Productivity Tip: Focus On One Thing


Lots of people get overwhelmed when building an online business because there's just a lot to learn and do. Even today, as I try to grow my business, I find myself stressing about all the things I need to get done.

One little trick I use to make progress in my business is to focus on one thing for a period of time. Rather than try to 'do everything', I do ONE thing, then move on on the next.

Instead of carrying five bags one foot at a time, I take one bag five feet at a time.

This allows me to focus and improve one skill or make deep progress in one area, then move onto the next one.

So for 6 months I may do nothing but "write posts". Then for the next six months I may do nothing but "work on a new site" and after that I may reevaluate on what needs to be done next.

What I'm doing right now is working on revamping some high traffic, older posts to attempt to increase conversions. I started mid-August, and will finish next week. It took a full month of my focus, but it will be done soon, then I can focus something else.

At some point in the future I try to look for balance and reevaluate goals, but when I really want to push forward in some area, this is my technique for taking jumps instead of baby steps.

Also, doing one thing can reduce the stress you feel and maybe even help motivate you.

Is it easier to 'make money online' or to 'write two blog posts per week'. Of course the second option is easier. Since writing blog posts will lead to making money, doing option #2 will eventually lead to option #1, you are basically working towards the same goal but tricking your brain into thinking it's doing something different.

No matter whether you are building your first website or trying to increase your already amazing earnings, we call can feel stressed or overwhelmed. I just wanted to share this small tip today, to help you guys keep moving in the right direction.

Hope this helps! Catch you later.

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Recent Comments


Great point of view. I know I have felt the stress at times and this helps to put that into perspective.

Good reminder! I often get caught up in carrying 5 bags 1 ft at a time... and then all of the bags drop before I have gone a full foot and that's when panic and anxiety set in.

I like how you mentioned that it is ok to work on one particular thing (like write blog posts) for a large chunk of time. I really need to start doing this. I try to do a bit of everything and then it seems like I have done a whole lot of nothing.

What you are describing are outcome goals vs. behavioural goals. An outcome goal would be to make money online whereas a behavioural goal is to write 2 blog posts a week. Behavioural goals are always easier to achieve than outcome goals. This is even true for those looking to lose weight. An outcome goal is "I want to lose 20lbs by____" whereas a behavioural goal would be "I will go to the gym 3 times a week". Again, you have more control over the behavioural goal!

This is a timely post for me. Have been struggling with trying to get it all done and nothing is really getting done. So I had already started focusing on one thing at a time. I feel so much better now. Thank you for writing and confirming these thoughts in my mind. :)

Your right on this one, for me learning to put this page together watching the lessons going back over over them takes time and I find myself trying to stay a step ahead of my self instead of concentrating on what I'm doing, whew but Im so exited and it feels at times I'm walking thru mud dragging my feet because I want it NOW!!
Lol. But anyway its a learning process.
Everyone have a great day

The perfect advice! Thanks Nathaniell!

Thank you, this what i'v been hearing for some time. You have a rank of 11 so I guess you know what you are talking about. Thanks again.

Thanks for that. It's the right message at the right time......Jim

I've often played the game of one thing at a time Natihaniell - but never for 6 months at a time!

Certainly food for thought ~ Dennis

Great tip! Thanks for sharing.

Good tip Nathaniell and one that I realise I'm doing already. If I try to do too much at once, I don't get anything done at all! Ches

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