About Maximus343
Rank 4807
260 followers Joined March 2019
I live in Africa (GMT +02) and I turned 80 this year. My home is 80 km from the sea which is a shame as





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have had some help from Phil feigner - the video starts in the right place but I then cannot get it to stop when I want.

Here is the code that I copied and added to:

Remove the " (quotes). It already knows that the numbers mean seconds. And I think you need a ; (semi-colon) before the & (ampersand) but maybe it's a space not a ; (semi-colon). There's a free plugin called YouTube Free that could help.

Thanks Marion, the plugin seems like my style. I can tell you that I had already decided that should no one be able to help, I was going to go direct to you!

You've added a " by mistake before &end; - remove that and you should be good.

Hi Dale, thanks for your reply. However, " means seconds in code, so 94" = 1min 34 secs. However I am hoping there is a reader who knows code and can tell me how to stop the video after 207" or 3 mins and 27 secs.

Thanks Dale.

Hi Maximus, I'm a coder. It's not possible to use doublequotes inside of doublequotes as shown in the above example.

So I definitely shot myself in the foot there, sorry Dale!

Haha, it's OK.

When you have a URL, adding ? to the end is called a query string. This allows you to specify some additional variables.

? initiates the query string, so if you only had one variable it would look like this:


Then every further variable after that is separated by an &.



In code, " and ' are containers. The first " signifies the start of a string, the second signifies the end, that's why you can't have one inside (otherwise the string will get cut short).

Hi Dale
I purposely held back from replying because I suspected I might need a coder's advice. I also recognised you as you were the 22nd person I followed - you and Nathaniel on the same day.

I took Marion's advice and loaded a plugin to help me. It gave me much pain but finally I got the snatch of video on my website. And it looks very chic.

However the video appears very close to the previous paragraph. Is there any code that I can insert to make a space? I have made an attempt or two but it just discards anything I have added - but still no space.


Sure, the first thing you need to do is go to the "Text" editor of your post & look for the previous paragraph.

The paragraph may already be wrapped in paragraph tags

at the start and

at the end, but if not, add them.

Then to the opening paragraph tag, set a margin beneath it, by adding a bit of code like this:


You can increase the number of the margin accordingly to space it further :)

So the opening tag around the text would read:

your paragraph here

Thanks Dale. This morning - its 2125 here now, I had a look at stuff you have done for others in WA. I can see that you are exceptionally kind and generous with your time and knowledge. Thank you again.
Kind regards

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Embedding just a snatch from a video?

Embedding just a snatch from a video?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have had some help from Phil feigner - the video starts in the right place but I then cannot get it to stop when I want.

Here is the code that I copied and added to:

Remove the " (quotes). It already knows that the numbers mean seconds. And I think you need a ; (semi-colon) before the & (ampersand) but maybe it's a space not a ; (semi-colon). There's a free plugin called YouTube Free that could help.

Thanks Marion, the plugin seems like my style. I can tell you that I had already decided that should no one be able to help, I was going to go direct to you!

You've added a " by mistake before &end; - remove that and you should be good.

Hi Dale, thanks for your reply. However, " means seconds in code, so 94" = 1min 34 secs. However I am hoping there is a reader who knows code and can tell me how to stop the video after 207" or 3 mins and 27 secs.

Thanks Dale.

Hi Maximus, I'm a coder. It's not possible to use doublequotes inside of doublequotes as shown in the above example.

So I definitely shot myself in the foot there, sorry Dale!

Haha, it's OK.

When you have a URL, adding ? to the end is called a query string. This allows you to specify some additional variables.

? initiates the query string, so if you only had one variable it would look like this:


Then every further variable after that is separated by an &.



In code, " and ' are containers. The first " signifies the start of a string, the second signifies the end, that's why you can't have one inside (otherwise the string will get cut short).

Hi Dale
I purposely held back from replying because I suspected I might need a coder's advice. I also recognised you as you were the 22nd person I followed - you and Nathaniel on the same day.

I took Marion's advice and loaded a plugin to help me. It gave me much pain but finally I got the snatch of video on my website. And it looks very chic.

