are just so many ways to increase brand awareness, traffic, and rankings that you simply can't do them all as a one person outfit.

So, you pick the methods that resonate with you most, those that you enjoy, and stick to them.

As I've always said, pick the ONE main thing that will push your business forward and concentrate 90% of your time on that... the other 10% is the "little things".

Okay, BB, have I used this method with success?

Hell YES!!

Now, read into this how you will... Hahahahahahahaha!!

I have NEVER shared a method of anything that I haven't tried myself first IN THE CURRENT MOMENT.

Unfortunately, many so-called SEO "experts" and gurus" live off their past glories.

Basically, if you're quoting SEO "rules" and you currently have a website that is a DA70+ , sure you obviously knew what you were doing to get it there, but do those same "SEO rules" still apply to a NON-AUTHORATITVE WEBSITE.

In fact, SEO expert, how would know?

If you haven't started a NEW website in the last year or two (and you don't consistently do this every year), how can you quote "SEO rules"?

Any changes that happen in the industry that you are giving advice about are nothing more than THEORETICAL if you're not trying these "methods" of a newish website.

The proof is ALWAYS in the pudding (and NO, proof cannot be proven on a highly authorattive website).

So, if you want to give others advice you should do so at the "same level as them", i.e. prove thse things on NEWER websites (and I don't mean rank one or two articles on a new website and never return again, PROOF will be a new website that you have been working on for a few months and that you are proving consistent results on... only THEN, are you qualified to give advice... if you're starting new websites to "PROVE your theories" then that's all they are, THEORIES!!)

Rant Over!!! Hahahaha!!


Do Follow = pass on some of the authority from one web page to another

No Dollow - DON'T pass on any authority from one page to another

Links from WITHIN CONTENT on Wordpress is ALWAYS DO FOLLOW (unless you specifically change it to No Follow - you would typically do this for affiliate links, linking to User Generated Content, or if for any particular reason you didn't wish to pass on authority to the website article you're linking to - as Brenda has mentioned above).

Now, the reason I'm NOT a great follower of "external links to Wikipedia" (remember an external link from your content is you giving someone else a backlink) is because, Wikipedia is now more attuned to becoming "User Generated Content", anyone and everyone has the ability to edit a Wikipedia page and change whatever details they want.

Next, Wikipedia is clearly an online Encyclopedia, so it will NEVER be the most authoratitive source (I'm NOT talking DA).

In the same way that Encylopedias would give you a BROAD OUTLOOK on a topic, this is what Wikipedia does.

If you want more "expert insight" on a topic you would buy another book on top of your encyclopedia.

In the same way, if you want "more authority" and "expert insight" on a subject online you would visit a "niche-specific authority" website over Wikipedia any day of the week.


Hmmmm... sounds like an attempt SEO Manipulation to me, i.e. NOT GENUINE!!

An external link from within your content is SOLELY TO PROVIDE YOUR READER WITH MORE VALUE.

So, linking to Wikipedia from every single article because "that's what we're suposed to do" DOES NOT provide any value to the reader.

This is why I believe that while Wikipedia has a great DA, it doesn't have the same "authority" in Google's eyes as it probably did up until about 2018.


Links from your NAME within the comments section of a website are NO FOLLOW (Unless you use CommentLuv blog comments, which provide TWO backlinks, one No Follow from a link from your NAME, one Do Follow from a link from the title of your last blog post).

ANY TIME that your website domain name or an individual article url is placed ON ANOTHER WEBSITE THIS CONSTITUTES A BACKLINK.

The "links" in your profile = backlinks.

The link when you request comments on the platform = backlinks.

Sharing on social media = backlinks

Having your domain name in your email sign-off siugnature = backlinks.

So basically, having your website url (or individual article urls) placed ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE INTERNET counts as a backlink.

As I've mentioned above, not all backlinks carry the same authority, but nonetheless a backlink is a backlink and a sign of "popularity".

Do you have to get backlinks?

NOPE, and as you can probably tell, you're obtaining them "naturally" during your everyday tasks (share on social media, request comments/feedback, WA profile links, etc.)

However, as I've mentioned, if you've got 100 pieces of content from 100 different websites, on exactly the same subject, with exactly the same quality, the deciding factor is ranking positions will always be ....

You Fill in the Blank

Starts with B ends in S (NO BB, not That!!! LOL)

You're final bit, I have calrifies a few times, but I'll go again.

ANY LINK from WITHIN YOUR CONTENT, sot he articles that you write will ALWAYS INITIALLY be DO FOLLOW.

It is up to whether you wish this link to remain Do Follow or if you wish to change it to No Follow.

Open in a new tab/window has absolutely nothing to do with SEO it is simply a way to keep your website "open" in another tab.

If someone clicks on an EXTERNAL LINK in your content (probably to bloody Wikipedia, Hahahahahaha!!) and that opens in the SAME WINDOW, essentially your website has "disappeared" from the tabs.

