About lauracb
Rank 6329
1,419 followers Joined February 2014
My name is Laura and I'm from Romania. South-East Europe. I'm 42, married to a great man, with a 3 years old boy. I came





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

If I'm leaving WA and move my hosting to Namecheap, does anybody knows what happens to the .siterubix.com sites? I mean, we didn't have to pay for this domain, will I have to c

Hi Laura,
To clarify
If you have a siterubrix website it is yours to keep, free for as long as you want it. But it will always be a siterubrix website.

If you want the content of those websites to be moved then you need to download them and then upload them to your new host and domain.

But if you wish to keep them as site-rubrix then you can - forever

I think I got it now. :)
1. if I choose to keep it with the name .siterubix.com, then it can still be hosted here at WA. I don't have to move it anywhere, and I can still work at it.
2. If I want to give it another name, I have to move the hosting.

Am I finally seeing clearly? :)

perfect...exactly correct

If you have 'active' rubix sites, you need to buy a domain name, transfer it and then you can take 'em with you

Are you sure about this? Because where is the "free" thing when offering 2 of them to others?

Laura, they are free and hosting is free here at WA. But they are WA sub domains and cannot be transferred as such. Sorry

oh and ps - unless i misunderstood - you cant move your siterubrix to namecheap. But you can always move your namecheap domain here to WA if you go premium...so food for thought

Thank you, Jason for your answer. I am premium here. And I simply need to move on.

i wish you well, its sad youre leaving but wishing you all the very very best

thanks. Very very best to you, too! :)

you always keep the free site-rubrix - they always stay.
Its a shame you are leaving, in all honesty unless you already know how to build a successful website and online business you will struggle. But you may already know. Wishing you best of luck anyway.
this article may help

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What happens to my .siterubix sites?

What happens to my .siterubix sites?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

If I'm leaving WA and move my hosting to Namecheap, does anybody knows what happens to the .siterubix.com sites? I mean, we didn't have to pay for this domain, will I have to c

Hi Laura,
To clarify
If you have a siterubrix website it is yours to keep, free for as long as you want it. But it will always be a siterubrix website.

If you want the content of those websites to be moved then you need to download them and then upload them to your new host and domain.

But if you wish to keep them as site-rubrix then you can - forever

I think I got it now. :)
1. if I choose to keep it with the name .siterubix.com, then it can still be hosted here at WA. I don't have to move it anywhere, and I can still work at it.
2. If I want to give it another name, I have to move the hosting.

Am I finally seeing clearly? :)

perfect...exactly correct

If you have 'active' rubix sites, you need to buy a domain name, transfer it and then you can take 'em with you

Are you sure about this? Because where is the "free" thing when offering 2 of them to others?

Laura, they are free and hosting is free here at WA. But they are WA sub domains and cannot be transferred as such. Sorry

oh and ps - unless i misunderstood - you cant move your siterubrix to namecheap. But you can always move your namecheap domain here to WA if you go premium...so food for thought

Thank you, Jason for your answer. I am premium here. And I simply need to move on.

i wish you well, its sad youre leaving but wishing you all the very very best

thanks. Very very best to you, too! :)

you always keep the free site-rubrix - they always stay.
Its a shame you are leaving, in all honesty unless you already know how to build a successful website and online business you will struggle. But you may already know. Wishing you best of luck anyway.
this article may help

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asked in
Getting Started

On my Amazon Associate Account I am asked to

"List all the top level domains on which you plan to display banners, widgets, special links, or other ads from Amazon Associ

do I have to create an account on those domains , and can be assisted with examples of domains

The website/s you're working on, which you wish to promote the products. Best of luck Laura. :)


Actually any website you plan on put there ads on.

Thanks, Tommy.


that's your top level domain - just plug that in the box and click Continue

Hey, you are so quick and nice to specify exactly what it is. :)


Yes, your site. That's where you will be advertising the Amazon ads.

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Top level domains on which to display ads?