However the video appears very close to the previous paragraph. Is there any code that I can insert to make a space? I have made an attempt or two but it just discards anything I have added - but still no space.


Sure, the first thing you need to do is go to the "Text" editor of your post & look for the previous paragraph.

The paragraph may already be wrapped in paragraph tags

at the start and

at the end, but if not, add them.

Then to the opening paragraph tag, set a margin beneath it, by adding a bit of code like this:


You can increase the number of the margin accordingly to space it further :)

So the opening tag around the text would read:

your paragraph here

Thanks Dale. This morning - its 2125 here now, I had a look at stuff you have done for others in WA. I can see that you are exceptionally kind and generous with your time and knowledge. Thank you again.
Kind regards

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have watched Kyle's training and it has been successful except I want to embed only a short piece from the video. I have also been successful in embedding a different START t

Hi Maximus, Kyle has a great training video on embedding a YouTube video into your web site. Best wishes,

Thanks Michael, I have read it and I am following up on Phil feigner's suggestion to

... change/add to the code. I hope that you are in good shape.

you can find the command on this page as 'end'
have fun

Hi Phil

I replied at length to you suggestion and when I tried to send it, this silly message in red came up. Yeh yeh.

I shall try again. Thanks

the system doesn't like code - so maybe take an image of it rather than typing it....
what i should have done....

Hi Maximus, you may find this helpful.

Thanks Alex, I am following up on Phil feigner's suggestion to change/add to the code. I hope you are in good shape.

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Please could someone help me with embedding a video?

Please could someone help me with embedding a video?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have watched Kyle's training and it has been successful except I want to embed only a short piece from the video. I have also been successful in embedding a different START t

Hi Maximus, Kyle has a great training video on embedding a YouTube video into your web site. Best wishes,

Thanks Michael, I have read it and I am following up on Phil feigner's suggestion to

... change/add to the code. I hope that you are in good shape.

you can find the command on this page as 'end'
have fun

Hi Phil

I replied at length to you suggestion and when I tried to send it, this silly message in red came up. Yeh yeh.

I shall try again. Thanks

the system doesn't like code - so maybe take an image of it rather than typing it....
what i should have done....

Hi Maximus, you may find this helpful.

Thanks Alex, I am following up on Phil feigner's suggestion to change/add to the code. I hope you are in good shape.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am planning a major maintenance exercise on my site. Please could someone advise me how to immobilize it temporarily?

Could you use a plugin to show it as "Undergoing maintenance" or "Undergoing Construction" ?

Hi Jeffrey

Thanks for the advice. Feigner also spoke of a plugin so this time I actually had a look and selected SeedProd Lite, which seems to be pretty satisfactory.

Best wishes to you and your two crew-members. I was born in 1939 so my memories of the post WWII years are very clear. A near neighbor of ours had been a Squadron Leader in the RAF - an explosive character who sported a vast black handle-bar moustache. A wonderful chap, and very kind to his young admirers. My appeal to you then dear Jeffrey: please grow your moustache out and curl the ends up!

Yours in anticipation

I wonder if I even could, Michael--I'm lucky the wife lets me keep what I have! I'll see what I can do!


Good Michael,

I have my setting for SEO to come and check on once a week. I do not know how you have your setting but it might be a good idea to look into it and postpone their visit to once a month?

Stay safe and healthy,


Hi Taeske

Thanks for that, I hadn't thought of restricting SEO. I shall give it some thought, but my project is going to be so drastic is may paralyse the internet! I jest of course.

My best wishes to Michael. I hope you are both in the pink!

Sorry, Michael,

I, of course I mean Grammarly had a slip-up. It should have been
Good afternoon Michael. Somehow the afternoon got lost somewhere.
Thank you, we are fine. I did a big house cleaning and Michael is busy in the vegetable garden.
This is the first time I hear this, being in the pink. Yes, we are and I hope you are too.

