The Internet Opportunity Continues to Grow. (and here's why)


Hey, everybody!

Today, I want to tackle a topic that tends to weigh on the minds of entrepreneurs, both new and seasoned—the fear that opportunities are disappearing. It’s an ongoing concern in the online world, but I want to discuss why that fear might actually work in your favor and why the opportunity in the online space is only growing.

1. The Fear of Vanishing Opportunity

Whether you're new or have been in the game for years, that nagging feeling that you might be missing out or that opportunities are drying up is natural. But, instead of letting that fear paralyze you, use it to motivate yourself to continually evolve and improve. It’s this fear that can push you to stay innovative and adaptable in the fast-paced online world.

2. Is Opportunity Shrinking or Expanding?

A lot of people worry that the "golden age" of online opportunity has passed, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The more people that come online, the more opportunity there is to get your content, products, or services in front of them. Think about it—back in 2002, when I started, there were billions fewer people online, yet it still felt like there was infinite potential. Fast forward to today, with over 5.5 billion people online, the opportunity is only expanding.

3. More Channels Than Ever

The landscape of online marketing has certainly changed, but in a way that provides more opportunities than ever before. Whether you’re leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or even search engines like Google and Bing, the channels for reaching your audience are broader and more diverse than ever. Plus, we can’t forget the massive potential of paid advertising, which is another avenue for reaching large audiences.

4. Monetization and Tools

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, our job is to provide you with the tools, platforms, and education that help you get in front of these ever-growing audiences. Your role is to consistently work towards building that reach. Once you have it, monetizing it has never been easier or more varied. There are countless ways to turn traffic into revenue streams.

5. Is the Opportunity Growing or Shrinking?

In short, as long as the Internet continues to grow—and with billions of people coming online every year—so too does the opportunity. Online spending is growing, affiliate marketing is booming, and the number of products and services you can promote is constantly increasing. All the statistics point to continued growth, not decline. So, don’t worry about running out of opportunities anytime soon.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Has the fear of shrinking opportunity been a concern for you? If you’re just starting out, does this worry you? And if you’ve been online for a while, do you sometimes get so focused on one strategy that you forget how vast the opportunities still are?

Jump down into the comments below and let me know your thoughts. :)

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Some good insights here! I also know that since what followed after the days of covid, it pushed everyone into rethinking their financial and career goals. And in the wake of this, the opportunities for online businesses have grown exponentially, quicker than any other time in the short history of ecommerce.

But what has changed is the fact that quality content is more relevant than ever, and this is where WA's platform can really help our businesses shine, for both established and newcomers alike! What's more is that most developers of first-time online business startups don't understand the power of well-written, quality content that addresses the needs of its readers.

That means success lies in our own hands, and this should really be music to the ears of first-time online business developers, like me. Writing with passion and addressing the concerns, or pain points, of our site visitors and offering pragmatic solutions is the key to our success. And ALL the tools to do this, along with hundreds of archived, in-depth training videos are here to help us.

And I'll end this with a statement that encapsulates the journey we're all on here:
Q: How do you eat an elephant?
A: One bite at a time

Absolutely, the quality content and the longer tail nature of content is where Google has really started to navigate. That is why you have seen some proliferation of Reddit within the search results and Google making it evident they were going to chase more specific results, even if it was within discussions, comments, or forums. That is just the evolution on the SEO side of things, which still comes with a ton of opportunity.

And yes, you eat an elephant one bite at a time. You build a business one step at a time, you don't try to do too much at once, and it only takes one technique and one strategy to be very successful online.

Thanks for sharing your insights here John!

I had no idea the vast amount of opportunities I felt worried due to war and what's happening all over but that's a good point fear propelling me forward I truly never thought about not. I'm focused on a weakness I got my written text and it's not so great because I normally type fast for the same speech I speak which is to fast. I'm climbing this ladder with a new intention and a new way curious on some stuff I'll message you.

There are always things taking place in the world, and to be honest, anything that is happening in our periphery surroundings, can lead to certain types of opportunities as well.

A poor economy, creates new opportunities. A thriving economy, creates new opportunities. It is evolving all the time, and as more people move online and more people are spending more money than ever (on a wider breadth of products/services), the opportunity online continues to grow.

And yes, message me anytime Jason. I hope all is well with you! :)

Hi Kyle,

I actually watched this video (I rarely watch videos) and first of all bonus points for the phrase "Dark age of 2002" Makes me feel old remembering when I had my first dial up installed in 1992 lol

But yeah it's true, there is always something to sell. Back then when I did those "offline" marketing stuff, like Amway, or selling insurances, I heard a lot of reactions like: "Meh, everyone does that already." Meaning that there is no more room for starting anew.

That was over 30 years ago and behold, Amway is still growing, infact way much faster than ever, in way more countries than ever, I think it closed over $8 billion in sales only in US last year.

Insurance companies grow also faster than ever, making and paying out billions to agents.

