Time to Stop Leaving Money on the Table

blog cover image

(Cover photo: Mountain of books. Image by Grok 2)

Hi Everyone,

Just because we don't see the money we could have earned shouldn't make it less painful. Out of sight, out of mind.

Now that I am taking publishing super seriously, I can see that I have passed up an untold amount of money over the years.

That needs to stop now.

Tonight, I published a public domain title.

I published it as a regular edition paperback, a large print paperback, a large print hardcover book and an ebook. It would have been too small for a regular edition hardcover.

I don't normally do hardcovers. I will do them going forward and go back and do hardcovers for books previously published.

I also need to do audio books in the future.

I did this public domain title a little differently and I believe it will make a huge difference for me.

When you make changes or add additional content to a public domain title that allows you to copyright the new title you created.

That will eliminate a lot of the hassle with KDP Amazon trying to show them the public domain title is not under copyright.

You can also get higher royalties if you copyright it.

So what I did was I added a summary of the book and since this book referenced another public domain title, I included that in the book as well making it a little more unique.

I actually didn't expect this, but I used it as my book cover and it takes care of the front and back covers. ChatGPT created this.

I'm also going to start selling my titles on other sites.

Mark aka markh613 asked about selling on Barnes and Noble for example in addition to KDP Amazon.

I have just never bothered with that, but clearly money is being left on the table once again.

How about your websites and blogs?

When we say and I have done this before, "I don't like using Social Media."

Guess what? We are leaving money on the table!

We should be in business to make money and we should be doing everything conceivable to make that happen.

Let's splash some cold water on our faces and wake up and get making more money!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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You can also get higher royalties if you copyright it. - I did not know this.

Also loved the splash of cold water on your face. I WAS one of those who despised social media. Today I am advocating putting your fingers into every pie.

But do it one or two at a time. Get comfortable with posting regularly, then add another, and another.

I am up to 8 platforms. This is from a neophyte who wanted nothing to do with them. Don't leave money on the table.

Thanks Mel.

This is my FriSatSu, you will see me lurking around this great site.


Happy FriSatSu MrDon!


There are many authors on Twitter/X and they tend to help each other to boost followers and retweet books etc. Certsinly worth taking the time build a following to boost sales.
In quiet times I would use the time to increase followers and it paid off. Extra tweets put out would bring in more sales of my then business.
Wishing you all the best in im increasing your sales Mel. You certainly deserve it.

Thanks for sharing LInda! Have a great upcoming FriSatSu!


Cool, Mel.

One thought comes to mind. Would Amazon have a problem with you working with a competitor? Also, are you talking about the same or different books for each company?

Those are mainly food for thought, but I am curious.

Blessed Be to you, yours, Jeff, and his.


Selling the exact title on multiple platforms.

Just read the fine print on each platform to be sure all is ok.


ok. so it is ok?


Just read the fine print on each platform to be sure all is ok.

ok. Thanks, Mel.


For me, not using social media is to avoid the potential cringe of being judged negatively. I suspect that is the case with many people not using social media. How do you deal with the worry of being judged negatively?

What you say is common.

I've learned that I just don't care what other people think or say or what their opinions are. Its impossible to please everyone.

People are negative for many reasons and its rarely for my best interests.

If I want to succeed then I have to do what I have to do. Its as simple as that.

I might have some cheerleaders on the sidelines, but I am the one needing to make things happen.

I hope this helps.


Way to go, Mel!

Keep the momentum going!

Tim 🎼

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