The person reading may forget that they were initially on your website, so when they close that Wikipedia tab your website has gone from their browser too.

If however, you open in a NEW tab, once they close the Wikipedia tab, Voila, there's your website, perhaps they may read another article on your site.

I'm gonna have a longer think about this, and really try to break down and SIMPLIFY Do Follow, No Follow, links, etc. in a new blog post!!

Lots of Love Ladies

Thanking You!!


thanks Partha, personally I don't use Wikipedia that often, well now that I think of it, more for my second website though lol.
Oh yes, so external links are automatically set to do-follow, but I always change them to no-follow.
You can say now: well the experts here aren't always right, and oh boy yes I have noticed, but this class on the no-follow rule for external links was only last year by Jay, so you can understand the confusion from us as members, no?
Who the heck is "right" here?
On the other hand, I use Yoast SEO. While I don't follow that plugin to the letter, or their advice, it is always 'shouting' at me that I need more do-follow external links in my article. ==> more confusion. And confusion. And confusion grrrrr
We.. just.. don't.. know.. anymore, sometimes ;-)

yes I have downgraded for now, as at that time I didn't see anything extra for me personally, but I might upgrade back soon, if it's interesting again now.
Yes, I think as well it's his personal preference, it's a shame that I can never ask questions like this life, as way too late for me during the night. And after viewing the class non-live and asking a question, there is usually no answer from him. By the way, not claiming he's not an expert, I hired him for his 10 min SEO view on my site,so ;-)


Yeah, I totally get that.

Tbh, there is no "one right way to do it".

You'll typically find there are certain "must-dos" with SEO, but many online marketers will have different ways of doing the other things.

As long as those giving advice have used the methods they give out successfully, then it's all good.

Going back to something I mentioned above, Neil Patel is a great example of this.

Sure, everyone thinks Neil is fantastic, but when was the last time Neil created a brand new NICHE-marketing website from scratch and tried some of his methods? (I'm guessing never!)

So, all the advice he gives is based on results of his DA89 website (basically, he probably doesn't even need to do any real SEO and he's going to rank anyway).

Furthermore, (and I'm not having a go at Neil specifically), but I've recently seen a YT short of his, whereby his "SEO advice" was to go to AnswerThePublic (now, there's a surprise Neil, as you now OWN AnswerThePublic, so you are getting people to visit YOUR website), put your broad keyword in and then write 365 articles in a year based on the results provided.

Eeerm, no Neil!!! Hahahaha!! I find it highly improbable that a website in it's first year, 2, or even 5 years, is going to rank for an AnswerThePublic term such as "What is Affiliate Marketing".

For me personally, I LEAVE ALL external links from my articles as DO FOLLOW, Unless it's an affiliate link, linking to UGC (sometimes I link to Quora, Reddit, Forum threads), or if I find something interesting to link to, but I can't verify the information.

If others have ALL external links as No Follow that is their decision, neither right nor wrong, although I can understand this thinking if ALL your external links are going to the same website, e.g. Wikipedia.

Find ONE person whose SEO advice you enjoy, that you have seen success from, and follow that ONE person's advice and no-one else's... otherwise it WILL get very confusing.


aha, so you are not specifically linking to a "competitor's" site either? I always thought that a do-follow link is like giving a lot of "Google juice" to the competition? Food for thought! and yes: confusing as hell lol

Yep, you are giving "link juice" to someone else by providing a Do Follow link, but as I've mentioned in this article, you DO NOT lose any of your own "page authority" by doing this.

I have about 10-12 authoratitive websites in each niche I'm in, so I will often link to them, so they ARE compeititors.

However, a great way to use external links (and NOT link to a direct competitor) is to link to "more information" on another website about a subject that isn't directly related to your article, BUT is still helpful for your readers.

A great example of this is I write an article:

Top 10 Tips For Productivity

And one of my tips is to ensure that you're not hungry prior to starting work, as this will serve as a distraction. Plus, you should eat high-fibre carbs before you start work as this will keep you feeling full for longer.

My external Do Follow link then goes to an article that has listed the "50 Best High-Fibre Carbohydrates".

So, it's not directly related to my content (how to be more productive), BUT, it is a USEFUL link for my readers.

Lizzy. I got it. Thanks for clarifying why you downgraded.

❤️🤟in ASL. Also for BSL ( B….S language as Diane calls it-LOL) thanks for the clarification. Yes for sure do another post to break it down in simple steps and stop rambling ok! Get to the point- thats it! POINT- PARTHA!

Jay, about backlinks from 16.8 2023:

Great post Partha, I never knew that comments can create backlinks. I link to outside sources relevant to my niche in every single article, so I have that part covered. Also, what about using my site email for leaving comments? I modified my signature to reflect my website with a nickname, (James,MRT). My actual website name is Model Railway Techniques. I also use that MRT nickname in my AIOSEO so it gets exposure that way. Advice?

