About matteone
Rank 19988
273 followers Joined September 2015
Security engineer, will try to become an Internet Marketer ;) [ Sept. 4th, 2015: I really think I should explain a bit more about myself and





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi all,

how do you specify that the link within an image (when an user clicks on the image he is redirected to an external website) must be nofollow?
I think this is v

"image" rel="nofollow"> add this after your image, that should work

How to insert relnofollow in the links within an image?

How to insert relnofollow in the links within an image?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi all,

how do you specify that the link within an image (when an user clicks on the image he is redirected to an external website) must be nofollow?
I think this is v

"image" rel="nofollow"> add this after your image, that should work

asked in
Email Marketing

Hi all,
I've got a question about MailChimp.

I'd like to create 2 different signup forms in order to assign the subscribers who join the list using these 2 different f

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to do but you can have two different signup forms on your site as you can place them in widgets in different areas
You can assign different groups of subscribers within the same list. Meaning u have one list but group a group b group c etc
You can do that with the free mailchimp plan
Subscribers will only be able to sign up once as if they try to sign up again using the same email they will get a message saying you are already subscribed

Thank you Jason, you've actually helped me understand better what to do next...

Are you talking about "embedding" the mailchimp forms in different webpages, right? I wasn't thinking about it, and in this way I'll probably be able to customize the area around the form edting the headline, title, description and so no (that's what I'd like to do).

Instead I need to think twice about the second part of your message: if an already subscribed user tries to join a different group (through another form, since they don't know they'll end up in the same list) will they always receive the "error" (already subscribed) message?

There isn't any way to add the user in the new group, instead of telling him he's already subscribed?

Thank you again

Hi Matteo

You can use the free service and

1. Have 1 list with multiple groups. Meaning if folk sign up with same email address they can only do it once and will get user already subscribed messages
2. Have many lists - each separate list would all people to sign up with same email once for each list.
Be careful of number 2 ...can get confusing when lists are large
Why do you want 2 lists?

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Multiple signup forms with mailchimp or any alternative?

Multiple signup forms with mailchimp or any alternative?

asked in
Email Marketing

Hi all,
I've got a question about MailChimp.

I'd like to create 2 different signup forms in order to assign the subscribers who join the list using these 2 different f

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to do but you can have two different signup forms on your site as you can place them in widgets in different areas
You can assign different groups of subscribers within the same list. Meaning u have one list but group a group b group c etc
You can do that with the free mailchimp plan
Subscribers will only be able to sign up once as if they try to sign up again using the same email they will get a message saying you are already subscribed

Thank you Jason, you've actually helped me understand better what to do next...

Are you talking about "embedding" the mailchimp forms in different webpages, right? I wasn't thinking about it, and in this way I'll probably be able to customize the area around the form edting the headline, title, description and so no (that's what I'd like to do).

Instead I need to think twice about the second part of your message: if an already subscribed user tries to join a different group (through another form, since they don't know they'll end up in the same list) will they always receive the "error" (already subscribed) message?

There isn't any way to add the user in the new group, instead of telling him he's already subscribed?

Thank you again

Hi Matteo

You can use the free service and

1. Have 1 list with multiple groups. Meaning if folk sign up with same email address they can only do it once and will get user already subscribed messages
2. Have many lists - each separate list would all people to sign up with same email once for each list.
Be careful of number 2 ...can get confusing when lists are large
Why do you want 2 lists?

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi all,
I was wondering whether using a plugin able to avoid copy/paste content (or part of it) from our site is a bad or a good thing...

Is there any benefit from

I don't use anymore plugins than necessary. If you go to your site health it ranks you on the number of plugins you have. I only have 6 and I'm at 70% so fewer is better. As far as someone copy there is always a way around everything. If someone wants to bad enough they will find a way with the plugin or not. Hope this helps.

I use such a plugin in one site. One way of thinking: somebody likes your text, wants to copy and cannot. Next option: save in bookmarks. Not bad, you get extra backlink.

I didn't really get your point :) I don't like not being able to copy some text from others' website (only for personal use), but talking about content stealing I guess it's a much bigger problem.... so what do you suggest me to do? Avoiding copy completely or adding credits in the copied text?

You asked about plugin, to use or not, and I answered. I did not have any point. If you want to allow them to copy then do not use the plugin.

But now you ask about your copying from other sites. Up to some point this is legal if properly acknowledged through link. I do copy short paragraphs sometimes, see the one here:

Hey Jovo, I didn't want to be argumentative, far from me... the problem is that I don't have a point either, and I'd like to ask you WAers about your habits regarding content stealing, in particular about the copy and paste of our own content...

So far, and probably it's only due to my lack of understanding in what you're saying, I still don't get if avoiding content copy from our site might be a good or bad idea in terms of SEO (including backlink then)...