Top level domains on which to display ads?

asked in
Getting Started

On my Amazon Associate Account I am asked to

"List all the top level domains on which you plan to display banners, widgets, special links, or other ads from Amazon Associ

do I have to create an account on those domains , and can be assisted with examples of domains

The website/s you're working on, which you wish to promote the products. Best of luck Laura. :)


Actually any website you plan on put there ads on.

Thanks, Tommy.


that's your top level domain - just plug that in the box and click Continue

Hey, you are so quick and nice to specify exactly what it is. :)


Yes, your site. That's where you will be advertising the Amazon ads.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is the email I received today from Google. From what I understand, it concerns the end-users from Europe. It doesn't matter where the site is hosted, or who owns it, if an

You do not need a plug-in you need to include it in your privacy policy

I do not believe that it is legally sufficient to just have it in the Privacy Policy. My reading of the regs is that the user must be offered the opportunity to withhold consent.

They have that if your privacy policy is set up correctly

I'd prefer to see the legal document that says that. Not that I'm questioning your authority to be quoted in court.

First of all there is no legal document yet, the requirement is not finished and won't be until the end of 2015. At the moment anyone not compliant with the recommendations are working with a non google compliant website along with the other 99.999999 recurring percent of websites.

Thanks for the heads up!

Some good advice here but how do I know if my site uses cookies? What are they and where do I find them?

As stated in the article above, it's not about whether your site uses cookies. It's about the cookies that might be carried by other things referenced by your site. ie "... products like Google AdSense, DoubleClick for Publishers, and DoubleClick Ad Exchange."

You will not know about them, which is why you have statements in your Privacy Page denying responsibility, and why the plugin obtains the visitor's "implied consent".

So are you saying that I need this plugin just to satisfy visitors "implied consent"?.

It's about being legal. This is a legal requirement.

Operating illegally will get your site shut down with the added possibility of terminated internet access.

Whether you comply via a plugin, or via some other method, is not specified. That's your decision.

The regulation is about having respect for your customers and visitors. That should come naturally to you, and should not have to be enforced by regulations. Regrettably many site owners lack this respect, hence the need for regs.

Thanks Chris, I am all for being legally compliant so no problem there. I just wish I understood how these things work better and how to implement them. Is the plugin that mrwood suggested OK? I notice it comes from WP so presumably it is.

I currently have no criteria for selecting the best methodology, and am studying the aforementioned http://cookiechoices.org/ to see what it actually tells me.

Apart from that there are 2 WP plugins I know of - https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/implied-cookie-consent/ but what concerns me is the wording on both of the ie "... so you can show your compliance status ..." and "... informing the user about the site's use of cookies ..." neither of which suggests that you actually know what it is that you are declaring to be true.

As for trusting something just because it comes from WP, that has proved to be a very costly mistake on more occasions than I can count. Yes, mostly they are OK, but read the reviews very carefully before you jump. And know how to recover from a crash.

Thanks again Chris. It seems there are complications for those without technical computer knowledge everywhere on the internet. At this point in time I certainly wouldn't know how to recover from a crash!

I have visited the http://cookiechoices.org/ site. The black box with what I think is known as HTTP language in it means nothing to me so that didn't help. If it isn't WYSIWYG (think I've got that right!) I'm lost.

Could I ask for your guidance when you find a plugin you are happy with? My ignorance of these issues concerns me a little so any help you or anyone else can offer will be most appreciated.

Yeah I think I might have to write myself some instructions. I'll put it on my blog. Most of my blog is instructions to myself.

Alternatively someone else will put up some training. I'm keeping my eye on boomergp08, but suem has another good post

Chris, if you write those instructions, please leave a note here as well, so we can find it easily.

Assuming I can find my way back. I already have so many bookmarks I need an index to them. If you "follow" me you'll automatically be notified of my new blogs.

Thanks Chris, already following you.

Hi Laura!
I use a very good and simple plugin in my site named Cookie Law Info.
You can find it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/
If you want to see it working, you can visit my WA site and check by yourself. The link is below and the site is in Portuguese, my native language.


I hope this can help you.