All the best, Taetske

there are plugins that allow you to display coming soon or updating for every page that is indexed
or why not do a scheduled update so that people gradually get used to the new interface.
if you change any urls you may need to redirect old onres or remove them from google
and update your sitemap.
good luck

Thanks Phil, I don't think I shall need to change any URLs. I quite like your suggestion of a scheduled update though. Thanks for the advice.

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How do you temporarily immobilize your website?

How do you temporarily immobilize your website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am planning a major maintenance exercise on my site. Please could someone advise me how to immobilize it temporarily?

Could you use a plugin to show it as "Undergoing maintenance" or "Undergoing Construction" ?

Hi Jeffrey

Thanks for the advice. Feigner also spoke of a plugin so this time I actually had a look and selected SeedProd Lite, which seems to be pretty satisfactory.

Best wishes to you and your two crew-members. I was born in 1939 so my memories of the post WWII years are very clear. A near neighbor of ours had been a Squadron Leader in the RAF - an explosive character who sported a vast black handle-bar moustache. A wonderful chap, and very kind to his young admirers. My appeal to you then dear Jeffrey: please grow your moustache out and curl the ends up!

Yours in anticipation

I wonder if I even could, Michael--I'm lucky the wife lets me keep what I have! I'll see what I can do!


Good Michael,

I have my setting for SEO to come and check on once a week. I do not know how you have your setting but it might be a good idea to look into it and postpone their visit to once a month?

Stay safe and healthy,


Hi Taeske

Thanks for that, I hadn't thought of restricting SEO. I shall give it some thought, but my project is going to be so drastic is may paralyse the internet! I jest of course.

My best wishes to Michael. I hope you are both in the pink!

Sorry, Michael,

I, of course I mean Grammarly had a slip-up. It should have been
Good afternoon Michael. Somehow the afternoon got lost somewhere.
Thank you, we are fine. I did a big house cleaning and Michael is busy in the vegetable garden.
This is the first time I hear this, being in the pink. Yes, we are and I hope you are too.

All the best, Taetske

there are plugins that allow you to display coming soon or updating for every page that is indexed
or why not do a scheduled update so that people gradually get used to the new interface.
if you change any urls you may need to redirect old onres or remove them from google
and update your sitemap.
good luck

Thanks Phil, I don't think I shall need to change any URLs. I quite like your suggestion of a scheduled update though. Thanks for the advice.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

The site title: dashboard > appearance > customize > site identity > site title. In the body of the post, all the subordinate titles are in Bold.

Perhaps I ca

Hope you get it sorted!

My Lord.

How often does an ambassador express a kind thought for the hoi polloi? Hallelujah I say! Actually I am a great admirer of yours and your two copilots and avidly follow your exploits. You are a very droll and charming fellow.
Kind regards

Thank you very much for those kind sentiments, Michael! I have always loved the profile photo of yours!

came across this reply to your exact question - hope it works

Thanks for the help Phil. It seems an excellent plugin but once I had activated it, it kept warning me 'Untested with your version of WP'. I am such a numpty that I then deactivated the thing - my thoughts were, my site is looking so beautiful right now, why threaten paradise for a little thing like a title in 'bold'?

Kind regards

Hi Michael - that will teach me to follow the trail through - i hadn't looked at where it was taking you to.
i would go with the second method the additional css - this is added to your theme uncer appearance customize - down the bottom is additional css - click on this and add the code - click publish at the top and see if that worked.
did confuse me as to why you were adding a plugin - but i now understand....
hope it works this time.
you can always try this or other mods on a test siterubix site rather than breaking your main one.

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Is it possible to create a bold site title in generatepress?

Is it possible to create a bold site title in generatepress?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

The site title: dashboard > appearance > customize > site identity > site title. In the body of the post, all the subordinate titles are in Bold.

Perhaps I ca

Hope you get it sorted!

My Lord.

How often does an ambassador express a kind thought for the hoi polloi? Hallelujah I say! Actually I am a great admirer of yours and your two copilots and avidly follow your exploits. You are a very droll and charming fellow.
Kind regards

Thank you very much for those kind sentiments, Michael! I have always loved the profile photo of yours!

came across this reply to your exact question - hope it works

Thanks for the help Phil. It seems an excellent plugin but once I had activated it, it kept warning me 'Untested with your version of WP'. I am such a numpty that I then deactivated the thing - my thoughts were, my site is looking so beautiful right now, why threaten paradise for a little thing like a title in 'bold'?