Now I don't do any of those anymore, I do other stuff, but there it is. While people always had this FOVO (Fear of Vanishing Opportunity), or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), this last one is very significant in stock or forex trading especially among beginners (I am not one anymore), but it's an unnecessary feeling because there always will be someone out there to buy and always be someone out there to sell. We just have to lead them to each other.

*Fully human (me) comment.*

Fully human comments, keep em' coming Andy!

It feels like yesterday, but when i say the 2002 year, it feels very old at the same time. The funny thing is at the time I couldn't believe how much opportunity was around me, I had piles of paper at my desk side with all of the ideas I wanted to take advantage of. I only ever got to a fraction of them.

Fast forward 22 years, and there is more opportunity than ever...though there are far more directions that one could head. It was Yahoo back then, and that is all I really knew (I wish I was more of a domain hoarded, I would have a ton of two word domains right now).

Anyways, I digress. There is always a buyer, and there is always something to sell them. And in some cases, you only need a "clicker". Find an audience. Offer value to them. Succeed. Repeat. There are 5.5 billion people out there, spending money online very day...that's only going to continue to grow.

I’m grateful that you include written dialogue in your video post because I am hearing impaired. At 72 years old I feel their is more opportunity in todays online market than at any other time in history. I’m new at affiliate marketing, and I am learning a wealth of information here at WA. There is no such thing as ‘lack of opportunity!’ We just need to improvise, overcome, and adjust our strategies !

No problem Walter, and we also have captions within all of the videos as well to help with the learning process. So we have you covered!

And yes, there will always be opportunity within the online world...we just need to improvise (and evolve) as the opportunities change and evolve. :)

Hi Kyle I agree that the On-line business is indeed growing but also is the need for education. I have no problems with content creation, writing or selling but the management of the social media for a senior remains a bit more difficult.
How to manage, even manipulate the social media is defenitely worth some more training. So now that the problem of content and positioning is degested I will be more than grateful to pick in on your training programs in that specific field :-)

Sounds good, we do have a bunch of training on this but we can continue to advance the training (and tools) that are available to you on the social media side of things.

One thing to consider though Chris, is you don't have to be an expert at everything. In fact, you may want to avoid trying to be everything to everyone, being an expert at one niche and one marketing strategy before you diversify and taken on many different strategies.

In saying this, we have ongoing training in all of these facets (social) and you are going to see some social tools built directly into your Hubs in the near future. :)

I believe that when 1 opportunity vanishes, whether through new activities or what, another one appears or is already in existence. Besides affiliate marketing, I am also involved with eBook creation. I make ebooks using BookBolt and Canva and sell them on Amazon KDP. But my main focus is on online marketing. So my point is that there are other things to do online if 1 opportunity vanishes. However, I do believe that affiliate marketing is not going anywhere soon. And I know that Wealthy Affiliate is great at keeping up with new technology and adapting to it. So Wealthy Affiliate isn't going anywhere as well.

Absolutely the case. Even evolving opportunity within the same platform, for example SEO back in 2002 was all about Meta Tags, and then keyword stuffing...and then article directories, and then xyz.

It evolves and evolves, and you simply need to keep on top of things and that is what we are doing here within WA, keeping you up to date with the latest technology and training to keep you in the loop...not to mention the 1,000's of insightful discussions that are taking place here each and every month.

Our platform here is conducive to keeping up with any evolution, and that was part of the design we focused on. Hubs can do the same, along with the class/vlog/blog and Q & A nature of the training here.

There is always lots to look forward to, we often times just don't know what 5 years from now looks like and that is OK!

Hi Kyle. This is such a poignant issue! All I can say is that as populations continue to explode and the Internet-deprived masses are slowly served, things can only get bigger and better until everyone can access the Internet and it is free like solar heat!

I'm an incurable optimist because I believe in myself 100% to adapt to whatever happens. Worrying - well, as my favourite poet Rilke said:

"Life is not even close to being as logically consistent as our worries; it has many more unexpected ideas and facts than we do."

But one thing I know is that the Internet is gradually becoming a more and more effective representation of and vehicle for the human spirit! It is, after all, pure energy, just like matter! And energy is indestructible—scientifically proven!!

As long as my motivation to fully participate in the global community surges, it cannot fail.

The other thing to consider is that time is a mere intellectual concept, and the only reality is now and Here. So, that's where I spend almost all of my time.

Everything moves around the circle.
"We have always been here and always will!" (First Nations)

So I just enjoy every moment of flowing in my river towards the great ocean of all existence!! 🌺 🙏🏼????

Thanks for surfacing this, Kyle. It's a fab opportunity to put your mettle where your mouth is!


I am the same way. I am an optimist and I always aim to be "happy" above anything else, even when times get difficult. There is no point in stressing about any situation, current or past, when we can control and improve future. Look ahead, not back.

There are more and more people piling onto the internet, and the middle class is continuing to grow in many countries. And with AI and the invent of new technologies, new platforms, new social networks, people are in new places, spending time on new things, and this presents new opportunity.

And of course online spending is continuing to ramp up, everyone I know now is buying pretty much everything online much to the chagrin of offline retail (unfortunately). So as spending increases, the opportunity for us continues to increase.

