This Yank's Moving to OZ
I have to pinch myself.
This summer my husband and I will be moving to that wonderful, exotic world down under! Visiting Australia has long been a dream of mine; now I get to live there.
My move to WA
Two years ago my husband’s job brought us to the middle of the US., a difficult move for me. Not only did I have to leave my circle of friends of 12 years, but I had to deal with the loss of my business, one I had built and loved. That sense of loss brought me accidentally to WA where I fell into the IM world.
Found my passion
Thanks to you all here at WA I’ve rediscovered my passion and reinvented myself as a website proprietor. What, me? How could this non-techie even toy with such an idea?
Well it happened. And I love it so much I’d do it even if I weren’t making money.
It’s all possible thanks to WA and all of your generous, magnanimous support.
Thanks to all of you who take time out of your very busy days to build training videos, answer questions no matter how silly and best of all, give much needed encouragement. I'm very grateful to you all. What a unique community we have here.
If I may, I’d like to interject a TIP: If you make sure your niche springs from your passion it won’t even feel like work.
You’re all coming with me
Unlike my previous business, my new one can go along with me. And better than that, you all are coming too. Thanks to WA, moving to the other side of the world won’t cause any interruptions and it will be business as usual. To me, that’s priceless!
Any Aussies here?
I’m excited for my next big adventure. I bet there are several Aussies (and Kiwis) here at WA., so I’d love to meet you all. I bet you could get me up to speed on some of that awesome Aussie vocabulary. (Robbie, I can't wait to see your beautiful country!) I already have learned that we’ve been pronouncing your country incorrectly. I’ve got it now: Ah-stray-yah. (I know, too, that one should never say you “root” for a sports team or ask someone if they like the Carolina “shag” )
Thanks, WA
I may be moving to the furthest corner of the world, but this time I’ll already have my job lined up. Thanks WA for giving me that sense of security, continuity and community.
Well, I’m off to practice driving on the other side of the road. Wish me luck.
Soon to be,
Lisa, Yank DownUnder!
Recent Comments
Wow Lisa
moving to another country, that's a big adventure!...hope it all goes well for you.
Lol:0)...if you do, maybe you could let me know what's popular over there! Definitely stay in touch my little gardening friend! Bon voyage:0)
You are going to absolutely love Australia. I was there a few years back (on the gold coast). Other than the Internet which is a bit slower, you are going to be inspired, rejuvenated and excited each and every day you get to wake up in that wonderful place Lisa!
Keep us updated with your journey!
Well just a short relocation then? Having done this one from UK we spent six very happy years in Hunter Valley north of Sydney. Enjoy. As you rightly say WA goes with you wherever you are. Let us all know how the move goes in due course.
Hudson, I didn't know that. It does seem like a happy place. Glad you liked it there, at least you already know how to drive on that side of the road. I'm a bit accident prone when it comes to driving. I even knocked my husband down and drove over his leg while driving a golf cart. I may not even be allowed to drive over there.
So very, very happy for you! It is great to move somewhere you would love to be. I hope it's all you wish for and more! Good Luck!
thanks, Joyce. Not looking forward to the packing. You know what that's all about, don't you?
Now there's a bent that I hadn't thought of. A portable business. Sounds like you may be working on a brand too.
Good luck on your move. Watch out for the Drop Bears.
Thanks for the warning. I hope a cute little drop bear does fall on me. If that happens I'll be sure to get a photo for my next profile shot. Thanks for all you do here, Craig. You make WA a better place.
Congratulations LIsa.... sounds like your dreams are al coming together.... Doesn't get better than that! Not every one gets to live their dreams... Enjoy it and treasure every moment... Wishing you alll the happiness and success in the world.... Julie
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Wow, what a GREAT adventure! Keep us posted! The great thing about IM is that you can take it with you wherever you go. Have fun.
Hi Darlene. You're so right. I'm glad I can keep up with my site and also keep in touch with you all here. It's quite a benefit.