Google de-indexed almost all of my articles, and my traffic went to 0. No, I did not game the system like some of you think. It's from the Google August Core 2024 update.
Time to pivot and I don't mean a new site and getting back on the content hampster wheel.
Many months ago after being hit by Google (again). I said screw it, I'm tired of not being in full control of my business and have it get decimated just to rebuild it again, and again.
And I've been doing this fulltime since 2005. So rebuilding was (is) part of the business model.
The one's that build real online businesses that are sustainable and not subject to the whims and changes of the search engines are the one's the offer a service.
Not commissioned sales people, better know as affiliate marketers.
I've now launching my own digital marketing agency gor local businesses offering email marketing, SMS marketing, lead generation, reputation management, PPC and SEO.
No more being under the thumb of Google.
All can say is pivot and offer a service, no matter what it is. Take full control.
Affiliate marketing is not the end all to be all for building an online business, even though it's pitched that way.
I'm sure you've seen everybody online is selling their own service or course and that includes services and courses related affiliate marketing.
Just my two cents.
You're welcome, the long term sustainable success of any online business is to offer your own service or product.
You need to be 100% in control of your business and as an affiliate you're not.
All the best in anyway you decide to move forward.
Don't do it Brenda!!
I have a new site which I started about the same time as yours and after a flying start... since the March update things are grim to say the least!!
Start a new site by all means, but... I honestly wouldn't throw away all of the hard work you have put in over the last year...
Just keep on adding a new post once a week or couple of weeks so it is seen as active is what I would do...
Who knows what the future holds my friend!! Google could do a U-Turn and we wouldn't want to miss out on that!!
Mmmm..... certainly don't like the "duh" at the end of your response Brenda, but... we have been friends for years so I will let it slide!!
My take is.. Google and all search engines are going through a transitional period right now with the AI powered world taking over....
Will it last though???
I have absolutely no idea, but I just plug on regardless....
I suggest you do the same and enjoy life as much as possible my friend....
"Plugging away by writing content after content doesnt work anymore."
100% correct, Brenda.
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I am tempted to do a complete wp reset and start over on my domain site-should I do it ?
Google de-indexed almost all of my articles, and my traffic went to 0. No, I did not game the system like some of you think. It's from the Google August Core 2024 update.
Hey Brenda,
I like that you consider the community's advice Important. Even though the decision is ultimately yours.
Do YOU think that your content is worthless? If so, start over from scratch.
If YOU think that your content is worthy, then Prove Google wrong by diversifying and fighting forward until you succeed.
You can do it.
Maxine :)
Time to pivot and I don't mean a new site and getting back on the content hampster wheel.
Many months ago after being hit by Google (again). I said screw it, I'm tired of not being in full control of my business and have it get decimated just to rebuild it again, and again.
And I've been doing this fulltime since 2005. So rebuilding was (is) part of the business model.
The one's that build real online businesses that are sustainable and not subject to the whims and changes of the search engines are the one's the offer a service.
Not commissioned sales people, better know as affiliate marketers.
I've now launching my own digital marketing agency gor local businesses offering email marketing, SMS marketing, lead generation, reputation management, PPC and SEO.
No more being under the thumb of Google.
All can say is pivot and offer a service, no matter what it is. Take full control.
Affiliate marketing is not the end all to be all for building an online business, even though it's pitched that way.
I'm sure you've seen everybody online is selling their own service or course and that includes services and courses related affiliate marketing.
Just my two cents.
You're welcome, the long term sustainable success of any online business is to offer your own service or product.
You need to be 100% in control of your business and as an affiliate you're not.
All the best in anyway you decide to move forward.
Don't do it Brenda!!
I have a new site which I started about the same time as yours and after a flying start... since the March update things are grim to say the least!!
Start a new site by all means, but... I honestly wouldn't throw away all of the hard work you have put in over the last year...
Just keep on adding a new post once a week or couple of weeks so it is seen as active is what I would do...
Who knows what the future holds my friend!! Google could do a U-Turn and we wouldn't want to miss out on that!!
Mmmm..... certainly don't like the "duh" at the end of your response Brenda, but... we have been friends for years so I will let it slide!!
My take is.. Google and all search engines are going through a transitional period right now with the AI powered world taking over....
Will it last though???
I have absolutely no idea, but I just plug on regardless....
I suggest you do the same and enjoy life as much as possible my friend....
"Plugging away by writing content after content doesnt work anymore."
100% correct, Brenda.
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Google Search Console-Why You Should Pay Attention to De-Indexed in Crawled -currently not indexed
Hey Brenda,
I like that you consider the community's advice Important. Even though the decision is ultimately yours.
Do YOU think that your content is worthless? If so, start over from scratch.
If YOU think that your content is worthy, then Prove Google wrong by diversifying and fighting forward until you succeed.
You can do it.
Maxine :)