Yep, this is excellently encouraging! The sky really is the limit!!

We just have to keep that relentless spirit going and never give up!! Your'e a shining example of that!!


Hello Kyle,

I guess the main thing is to keep showing up and doing the work.

It is just when life obstacles get in the way of performance, it is a matter of persistence.

The opportunities are there if you are fit and strong to take hold of them.

The obstacle is there for any one wanting to achieve, it is to keep going.

Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead

Kind regards

great to see you here Erika. How's it going? Yes, being fit and strong is essential!!

Warmest healing wishes to you! 💜


Keep showing up, but keep progressing. If what you are doing is not working, then pivot away from that (albeit a slight change often times), but as the internet evolves and the opportunity grows, we have to remain malleable to these changes.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead as well Erica! :)

Thanks so much Kyle :)

Good morning Kyle,

Thank you for another interesting topic, I'm sure it's something that many people think about.

Maybe I'm being optimistic, but I do think that if we can be our own unique self and know our niche, we can go a long way online. The way we do things in the world have always continually been changing, but if we can give valuable information about our niche, I believe that is huge.

I'm guessing that in the UK and the US, many people shop online. However, this is just one country that I know about. In Greece, where my wife comes from, they obviously have the Internet, but it appears that they don't really do online shopping. There is no Amazon or eBay, which I find highly surprising! The Greeks seem to like retail therapy, but I can see this changing over time. So, in other words, it's a place where there are huge amounts of space to expand online and that's just one country!

I know that many member's websites have been affected by the Google updates, Kyle. Do you think some of the updates were due to the amount of content that appeared when AI was introduced to the public? I'm guessing that a sunrise of content could almost put Google in a spin! These are purely my thoughts, but it does make me wonder.

I know that you teach on the platform how to use AI properly and make it your own. However, I'm amazed at the appalling AI content out there, in other words, people are not making it their own. I believe they could be hit very hard at some point. Sorry, I have digressed slightly from the initial subject!

Have a fantastic day.


Very interesting, Roy! Thanks for sharing these perspectives from your real experience. I can testify that the Japanese obsessively shop both retail and online, so there is no fear of things falling off here. Another Chinese friend also says the same! And the Asian population? Well,🌺 that says it all.

Yes, the rise of AI is bound to rock the boat and distort figures, etc., but I feel things are calming down now.

Yes, I'm also pretty shocked at how raw and unpolished AI articles are! This is what I feared, really. So, I personally polish like mad and actually use outlines more and more to stimulate a piece. I do enjoy AI helping me with concise summaries of them, though, if I'm pressed for time.

I feel as if we need to choose a side almost: AI crawled by AI is bound to be successful, isn't it? Humans with AI enhancement crawled by AI—as successful? I don't know. I would love Kyle's deep knowledge from the Google side here.

I'm glad you digressed, Roy! These points are all related. Are we out to purely make money or write our magnum opii? That's the question!

Best and smiles

Lindi 🌺

That definitely isn't being too optimistic. I think the problem is when people think they need to be everything to everyone, and to take advantage of all of the strategies that exist.

You only need to be good at one marketing strategy, and work within ONE niche to become successful. When you achieve success doing that, that is the point when you can diversify and become involved in many different niches.

And yes, AI is changing the game in some good ways, and some bad. There is a lot of low quality content being produced out there and that is something that content platforms are going to have to tackle in an ongoing basis as content can be produced faster than ever. And yes, Google has already declared they rid their SERPS of mass produced AI content...that was low quality.

AI is a tool that you can use to create better content than ever, and if that is not the focus of the use, then you won't be rewarded with positive results.

As a content engine and AI authoring platform, our focus is on the first run quality of content, so you will see that continue to improve as well moving forward.

I believe that there are a few major factors that have made most forms of internet sales grow, and in a way, they are most certainly linked.
Covid, as bad as it was and is forcing people to buy online.

And the giant of Amazon increased the general public's perspective of this.

And now because of the above attitudes have changed toward online buying in general and so sales are growing and retail stores are closing.

In response, the ability to earn from the disposable income now being spent online is huge and only growing by the hour and is the new norm.

We just have to fit into that wheel

Ia agree Rob. Covid definitely brought a lot of people online, using online tools and of course spending online like we have never seen. That persisted even after we went "back to work" and we were able to venture off into the offline retail area.

The reality is you have better selection, and better pricing online. There is much less overhead for online retailers, and because of that, they can hand off these savings to customers.

And on top of that, the world's middle class is growing, and internet users continue to grow....and people are spending more time than ever connected online.

So all of this equates to more opportunity for US, as online business owners. We just need to harness it, and that is what we are going to continue to provide you. An environment where you can harness this to it's full potential.

This is a thought that is spinning in my head and I would think that with yourself, Carson and your team that you must have the “tools” to tap into the power and concept of Amazon. They have spent millions developing their platform and some how its benefits are there to be expanded on or otherwise used and without breaking any rules. They provide so much data for it not to be useful, surely?

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