When Things Get Hard, Your Competition Falls Hard.
Hey Everybody,
Today, I want to discuss something that came up in conversation the other day with a fellow named Gary here within Wealthy Affiliate. It’s about how life can sometimes beat you down, and we all go through it.
But we also face moments like this in business, where things don’t always go our way. There are difficult moments in life...and there are difficult moments in business.
One thing you need to decide early on, and I’m speaking specifically to business here, is that in order to succeed or thrive, you need to get through these tough times. You need to make the decision to keep pushing forward, even when you’re facing adversity or challenging times.
The reality is, a large percentage of people just give up and quit because it’s the easiest thing to do. If you’re facing a challenge, and 20 other people are facing the same challenge, you can assume that a good percentage of those people will give up because it’s the path of least resistance.
So Push Forward. Remove Your Competition.
But if you push forward, you’ve just eliminated a high percentage of your competition. If you can keep doing this on an ongoing basis, that’s how you become part of the five percent. That’s how you become part of the one percent—by pushing beyond what you thought your limits were and not giving in when times get tough.
So, my message today is to keep pushing forward. We all have difficult times in life, and we all have difficult times in business. But what’s the point of giving up? You’ve got to push forward because on the other side is where you’ll find the rewards, the success, the new skills, knowledge, and relationships.
It’s important to continue pushing through adversity and tough times. I’ve been through a lot in life and in business, and even after almost 22 years, I still face challenges every day. But I’ve conditioned myself to keep pushing forward and to keep working hard because I know on the other side, there will be not only valuable lessons but also success.
So, go out there, keep pushing forward, and keep working hard. I’d love to hear your feedback on this.
As always, jump into the comments below and have an awesome week ahead!
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This article is just what I needed to hear. Thank you. I frequently face challenges. It’s tough some days but giving up is not an option. I persevere. I was looking for this; something I that I love doing that will be my retirement plan. Thank you for hanging in and pushing through. It’s what we do. It’s how we make things happen. If you didn’t do it none of this would be here, but you did so now we’re all here doing this amazing thing together. 😊
Hi Kyle:
Yep, challenges are everywhere and almost every time we turn around something is steering us in the face. It's as if to say, "So, what are you going to do about it?"
I encourage everyone who knows how important having their own business is and anything else they have set their heart on to persevere. You never know how close you are to succeeding. It may be moments away from the point at which you quit.
This is an encouragement for me also; I have to take my own medicine. I've been absent from the Wealthy Affiliate platform for periods longer than I care to. However, these are just interims because life takes us in other directions. Sometimes, we have no control over those moments.
The thing that keeps me afloat is the passion and desire I have to reap the benefits of my labor. In the meantime, I enjoy the journey. Another important thing is not to feel that we have to do exactly what and how everyone else is doing their thing. We may never know what they are going through.
I hope this helps someone to stay positive and push through regardless of the circumstances. Remember, take it at your own pace, but keep going!
Yes, Kyle, pushing forward is important no matter what is essential, but I think you must be committed to your path. I affirm this daily to check that I'm honest with myself. Some people are not connected to their true nature because they've been so distracted by external forces for so long!
How does your pathway feel inside?
Do you need to make some adjustments?
Are you balanced?
Are you grateful for all you have already and even for your existence?
Success must start inside. That's what counts. When the conditions are right, the external fruits will appear we can be sure. But it's that sincerity in your motivation that's essential.
For me, my balance is between being unswervingly devoted to my creativity, thoughts, and judgement and helping as many people as I can with what I do.
If my motivation is pure and constantly monitored, then whatever happens - good or bad - doesn't change my direction. The river analogy is great again because water flows wherever it will.
So, the wide river of me keeps flowing on to the Ocean of All existence. I flow on over huge rocks and swish in and out again of pools and shallows, down the white water and so on.
We are the supreme rulers of our minds so we can change and keep flowing on. Nothing needs to hold us back.
Great food for thought!
Thank you.
Have a fab-flowing week! 🙏🏼🎇
Yes! This is great Linden. The river analogy is parallel with life and business, it will flow where it flows, and while you can have some control of where it goes, it will meander in many different directions, some out of your control but some that lead you to absolute treasures (and sometimes beautiful waterfalls).
I have always loved any analogy about streams, rivers and oceans because there is so much resemblance to the way we operate, the way we discover, the way we have to handle hitting walls, and the way we ultimately achieve.
Have a great week yourself!
Thanks Kyle. You are a water person! Yes, me absolutely. My main goal is to live on the beach once I'm financially viable.....the ocean particularly inspires me!
I'm having a fab week, thank you!
Keep flowing on......... together....🏞🌺
Teri, thank you so much!! Kyle always inspires me so I can inspire you! Great to know. I love writing actually: the pen is mightier than the sword!!!
Hope you're flowing smoothly 🌺
Well, Kyle,
I know you have many people here to even begin to remember, but you are talking about my mantra, this has always carried me through my life, when people said it couldn't be done, I did it.
I never put thought into it at the time it happened, and there have been many that I see when I look back.
And I never thought I would be knowingly practising again this late in life. But I blame you and your team for that. Haha nicely.
So, it is important if you want to be successful to adopt that attitude, yes some people will find it harder than others to achieve, but those must just try harder.
You can become that 2% of people who do well in life, I agree with Kyle so many give up at the first fence, they try to jump it again and fail so they give in! Get up and go for it!
Well said Kyle.
Sometimes life gets to a point where moving forward feels just to difficult. I found my life at that point many times in the past and I discovered that all I needed to do was to keep moving forward just alittle longer. Just another month, a couple weeks, or even a couple days a breakthrough would begin to show its self. No need to keep going full speed. Just keep breath, stay mindful, and keep moving forward. :)
Peace be the journey
Yeah, for sure Tom. It reminds me of that meme where someone is digging a massive tunnel, and then decides to give up...but as a viewer, you see that the "treasure" was just a few digs away.
Unfortunately I think that too many people give up just prior to creating success, when the achievement is just on the other side (or a few digs away).
Stay mindful, stay focused, and keep moving forward. The journey is our story, and those that push forward are the most skilled, and the most successful in any niche.
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Thank you Kyle hearing this is needed from time to time. For me this past year has been very very challenging to the like I've never experienced, I've had friends and family literally turn their backs on me, some of which I have been there for on multiple times.
I have missed meals to hand my last few dollars to a homeless person, or paid a car payment or rent for people, I've been their. But when the tables are turned those individuals are nowhere in site. And some people you thought would ever lend a hand stood up.
But in short I've felt things this past year I never have before, but one thing that stayed with me was the belief in myself, I have second guessed myself but quickly got out of that mode by repeating in my head that failure wasn't an option over and over, it do that every day and resight a 1 minute good luck prayer I have pinned to the wall in front of m as I sit at mt desk.
I'll say this I believe finding WA to be product of that 1 minute prayer. I see things moving upward slow and steady since becoming a member of WA. Thank you to everyone hear for the support so far and in the future. Cheers to pushing forward, best wishes to each of you.
You are a good man James. Life throws us curveballs over and over again, and sometimes we help people (as in your case), and we don't see reciprocation when we need help. We just need to push forward, look to the future, and look to how we can be better as a result.
Tough times create tough people. You are definitely tough, and I know you will persevere and come out on top of things!