asked in
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

I love thae article designeer, but overusing that phrase seems weird. What do you do to make the Ai articles from the WA designer sound more narural?

You can change that and edit it to suit your taste; you do not have to follow what the AI writes... Nor do you have to criticize, lol

If you do not like the end product, you do not have to use it.

I like the Ai article designer. I'm just trying to get better at using it

I see, okay :)

I'd follow up this series if not done already

Hi Matthew

It most likely was the way the AI was programmed. Use Brenda's suggestion or remove them manually.

I take WA AI-generated content and put it into ChatGPT, where I make further modifications as needed.

Frank 🎸

Thanks to you, that's what I also do :)

Haha, Thanks, Abie! 👍👍 😎 ⚡️🎸🎶

You can ask it not to do it by prompting here is what this guy did: Use that prompt put in the add section and then it should follow what you wish. I used his prompts and asked it to cut the fluff it works.

Thank you!

Sure, you're welcome!

Thanks for linking to my blog post Brenda! I'm glad the prompt worked for you. I'm still using the exact same prompt, and it doesn't seem to hurt if I add other information either before or after it. Like stuff that would be relevant to the specific article I'm creating.

Sure, you're welcome. I agree with you. I've used it, and it works. Thanks for doing that for us. It is helpful. Even the professional copywriter writes too much fluff. I tell it not to do that. Now and then, it does not always listen. No biggie, I can edit it in my own words.

I am glad, Brenda :) And good to see you.

Good to see you too! I hope your eye gets better!

Thanks! Yeah, I napped a bit, and I feel good - I appreciate your concern.


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Why does the ai article designer overuse the phrase "you're going to find out about" ?

Why does the ai article designer overuse the phrase "you're going to find out about" ?

asked in
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

I love thae article designeer, but overusing that phrase seems weird. What do you do to make the Ai articles from the WA designer sound more narural?

You can change that and edit it to suit your taste; you do not have to follow what the AI writes... Nor do you have to criticize, lol

If you do not like the end product, you do not have to use it.

I like the Ai article designer. I'm just trying to get better at using it

I see, okay :)

I'd follow up this series if not done already

Hi Matthew

It most likely was the way the AI was programmed. Use Brenda's suggestion or remove them manually.

I take WA AI-generated content and put it into ChatGPT, where I make further modifications as needed.

Frank 🎸

Thanks to you, that's what I also do :)

Haha, Thanks, Abie! 👍👍 😎 ⚡️🎸🎶

You can ask it not to do it by prompting here is what this guy did: Use that prompt put in the add section and then it should follow what you wish. I used his prompts and asked it to cut the fluff it works.

Thank you!

Sure, you're welcome!

Thanks for linking to my blog post Brenda! I'm glad the prompt worked for you. I'm still using the exact same prompt, and it doesn't seem to hurt if I add other information either before or after it. Like stuff that would be relevant to the specific article I'm creating.

Sure, you're welcome. I agree with you. I've used it, and it works. Thanks for doing that for us. It is helpful. Even the professional copywriter writes too much fluff. I tell it not to do that. Now and then, it does not always listen. No biggie, I can edit it in my own words.

I am glad, Brenda :) And good to see you.

Good to see you too! I hope your eye gets better!

Thanks! Yeah, I napped a bit, and I feel good - I appreciate your concern.


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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I love the Ai designer and I've been using it a lot, but sometimes the content feels thinner than I'd like it. What are some suggestions on how to flesh out an article?

Hi - here are the steps I take - add a featured answer snippet at the top of the post, add bullet points to the conclusion, add a Call to Action, add FAQ, add external and internal links, add a YouTube video.

My favorite way is to write a bit of content first then put it into the box for your added content in the Ai designer. It usually generales a pretty good article, but occasionally it needs work. I then go over it adding and deleting content until it gets where I want it to be. Sometimes I have it generate an article without input and then I go over it using the same process adding and deleting content. You can also talk to chatgpt or gemini about your article. It can help you brainstorm things you may want to add. I also created my own editor bot on poe. You can do that too it's easy and free. I hope this helps you.