Kind regards

Hi Michael - that will teach me to follow the trail through - i hadn't looked at where it was taking you to.
i would go with the second method the additional css - this is added to your theme uncer appearance customize - down the bottom is additional css - click on this and add the code - click publish at the top and see if that worked.
did confuse me as to why you were adding a plugin - but i now understand....
hope it works this time.
you can always try this or other mods on a test siterubix site rather than breaking your main one.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

How to link a statement in one post, to information in another of your posts, so you don't have restate it all over again.

Thank you,

Hi Maximus, seems DaveSW has your answer. It is a good idea to have both internal and external links. They are both done the same way.

If you experience any problems please feel free to PM me.

Best wishes,

Thanks Lesabre and thanks for the offer to send you a pm if I need to. I reread your bio again and remembered why I had liked you - when you said that you were running out of money. Exactly my own problem. I turned 80 last Sunday and just seem to get poorer and poorer. It makes me chuckle to remember what a bigshot I once was. Anyway I have WA to be'the wind beneath my wings'. Ha.

Hi Maximus, Happy belated Birthday. I guess we have a few things in common. Glad you are in my network.

All the best,

Simple....Highlight the phrase you want to use on the post and then hit the link button on the menu at the top of the page...You can then copy and paste the URL of the page you want to send them to, also select whether it should open in a new tab, and that is it...

Dave : )

Thanks Dave, your explanation seems pretty clear to me. It's splendid to see someone from the military, so demonstrably, succeeding. I say this being an old sailor.
Yours aye.

Thanks and great to have you on board with us, mate! Cheers! Dave : )

You use links, just as you would when linking to another website or your affiliate merchants.

You simply make a link to the post you are referring to.

Thanks Bianca, my last 10 years working was for a Dutch company. Lovely people. Ha - you can see that I don't regard WA as work!
Yours aye.

Hahaha, it ain’t much if it ain’t Dutch ;-)

Ten years, wow that’s quite some time. But If I read you right, you didn’t work in the Netherlands, just worked for some Dutchies. Right? What company did you work for?

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Linking up to another of your posts?

Linking up to another of your posts?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

How to link a statement in one post, to information in another of your posts, so you don't have restate it all over again.

Thank you,

Hi Maximus, seems DaveSW has your answer. It is a good idea to have both internal and external links. They are both done the same way.

If you experience any problems please feel free to PM me.

Best wishes,

Thanks Lesabre and thanks for the offer to send you a pm if I need to. I reread your bio again and remembered why I had liked you - when you said that you were running out of money. Exactly my own problem. I turned 80 last Sunday and just seem to get poorer and poorer. It makes me chuckle to remember what a bigshot I once was. Anyway I have WA to be'the wind beneath my wings'. Ha.

Hi Maximus, Happy belated Birthday. I guess we have a few things in common. Glad you are in my network.

All the best,

Simple....Highlight the phrase you want to use on the post and then hit the link button on the menu at the top of the page...You can then copy and paste the URL of the page you want to send them to, also select whether it should open in a new tab, and that is it...

Dave : )

Thanks Dave, your explanation seems pretty clear to me. It's splendid to see someone from the military, so demonstrably, succeeding. I say this being an old sailor.
Yours aye.

Thanks and great to have you on board with us, mate! Cheers! Dave : )

You use links, just as you would when linking to another website or your affiliate merchants.

You simply make a link to the post you are referring to.

Thanks Bianca, my last 10 years working was for a Dutch company. Lovely people. Ha - you can see that I don't regard WA as work!
Yours aye.

Hahaha, it ain’t much if it ain’t Dutch ;-)

Ten years, wow that’s quite some time. But If I read you right, you didn’t work in the Netherlands, just worked for some Dutchies. Right? What company did you work for?

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