6 Months Update with WA


So it is a few days past my 6 months anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate and yeah you guessed it, I am still LOVING this journey.

So there has not been much change since my last post in a lot of aspects because things seemed to slow down work wise as December hit.

I have had my 2 year old son and my 4 year old daughter home from playschool since the 15th December and they only go back on the 11th January.

My husband has had no leave due to him starting a new job at the beginning of November.

So this has left me in a tricky spot trying to keep up with posting once a day on my money making website! I am determined to keep up this pace for a while longer.

I know I said in my last post I was going to slow it down to 3 times a week. I did that and my organic traffic dropped. Yes I am sure it would have gone up again, but I don't like that feeling, I only want it to rise lol.

So I picked up the pace to daily posting week days. This means I have now got an allocated work time slot of 10pm to 2am... yes I am insane. I am not going to let a little thing like the festive season wreck my rankings.

I have still seen traffic slowing down, but I am sure this is due to the season, I mean who is surfing on Xmas day? I would think most people are enjoying their families :)

I can't wait to see how this effort pans out when things go back to normal again mid January!

Anyway here are some highlights from my 6 months at Wealthy Affiliate that I would love to share with you all!

1. Writing my own eBook

....and giving it away to everyone to give away as a free gift on their website to entice readers to subscribe!

Sound crazy? Not really it works in my favour big time:


2. Publishing my own Youtube videos

Damn what a rush!!


3. Learning about Email Marketing

This really has been absolutely amazing!!

4. Creating training on WA and being PAID for it!

Yes how insane is that?


5. Then creating even more training and being paid for that too!

Yeah I just had to right? Feel free to visit my training that I have published here!

Got your keywords and don't know where to put them? Not sure how to write for SEO?


Websites comments are VITAL to your website to get ranked, add new keywords, create trust with readers.. .. what are quality comments?


Email marketing... well you just HAVE to read this, you'll see why!


WA rank - why it benefits YOU. And yes you can be paid for publishing training...


6. Got my first few premium referrals

Yes it has started which is exciting.

Now what?

For a little while I was feeling down, like I hadn't achieved much in 2015.. I wanted MORE. But yes I always want MORE. That is just my nature.

I decided to have a real look at my achievements in 2015 and be grateful for what I have... and you know what? I have kicked ass this year!


So on that note I want to encourage you to be grateful for what you have, to pat yourself on the back for your achievements and to have faith that you will succeed if you put the work in.

I wish everyone love, light and happiness in 2016.

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Recent Comments


Hi Lynne that is an impressive achievement, and very inspiring what can be achieved in 6 months if we apply ourselves. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes for 2016, and the next 6 months.

Thanks Evan :) Best wishes to you too!

You are really making your mark. I look forward to your blogs, and I receive emails related to your site which I find detailed and enlightening. Good wishes as you charge on into 2016. Larry

Thanks Larry, I think that is what it is all about really. We have to leave our mark right?

See! I told you that you had grown (IM wise) and achieved! WTG! Good job! Keep it going!

Thank you! And yes you were so right :) I just forget to really look at things properly and instead feel like I haven't done enough.

Truely amazing and inspirational, blessings to you and yours!

Thank you!

That is amazing. You are really running fast. I will try to keep up.

Yes please do, I'm planning on taking you for one helluva ride in 2016 lol :)

You have really accomplished a lot in 6 months, even with the limitations placed on you. Keep going, but remember to take a little down time every now and then.


Hi Debby :) yes I'll take downtime... as soon as I make my first million lol.

HAHAHA - me too!

a great achievement :) well done ;)

Thank you!

what a good blog. Awesome job!!!

I too have seen a drop in traffic during Christmas.

I have alot to learn about some of the aspects you mentioned and I think that will be a big break through for me.

I post to one of my 3 sites every day and it is not an easy pace. so I definitely Know your pain.

I have completely slacked off of comments as I have so many posts.
As such I have dropped down the ranks. Although my social media traffic has picked up

Yeah it seems that no matter what you concentrate on something else drops lol.

BUT have faith... soon we will be able to employ people to do all the little things we can't get to!

Busy, busy, busy. Better than being idle. Geoff

I hate being not busy, not even sure what I would call that... bored?

WOW-great job working on your site and your ebook and your email marketing, and this and that and the OTHER THINGS that you have done in 6 months!! When I GROW UP, I want to be JUST LIKE YOU, MOM!!! LOL!!! I am excited that TOMORROW 12/30, I will be able to devote the ENTIRE DAY to MY WA training and content writing, and blogging, and posting, and learning what NEW to put on MORE pages on my TWO websites, and etc, etc, etc.......I have only been with WA for 3 months, since Oct. 6th, and have not done as much as I would have liked to have done by now, but IF YOU CAN DO IT, SO CAN I!!!

Yes get the momentum going and just do it! This has been such a year for growth and new things.

I really do suggest spending loads of time on the training and following Kyke's instructions. He has set it out beautifully, you just can't go wrong if you follow what he says and add in some determination and stay motivated!

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