Regarding ai content, how do you turn a thin article into a quality fleshed out article?

Regarding ai content, how do you turn a thin article into a quality fleshed out article?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I love the Ai designer and I've been using it a lot, but sometimes the content feels thinner than I'd like it. What are some suggestions on how to flesh out an article?

Hi - here are the steps I take - add a featured answer snippet at the top of the post, add bullet points to the conclusion, add a Call to Action, add FAQ, add external and internal links, add a YouTube video.

My favorite way is to write a bit of content first then put it into the box for your added content in the Ai designer. It usually generales a pretty good article, but occasionally it needs work. I then go over it adding and deleting content until it gets where I want it to be. Sometimes I have it generate an article without input and then I go over it using the same process adding and deleting content. You can also talk to chatgpt or gemini about your article. It can help you brainstorm things you may want to add. I also created my own editor bot on poe. You can do that too it's easy and free. I hope this helps you.

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I'm asking because the recent March Google helpful content update seemed to crack down on Ai generated spam. However, we at WA use Ai generated content. So what can we do while

One thing I do is I tell it to add sections at the end for Q&A and for People Also Ask. Sometimes I will ask to add a section that is compatible to the original article.

For example, I have a post about Top Show Jumping Techniques.

I asked Hubs AI to add a section for the top show jumping competitors. That gave me a bunch of paragraphs.

I'm learning new things to ask our helpful AIs each time. I use the techy AI writer one the most. I don't personally say a lot of the words the conversational AI does. I guess I'm a techy at heart, lol.


Good points here, Teri :) So, is UGC I find quite helpful :)


You're welcome, Teri :)

You still need to edit your AI-generated content to make it unique to you :) Also, having checked the facts. It is about how to present this AI content; as long as it is checked and cross-referenced, voice, experience, style, and emotions are inputted. Thus, it is a polished piece ready to serve a purpose.

I edit my Ai generated articles before posting them :)
I just feel like there is more I can do to make them better, but I get overwhelmed easily. However, I'm determined to keep on getting better so I'm asking for advice. Thank you

I always aim to have the most compelling content I can provide my visitors, regardless of what Google thinks or wants. I do not write to please search engines but real folks who are interested in what I have to say :)

I use AI extensively...

That's true and I agree, people first content is best. I probably should be more specific in my question though.

What I'm more so looking for is what do you do specifically to an Ai generated first draft to turn it from a shallow article, into a very good people first article that is fleshed out, gets ranked on Google, keeps readers, etc?

I'll break it down for you :)

Already noted thorough research and fact-checking, accuracy, and credibility.

Readability and structure

Clear introduction, body, conclusion
Use headings and short paragraphs
Utilize bullet points and lists

Depth and original insights

Personal experiences
Provide detailed analysis and examples

Ask questions and include calls to action
Use interactive elements like images/videos

SEO optimizations

Research and use relevant keywords, and check the competition on Google Page 1
Optimize meta tags and alt text
Internal and external links

Polish the writing

Proofread for grammar/spelling
Smooth flow and consistent tone
Adds value with additional resources/further reading


Analyze performance metrics
Continuously update and improve :)

Thank you! I appreciate the detailed answer.

You are most welcome, Mathew :)

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What is the difference between a site with quality ai generated content, vs a website with ai genera

What is the difference between a site with quality ai generated content, vs a website with ai genera

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I'm asking because the recent March Google helpful content update seemed to crack down on Ai generated spam. However, we at WA use Ai generated content. So what can we do while

One thing I do is I tell it to add sections at the end for Q&A and for People Also Ask. Sometimes I will ask to add a section that is compatible to the original article.

For example, I have a post about Top Show Jumping Techniques.

I asked Hubs AI to add a section for the top show jumping competitors. That gave me a bunch of paragraphs.

I'm learning new things to ask our helpful AIs each time. I use the techy AI writer one the most. I don't personally say a lot of the words the conversational AI does. I guess I'm a techy at heart, lol.


