Author skandy85
Rank 1144

In this video I will show you some graphs of what to expect when you start to rank in Google & how long it will take!

Analytic screen shots are from the WA forum - fellow WA members.

Thanks to JamesLM - OwainCouch & StubearBlack

You can also see another training video here about newbie mistakes-

Newbie Mistakes - TOP 5!

How Long Does It Take To Rank & Get Traffic?...
Top Tips For All Newbie WA Members...

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Iniabasi1 Premium
I didn't see too many likes for your post, but I do appreciate the frank honesty. Everything that you mentioned that you experienced is EXACTLY what I'm going through. Like you mentioned, the biggest thing is constant content with substance, and that's what I'm working hard at doing. Thanks for the post.
OwainCouch Premium
I feel like as long as you keep up the posts Andrew that they have value then you will succeed eventually. All the best to you.
skandy85 Premium Plus
That's the downside to blogging.... the start is a tough and it can take a long time. but you will get there. Just keep writing!
NWTDennis Premium
We hear this a lot here in the training and in the community. Traffic is a function of our steady stream of content. It's hard work, especially if writing is not easy for you.

But if you do what Philip says in this training you reach that spot I like to call Content Critical Mass. You will know when you've reached Critical Mass. Google finds your site and a significant, positive change in traffic occurs.

A side benefit is you will realize a dramatic change in your writing skills and at that point content writing becomes easier for you, because you have trained yourself to be a better writer.
OwainCouch Premium
I think I've reached that point with Critical Mass, although I feel my writing could improve. I can't wait to see my rankings climb and climb. I am already seeing an improvement with my clicks to Amazon.
gs1954 Premium
Thanks for a great video, i'm sure they said a 12 month commitment was needed at that start of the training, now i can see why. I have been looking too much at analytics/webmaster tools, my site is not 3 months old yet, i need to slow down and just add content, content and more content.
OwainCouch Premium
I'm quite obsessive and keep checking it regularly. I used to get upset at the beginning when my site was not performing well, it's getting better and I know that I will get there eventually.
skandy85 Premium Plus
I do the same. I check my analytics all the time! It's not necessarily a bad thing but it does make the whole process feel a lot slower. lol!
OwainCouch Premium
If I got longer than a minute then I write work on a post but usually I got a spare minute here and there so I will check it to see how I am going.
OwainCouch Premium
Thanks very much for the inclusion into your video.

I'll be honest here and say there have been times when I've thought about quitting. Day after day I kept checking and seeing no results. But you need to think to yourself that you are starting this from scratch.

It does take time and we all will get there, we just need to be patient. And obviously put the effort in.

All the best to you and good luck.
scenterprise Premium
Thank you for this video. I have been at WA 7 months (my website is 6 months old) and was getting discouraged. I wish they would let you know up front how long this process takes so people can have that mindset. Why don't they just lay it out there? Are they afraid no one will join if they knew? It seems a little deceptive to me. I thought I'd be making money right away.
skandy85 Premium Plus
I think the problem is that you can make money right away due to the fact that there are so many avenues you can take.

There would be no point in telling newbies that they will not make money in the first 6 months because technically that is not true. A lot of people do make sales within 2/3 months but this is very dependent on the niche - not all niches depend on Google ranking to make sales.

You also have PPC, local sales and you have to take into account what social connection people have. If you are well connected then making sales early is much easier.
skandy85 Premium Plus
Depending on your personal situation, income and connections you can easily make a lot of money online within 8 weeks.

Also, depending on your own attitude and initiative.

There are SOOO many ways to gain traffic sources, backlinks, clients etc etc
scenterprise Premium
Thank you. I appreciate you clarifying this for me. Scott