Don't feel obliged to ask me again, I'm just trying to decide what's the best way to proceed... and of course thank you for the support you gave me so far!

Hey Matteo, I am about to ask a similar question to WA. Maybe it will help you get your answer about copy paste too.

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Is avoiding copy-paste a bad thing for seo?

Is avoiding copy-paste a bad thing for seo?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi all,
I was wondering whether using a plugin able to avoid copy/paste content (or part of it) from our site is a bad or a good thing...

Is there any benefit from

I don't use anymore plugins than necessary. If you go to your site health it ranks you on the number of plugins you have. I only have 6 and I'm at 70% so fewer is better. As far as someone copy there is always a way around everything. If someone wants to bad enough they will find a way with the plugin or not. Hope this helps.

I use such a plugin in one site. One way of thinking: somebody likes your text, wants to copy and cannot. Next option: save in bookmarks. Not bad, you get extra backlink.

I didn't really get your point :) I don't like not being able to copy some text from others' website (only for personal use), but talking about content stealing I guess it's a much bigger problem.... so what do you suggest me to do? Avoiding copy completely or adding credits in the copied text?

You asked about plugin, to use or not, and I answered. I did not have any point. If you want to allow them to copy then do not use the plugin.

But now you ask about your copying from other sites. Up to some point this is legal if properly acknowledged through link. I do copy short paragraphs sometimes, see the one here:

Hey Jovo, I didn't want to be argumentative, far from me... the problem is that I don't have a point either, and I'd like to ask you WAers about your habits regarding content stealing, in particular about the copy and paste of our own content...

So far, and probably it's only due to my lack of understanding in what you're saying, I still don't get if avoiding content copy from our site might be a good or bad idea in terms of SEO (including backlink then)...

Don't feel obliged to ask me again, I'm just trying to decide what's the best way to proceed... and of course thank you for the support you gave me so far!

Hey Matteo, I am about to ask a similar question to WA. Maybe it will help you get your answer about copy paste too.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi all,

on my work-in-progress website I've just installed the Site Condor plugin and had a quick check if everything is fine.

One of the issues revealed by the plu

Hi Seamus, I haven't investigated deeper about this problem because everything seems working well anyway... Is your problem too related with the SiteCondor plugin?

No I don't have that plugin and I don't have a clue why this error has occurred! Thanks anyway : )

So... Where do you get that error message?

In Google webmaster tools.no other information is given .

Got it... Apparently that tool gives the same output of SiteCondor plugin... Have you experimented if pingbacks/trackbacks work?

No I haven't . I don't know how to do that!!

it usually happens when someone else posts something about your blog, and you receive this kind of notification... you should contact someone with an already-working blog and ask for a link to your website: let me know!

I think Ive got them switched off as have already got a few links but no notifications. I think someone advised me to just switch them off months ago - can't remember why. I'm in a dosey mood today!

Hi Matteo, I have the same error as this. I'm wondering did you get to the bottom of it and if so how did you do it. Thanks.

Hi matteone. I just went to the link you posted and I was redirected to this page:


I don't see any immediate problems. What version of the plugin are you using?

Hey Electrobot, thx for replying! Let me clarify that my website is not really my website.com, as written in the post :) I'll send you the real link via PM, didn't want to publish it here yet (I'm still working on it).

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Status code 405 on xmlrpc.php. how to fix it?

Status code 405 on xmlrpc.php. how to fix it?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi all,

on my work-in-progress website I've just installed the Site Condor plugin and had a quick check if everything is fine.

One of the issues revealed by the plu

Hi Seamus, I haven't investigated deeper about this problem because everything seems working well anyway... Is your problem too related with the SiteCondor plugin?

No I don't have that plugin and I don't have a clue why this error has occurred! Thanks anyway : )

So... Where do you get that error message?

In Google webmaster tools.no other information is given .

Got it... Apparently that tool gives the same output of SiteCondor plugin... Have you experimented if pingbacks/trackbacks work?

No I haven't . I don't know how to do that!!

it usually happens when someone else posts something about your blog, and you receive this kind of notification... you should contact someone with an already-working blog and ask for a link to your website: let me know!

I think Ive got them switched off as have already got a few links but no notifications. I think someone advised me to just switch them off months ago - can't remember why. I'm in a dosey mood today!

Hi Matteo, I have the same error as this. I'm wondering did you get to the bottom of it and if so how did you do it. Thanks.

Hi matteone. I just went to the link you posted and I was redirected to this page:


I don't see any immediate problems. What version of the plugin are you using?

Hey Electrobot, thx for replying! Let me clarify that my website is not really my website.com, as written in the post :) I'll send you the real link via PM, didn't want to publish it here yet (I'm still working on it).

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