Good points here, Teri :) So, is UGC I find quite helpful :)


You're welcome, Teri :)

You still need to edit your AI-generated content to make it unique to you :) Also, having checked the facts. It is about how to present this AI content; as long as it is checked and cross-referenced, voice, experience, style, and emotions are inputted. Thus, it is a polished piece ready to serve a purpose.

I edit my Ai generated articles before posting them :)
I just feel like there is more I can do to make them better, but I get overwhelmed easily. However, I'm determined to keep on getting better so I'm asking for advice. Thank you

I always aim to have the most compelling content I can provide my visitors, regardless of what Google thinks or wants. I do not write to please search engines but real folks who are interested in what I have to say :)

I use AI extensively...

That's true and I agree, people first content is best. I probably should be more specific in my question though.

What I'm more so looking for is what do you do specifically to an Ai generated first draft to turn it from a shallow article, into a very good people first article that is fleshed out, gets ranked on Google, keeps readers, etc?

I'll break it down for you :)

Already noted thorough research and fact-checking, accuracy, and credibility.

Readability and structure

Clear introduction, body, conclusion
Use headings and short paragraphs
Utilize bullet points and lists

Depth and original insights

Personal experiences
Provide detailed analysis and examples

Ask questions and include calls to action
Use interactive elements like images/videos

SEO optimizations

Research and use relevant keywords, and check the competition on Google Page 1
Optimize meta tags and alt text
Internal and external links

Polish the writing

Proofread for grammar/spelling
Smooth flow and consistent tone
Adds value with additional resources/further reading


Analyze performance metrics
Continuously update and improve :)

Thank you! I appreciate the detailed answer.

You are most welcome, Mathew :)

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm determined to continue getting better as an affiliate marketer and have a mindset to never give up, but one issue I've been having is that my Bootcamp website has such a sm

Keep consistent posting to your blog and sharing on social media platforms.

I also agree with Simon :)

You can do supplementary content and post onward Medium .com.

How can I use medium to drive traffic to my website without breaking Medium's rules?

You may try to:

Create High-Quality Content
- Write valuable, well-researched articles
- Use engaging, descriptive titles

Include Links Strategically
- Link to your site within the article context
- Include a call-to-action link at end

Utilize Medium's Tools and Features
- Submit to relevant publications
- Use appropriate tags

Engage with the Community
- Respond to comments
- Follow others and clap for good content

Repurpose and Syndicate Content
- Turn existing blog posts into Medium articles
- Use canonical links when republishing

Leverage Medium's Partner Program
- Monetize to increase visibility

Promote Your Medium Articles
- Share on social media
- Include in email newsletters

Monitor and Adjust Strategy
- Use analytics to track performance
- Refine content strategy based on data

Keeping ahead of Medium's rules and terms of service is crucial :)

Hey Matthew, I get you. I think now, after Google's recent updates, having a standalone website isn't enough. You HAVE to build a brand.

That means not relying solely on Google, getting on other platforms and diversifying your traffic sources.

Try Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, wherever your target audience hangs out. Don't try and do them all, but pick a handful and go all in.

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How can I increase website traffic?

How can I increase website traffic?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm determined to continue getting better as an affiliate marketer and have a mindset to never give up, but one issue I've been having is that my Bootcamp website has such a sm

Keep consistent posting to your blog and sharing on social media platforms.

I also agree with Simon :)

You can do supplementary content and post onward Medium .com.

How can I use medium to drive traffic to my website without breaking Medium's rules?

