About NikeA
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268 followers Joined September 2016
Hi ya, Oh wow, you came over to see me, how cool. My name is Nike, not as in the trainers ( wry smile) but





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

hi, I was wondering if you could recommend a wp theme for a site that is to review products and sell them through external links. thanks ever so much in advance.

You can still use any theme really, its what ever catches your eye and how you want to lay it out in your mind.
If you are writing product reviews and linking to them in the body of your post then you don't need lots of fancy sidebars and footers to put text boxes or widgets in.
You need to think about what features you need and what you want the site to be able to do for you and then try the search using the Feature tab in the Themes sections to see if it can narrow it down for you.
If you are switching themes on a site with some work on it already then set up a test siterubix site and try your themes out on there so as not to disturb your site.

Thank you...just thought I would ask... as it takes me ages to pick a theme...

us the feature tab and it will help narrow it down for you if there are features that you feel you must have on a site.

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Hi y'all? what is a good wp theme for reviewing products?

Hi y'all? what is a good wp theme for reviewing products?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

hi, I was wondering if you could recommend a wp theme for a site that is to review products and sell them through external links. thanks ever so much in advance.

You can still use any theme really, its what ever catches your eye and how you want to lay it out in your mind.
If you are writing product reviews and linking to them in the body of your post then you don't need lots of fancy sidebars and footers to put text boxes or widgets in.
You need to think about what features you need and what you want the site to be able to do for you and then try the search using the Feature tab in the Themes sections to see if it can narrow it down for you.
If you are switching themes on a site with some work on it already then set up a test siterubix site and try your themes out on there so as not to disturb your site.

Thank you...just thought I would ask... as it takes me ages to pick a theme...

us the feature tab and it will help narrow it down for you if there are features that you feel you must have on a site.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, I am trying to get my site, www.growth4u.siteruberix.com indexed. I can't follow the instructions in the tutorial, because google wants me to verify the site, and despite m

Hi ya
I am still struggling with this and I have tried a couple of methods there and it still will not verify and index. i have uploaded a picture. I have also tried doing ti by using yoast seo, no joy. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

It should work the way Marion gave you, if it doesn't try using another browser.

You can use Gyazo screenshot tool to take a screenshot :)

is that an app

monosnap is an awesome screenshot tool that lets you also do video screencaptures. free, too!

Which method are you using for verification?

Good morning thanks for asking! I tried the recommended version first, that was even before I posted the question based on the training you suggested! Then Marion posted that one which was straightforward and still it did not work!
It's an exm like trying to get into Harvard!!! ( wry smile) anyway I'll keep trying! I'll ask my email list to click it see if that works x

Which method are you using for verification? Is it google account or another method?

The easiest way to verify your site is through your SEO plugin.

Thank you, i shall give that a go now.

hello marion, hmm it still did not work, amazing, not sure what to do next.

Make sure you only paste in the part of the code between the quote marks (not the quote marks themselves).

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Hi ya everyone, can you help with verifying my site please?

Hi ya everyone, can you help with verifying my site please?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, I am trying to get my site, www.growth4u.siteruberix.com indexed. I can't follow the instructions in the tutorial, because google wants me to verify the site, and despite m

Hi ya
I am still struggling with this and I have tried a couple of methods there and it still will not verify and index. i have uploaded a picture. I have also tried doing ti by using yoast seo, no joy. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

It should work the way Marion gave you, if it doesn't try using another browser.

You can use Gyazo screenshot tool to take a screenshot :)

is that an app

monosnap is an awesome screenshot tool that lets you also do video screencaptures. free, too!

Which method are you using for verification?

Good morning thanks for asking! I tried the recommended version first, that was even before I posted the question based on the training you suggested! Then Marion posted that one which was straightforward and still it did not work!
It's an exm like trying to get into Harvard!!! ( wry smile) anyway I'll keep trying! I'll ask my email list to click it see if that works x

Which method are you using for verification? Is it google account or another method?

The easiest way to verify your site is through your SEO plugin.

Thank you, i shall give that a go now.

hello marion, hmm it still did not work, amazing, not sure what to do next.

Make sure you only paste in the part of the code between the quote marks (not the quote marks themselves).

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