I like it Mike. What is the translation? Olive

Hi Olive!
The right translation of my site's title is "How to earn money online honestly".
The cookie message translation is "This site use cookies. If you need you can change or inhibit cookies in your browser preferences.".
It is not a direct translation, it is more a text adaptation so the sentence make sense in English.
Best regards,


Update to cookies plugin:
I am using now a simpler plugin named Cookie Notice. It does the same as Cookie Law Info, but is lighter and very easy to setup.


Super Mike, big thanks!

Ah thanks! Wishing you all the best. Olive

You're welcome Laura.
Anything you need, I will more than happy to help.
Best regards,


I'm very happy to help you in any way you need.
Best regards,


The one Kathy is using sounds good I know it is another plugin but we need to comply with regulations

I've been looking for one too, found this and will give it a try later. https://wordpress.org/plugins/implied-cookie-consent/

Got it on both my sites and it works fine, very discreet. :)

Ah, at least that explains why every site I've gone to just lately has a little pop-up re cookies that I have to click on. I thought something must have changed in the online world.

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Any good plugin for cookie consent?

Any good plugin for cookie consent?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is the email I received today from Google. From what I understand, it concerns the end-users from Europe. It doesn't matter where the site is hosted, or who owns it, if an

You do not need a plug-in you need to include it in your privacy policy

I do not believe that it is legally sufficient to just have it in the Privacy Policy. My reading of the regs is that the user must be offered the opportunity to withhold consent.

They have that if your privacy policy is set up correctly

I'd prefer to see the legal document that says that. Not that I'm questioning your authority to be quoted in court.

First of all there is no legal document yet, the requirement is not finished and won't be until the end of 2015. At the moment anyone not compliant with the recommendations are working with a non google compliant website along with the other 99.999999 recurring percent of websites.

Thanks for the heads up!

Some good advice here but how do I know if my site uses cookies? What are they and where do I find them?

As stated in the article above, it's not about whether your site uses cookies. It's about the cookies that might be carried by other things referenced by your site. ie "... products like Google AdSense, DoubleClick for Publishers, and DoubleClick Ad Exchange."

You will not know about them, which is why you have statements in your Privacy Page denying responsibility, and why the plugin obtains the visitor's "implied consent".

So are you saying that I need this plugin just to satisfy visitors "implied consent"?.

It's about being legal. This is a legal requirement.

Operating illegally will get your site shut down with the added possibility of terminated internet access.

Whether you comply via a plugin, or via some other method, is not specified. That's your decision.

The regulation is about having respect for your customers and visitors. That should come naturally to you, and should not have to be enforced by regulations. Regrettably many site owners lack this respect, hence the need for regs.

Thanks Chris, I am all for being legally compliant so no problem there. I just wish I understood how these things work better and how to implement them. Is the plugin that mrwood suggested OK? I notice it comes from WP so presumably it is.

I currently have no criteria for selecting the best methodology, and am studying the aforementioned http://cookiechoices.org/ to see what it actually tells me.

Apart from that there are 2 WP plugins I know of - https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/implied-cookie-consent/ but what concerns me is the wording on both of the ie "... so you can show your compliance status ..." and "... informing the user about the site's use of cookies ..." neither of which suggests that you actually know what it is that you are declaring to be true.

As for trusting something just because it comes from WP, that has proved to be a very costly mistake on more occasions than I can count. Yes, mostly they are OK, but read the reviews very carefully before you jump. And know how to recover from a crash.

Thanks again Chris. It seems there are complications for those without technical computer knowledge everywhere on the internet. At this point in time I certainly wouldn't know how to recover from a crash!

I have visited the http://cookiechoices.org/ site. The black box with what I think is known as HTTP language in it means nothing to me so that didn't help. If it isn't WYSIWYG (think I've got that right!) I'm lost.

Could I ask for your guidance when you find a plugin you are happy with? My ignorance of these issues concerns me a little so any help you or anyone else can offer will be most appreciated.

Yeah I think I might have to write myself some instructions. I'll put it on my blog. Most of my blog is instructions to myself.

Alternatively someone else will put up some training. I'm keeping my eye on boomergp08, but suem has another good post

Chris, if you write those instructions, please leave a note here as well, so we can find it easily.