You may try to:

Create High-Quality Content
- Write valuable, well-researched articles
- Use engaging, descriptive titles

Include Links Strategically
- Link to your site within the article context
- Include a call-to-action link at end

Utilize Medium's Tools and Features
- Submit to relevant publications
- Use appropriate tags

Engage with the Community
- Respond to comments
- Follow others and clap for good content

Repurpose and Syndicate Content
- Turn existing blog posts into Medium articles
- Use canonical links when republishing

Leverage Medium's Partner Program
- Monetize to increase visibility

Promote Your Medium Articles
- Share on social media
- Include in email newsletters

Monitor and Adjust Strategy
- Use analytics to track performance
- Refine content strategy based on data

Keeping ahead of Medium's rules and terms of service is crucial :)

Hey Matthew, I get you. I think now, after Google's recent updates, having a standalone website isn't enough. You HAVE to build a brand.

That means not relying solely on Google, getting on other platforms and diversifying your traffic sources.

Try Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, wherever your target audience hangs out. Don't try and do them all, but pick a handful and go all in.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a website that I've been working on in WA since the beginning of 2023 or end of 2022. I recently learned on a video from a youtuber called Jesse Cunningham that creating

It can, but it requires a lot of work and follow-up. In the beginning, it feels like you are speaking to yourself.

You can use the WpForo plugin :)

Be sure to add a Captcha so that you do not get spammed.

I appreciate the recommendation. After considering what many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

That's the course of action I would also take, and you're welcome :)

I guess it depends on your personality and how willing you are to engage with your "tribe".

For me, it would rapidly become another "job" that I'd resent. To me, one of the big attractions of an online model like affiliate marketing is the ability to work in my own time and enjoy the rewards asynchronously. Even website comments can wait until I'm ready to approve them.

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

I agree with Diane and I created a lot of forums. They are incredibly hard work and time consuming. They are not really less time consuming as thy age, because then it is a full time job moderating it. I don't know who Jesse is but an educated guess would tell me that person is teaching a method they haven't tried.
I am not saying don't do it , but it is not an easy option

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

Hi - yes, it can be a good idea, but your initial users will come from your current traffic.

Simply adding a forum will not suddenly attract more traffic.

You need an audience who are already finding your site through your posts or your social media platforms.

And it can be a lot of work, as you will need to approve the comments in a timely manner, and encourage engagement and responses.

It's not something you can set up and then it will run by itself.

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

Realistically, you do need to diversify, and not just rely on writing blog posts to attract traffic.

If you are not already using social media, then pick a platform that you would be comfortable with, and get to know how to use it.

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Can adding a forum to my website be a way to increasemy site's authority and increase affiliate sale

Can adding a forum to my website be a way to increasemy site's authority and increase affiliate sale

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a website that I've been working on in WA since the beginning of 2023 or end of 2022. I recently learned on a video from a youtuber called Jesse Cunningham that creating

It can, but it requires a lot of work and follow-up. In the beginning, it feels like you are speaking to yourself.

You can use the WpForo plugin :)

Be sure to add a Captcha so that you do not get spammed.

I appreciate the recommendation. After considering what many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

That's the course of action I would also take, and you're welcome :)

I guess it depends on your personality and how willing you are to engage with your "tribe".

For me, it would rapidly become another "job" that I'd resent. To me, one of the big attractions of an online model like affiliate marketing is the ability to work in my own time and enjoy the rewards asynchronously. Even website comments can wait until I'm ready to approve them.

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

I agree with Diane and I created a lot of forums. They are incredibly hard work and time consuming. They are not really less time consuming as thy age, because then it is a full time job moderating it. I don't know who Jesse is but an educated guess would tell me that person is teaching a method they haven't tried.
I am not saying don't do it , but it is not an easy option

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

Hi - yes, it can be a good idea, but your initial users will come from your current traffic.

Simply adding a forum will not suddenly attract more traffic.

You need an audience who are already finding your site through your posts or your social media platforms.

And it can be a lot of work, as you will need to approve the comments in a timely manner, and encourage engagement and responses.

It's not something you can set up and then it will run by itself.

After considering what you and many said, I agree that creating a forum sounds like a lot of work. So I probably won't go down that rout. I should just continue to post content and let traffic increase

Realistically, you do need to diversify, and not just rely on writing blog posts to attract traffic.

If you are not already using social media, then pick a platform that you would be comfortable with, and get to know how to use it.

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