Hi James,

Yep, basically if you place your domain name url or the url of a specific blog post on ANOTHER website, this counts as a backlink.

However, as I've mentioned, some backlinks carry more weight than others.

So, even requesting feedback on the Wealthy Affiliate platform and placing your domain name in the feedback section IS A BACKLINK.

Placing your website name in your WA profile IS A BACKLINK.

Placing a SPECIFIC blog post url on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest IS A BACKLINK.

However, once more, as I've said, the BEST backlinks typically come from within SOMEONE ELSE'S BLOG POST LINKING TO AN ARTICLE OF YOURS.

The way to obtain the BEST BACKLINKS is to initially put the "hard work" in and try to build a relationship with other website owners IN YOUR NICHE, and one the easiest ways to "build this relationship" is by commenting on other people's website articles who are IN YOUR NICHE.

If someone sees you regularly adding comments to their website, and these comments add some value, they will notice you, eventually the aim is that they reach out to you, even if it's just to say "Hi", you have now achieved the first part of "building a relationship".

Plus, if they don;t reach out to you, at least you know that all those comments you have left are providing backlinks to your website.

The more RELEVANT & QUALITY backlinks you receive the better your rankings and traffic will get.

As for the email address, yes that's fine, as I've said, the ONLY PEOPLE who will ever see that email address (when leaving blog comments) is YOU and the WEBSITE OWNER (your email address will NEVER be made public).

So, having a "signature to reflect your website" won't have any impact in terms of blog commenting (no-one gets to see it).

The great thing about having your domain name as an email sign off comes into play when you're actually sending emails, whether this is just to friends, family, people you know, or when you eventually start email marketing in order to build a list of subscribers (some people will say you should start this straight away, my preferred method of using email marketing, if I'm going to do it, is to wait until I'm getting at least 100 visitors per day - however, in terms of email marketing you should always be sending your "readers back to your website in some way anyway:)

e.g. Check out my latest blog post about - "Choosing a Theme For Your Model Railroad"

Then when you do that within an email you once again have created a backlink to that specific article.

But, as I say, email marketing is probably somewhere in your future once you're getting regular daily visitors.


Thanks for the reply, Partha, I've already been leaving comments on other sites since just reading your post. I fill in the name field as James, MRT and the link and name appear that way on the comment.
I did try to use my WA site email, but WordPress prompted me for a password since it associated my domain with them. Anyone have any experience with this? Should I ditch the WA email in favor of one on WordPress?
I've also been actively working on getting social media referrals on Instagram from people, have been linking articles to several FB groups that I belong to that are in my niche, and been asking other website owners if I can link to their sites to help drive their sales (they are specialized and only provide custom services that don't affect me)

My goodness Partha, what a brilliant mind you have. You never cease to amaze me!

Truly a gift to WA community 🙏

Even though our Project G is in one of the most competitive niches and it's understandable why it's not authoritative in Google's eyes yet, I think we'll try these ideas to get more backlinks and help it rank better.

(We need some good news from Google pronto, lol)

Totally would be interesting to try and then document in our progress reports!

Speaking of which, I mentioned you in our Month 3 post ;)

Thanks a bunch for awesome tips, Partha!!

Hahahaha!! Cheers Zarina...

Don't worry, I'm always "keeping an eye on you", LOL, and seeing what you're up to.

Yep, obviously this method is great to outsource, in fact probably even better.

If you have one specific person doing this (I have tested it, and completed 36 in one day myself) then you're going to get a lot of backlinks and brand exposure within 2-3 months.

Additionally, the best way to get into backlinks, especially when outsourcing, is to use HARO.

Just go through the videos and articles on this search term

Basically, take some notes, learn it yourself, and then provide these details to your freelancer (plus, there are now ways to use HARO and ChatGPT together).

There are some great backlinks to get through HARO, but the process can be very tedious, so just outsource it.

Hmmmm... the jury is still out for me on what the hell Google is doing... hahahahahaha!!

However, I more convinced than ever that BACKLINKS will make the difference.

If you think about it, there is just so much content being produced at the moment, some bloggers publishing up to 1,000 articles per month.

And the fact that Google is okay with AI, as long as it's quality and helpful content, is just going make ranking even harder.

So, it's either a case of finding really, really obscure keywords, which may only ever produce 50-100 visitors per month...


If everyone is producing a lot of the same content then the "popularity" of that content is what will decided potential ranking...


Just how I see the next year or two for those looking for organic traffic.

At the moment it's difficult to work out exactly what's going on with Google, so stay with the quality and quantity content production, but look at ways to make your content more "popular" and a "wider reach" (which I know you're doing, e.g. turning articles into videos, sharirng on socials, etc.)

Let's see what happens, LOL!


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