Assuming I can find my way back. I already have so many bookmarks I need an index to them. If you "follow" me you'll automatically be notified of my new blogs.

Thanks Chris, already following you.

Hi Laura!
I use a very good and simple plugin in my site named Cookie Law Info.
You can find it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-law-info/
If you want to see it working, you can visit my WA site and check by yourself. The link is below and the site is in Portuguese, my native language.


I hope this can help you.


I like it Mike. What is the translation? Olive

Hi Olive!
The right translation of my site's title is "How to earn money online honestly".
The cookie message translation is "This site use cookies. If you need you can change or inhibit cookies in your browser preferences.".
It is not a direct translation, it is more a text adaptation so the sentence make sense in English.
Best regards,


Update to cookies plugin:
I am using now a simpler plugin named Cookie Notice. It does the same as Cookie Law Info, but is lighter and very easy to setup.


Super Mike, big thanks!

Ah thanks! Wishing you all the best. Olive

You're welcome Laura.
Anything you need, I will more than happy to help.
Best regards,


I'm very happy to help you in any way you need.
Best regards,


The one Kathy is using sounds good I know it is another plugin but we need to comply with regulations

I've been looking for one too, found this and will give it a try later. https://wordpress.org/plugins/implied-cookie-consent/

Got it on both my sites and it works fine, very discreet. :)

Ah, at least that explains why every site I've gone to just lately has a little pop-up re cookies that I have to click on. I thought something must have changed in the online world.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Please don't answer if you don't know the answer. Otherwise, the guy who can really respond will not see this question as unanswered and it will not respond.

Experimenting, I have found the answer myself. It works.
We can install the plugin, optimize our pictures and then upload them on our site. It works.

Hi - it's not the servers you have to worry about, it's which browsers people are using to view them.

At the moment, I don't believe Safari, Firefox or IE support it - until they do, I would avoid using Webp (weppy), as you don't want to suddenly cut away a large portion of your potential viewers.

All the best, Mark

I have already said that in my post, Mark.
Now, the question is again answered with the WRONG ANSWER!

Hi - I'm sorry if I've offended you - perhaps you need to rephrase the question.

Yes the servers will support webp images - all a server is at a basic level is a place to store a file. It serves that file in response to a request from the browser.

It is the browser that interprets what to do with the file - how to display it, whether to show a black X as it doesn't know what it is etc etc.

Please don't use capitals when replying to someone trying to assist - it's very disrespectful.

Kind regards,


Mark, why do you think I asked this question in the first place? WP doesn't support this kind of file. We can solve this issue with a plugin. But, before installing it, we are asked to verify if the server supports it.
Read it for yourself:

Maybe Larry was right. I should have simply asked Kyle on a PM and don't care for everybody else.

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Question re-posted. can our servers support webp images ?

Question re-posted. can our servers support webp images ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Please don't answer if you don't know the answer. Otherwise, the guy who can really respond will not see this question as unanswered and it will not respond.

Experimenting, I have found the answer myself. It works.
We can install the plugin, optimize our pictures and then upload them on our site. It works.

Hi - it's not the servers you have to worry about, it's which browsers people are using to view them.

At the moment, I don't believe Safari, Firefox or IE support it - until they do, I would avoid using Webp (weppy), as you don't want to suddenly cut away a large portion of your potential viewers.

All the best, Mark

I have already said that in my post, Mark.
Now, the question is again answered with the WRONG ANSWER!

Hi - I'm sorry if I've offended you - perhaps you need to rephrase the question.

Yes the servers will support webp images - all a server is at a basic level is a place to store a file. It serves that file in response to a request from the browser.

It is the browser that interprets what to do with the file - how to display it, whether to show a black X as it doesn't know what it is etc etc.

Please don't use capitals when replying to someone trying to assist - it's very disrespectful.

Kind regards,


Mark, why do you think I asked this question in the first place? WP doesn't support this kind of file. We can solve this issue with a plugin. But, before installing it, we are asked to verify if the server supports it.
Read it for yourself:

Maybe Larry was right. I should have simply asked Kyle on a PM and don't care for everybody else.

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