About AndreRaymond
Rank 11522
91 followers Joined June 2023
Hallo my dear fellow WA dreamers and believers, I try to live my life by design, not by default. I believe in fair play in economics ...





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I normally create, draft and publish starting from the task list in my hub.
But now I have created, drafted and today published a post DIRECT starting in Worppress and I do

So this time you created and published your post in WordPress direct rather than site content (hubs).
You need to go to all pages on your back office WordPress site then once you find the post you need to allocate a category for it to belong to. then refresh your site and it should be seen.

Thanks Andre for your kind concern.
I can see the post on my website and did give it a category.
Still no success in having it listed in Site Content.

No problems

Any content that is done via site content and then published to your site will be shown in the site content.

However should you create a post as you did directly on your website will not show in site content.

Site content and Wordpress work independently as site content is a feature that only relates to WA.

This is why you can't see it in site content as you worked directly via your website.

Logic. Thanks Andre :-)

Enjoy your day and week ahead

Hmmm... your profile name looks though you want to be called Andre, but your name appears to be Chris...


You may need to go to SiteManager: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites > scroll if you need to see the domain in question > click on the Details button (bottom right of the site's window) > scroll down to SitePlus+ and click on the Clear Cashe button.

Also follow Phil's (aka feigner) advice and clear your browser's cache too.

If you still cannot see it... try using another browser FIRST to see if the browser is being a pain (sometimes this happens).

If you STILL cannot see your newly published post, check to make sure you've dated it properly.

NOW... if it STILL won't publish, contact SiteSupport.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish
Thanks for your kind reaction and advise.
IT is not a cashe issue ... I see my post on my website.
So probably Tim has right : " If you have created your article directly in Wordpress, this will not be listed in your content list within your hub"

BTW my full name is Chris Andre Raymond, it is on my passport 007 ;-)
I use André Raymond as my "Nom de Plume" as it fits in some further writings in the hopely close future ...
So no secrets what-so-ever and very welcome to call me Chris as well :-)

Thank you, Chris. Much appreciate your letting me know. :-D

Can you see it on your website, or do you need to add it to a menu

Thanks Catherine and yes I can see my post on my website.

if it is not appearing on your site when viewed then you may need to refresh your browsers cache by pressing ctrl+f5 when viewing your site....
or as Tim says - it doesn't get added back to your hub

Thanks Phil for your concern.

If you have created your article directly in Wordpress, this will not be listed in your content list within your hub. You will find your article within Wordpress when you login to your website.

Thank you Tim. Yes it appears on my website but not the website content list.

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Why is my recent published post not mentioned in my website content ?

Why is my recent published post not mentioned in my website content ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I normally create, draft and publish starting from the task list in my hub.
But now I have created, drafted and today published a post DIRECT starting in Worppress and I do

So this time you created and published your post in WordPress direct rather than site content (hubs).
You need to go to all pages on your back office WordPress site then once you find the post you need to allocate a category for it to belong to. then refresh your site and it should be seen.

Thanks Andre for your kind concern.
I can see the post on my website and did give it a category.
Still no success in having it listed in Site Content.

No problems

Any content that is done via site content and then published to your site will be shown in the site content.

However should you create a post as you did directly on your website will not show in site content.

Site content and Wordpress work independently as site content is a feature that only relates to WA.

This is why you can't see it in site content as you worked directly via your website.

Logic. Thanks Andre :-)

Enjoy your day and week ahead

Hmmm... your profile name looks though you want to be called Andre, but your name appears to be Chris...


You may need to go to SiteManager: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites > scroll if you need to see the domain in question > click on the Details button (bottom right of the site's window) > scroll down to SitePlus+ and click on the Clear Cashe button.

Also follow Phil's (aka feigner) advice and clear your browser's cache too.

If you still cannot see it... try using another browser FIRST to see if the browser is being a pain (sometimes this happens).

If you STILL cannot see your newly published post, check to make sure you've dated it properly.

NOW... if it STILL won't publish, contact SiteSupport.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish
Thanks for your kind reaction and advise.
IT is not a cashe issue ... I see my post on my website.
So probably Tim has right : " If you have created your article directly in Wordpress, this will not be listed in your content list within your hub"

BTW my full name is Chris Andre Raymond, it is on my passport 007 ;-)
I use André Raymond as my "Nom de Plume" as it fits in some further writings in the hopely close future ...
So no secrets what-so-ever and very welcome to call me Chris as well :-)

Thank you, Chris. Much appreciate your letting me know. :-D

Can you see it on your website, or do you need to add it to a menu

Thanks Catherine and yes I can see my post on my website.

if it is not appearing on your site when viewed then you may need to refresh your browsers cache by pressing ctrl+f5 when viewing your site....
or as Tim says - it doesn't get added back to your hub

Thanks Phil for your concern.

If you have created your article directly in Wordpress, this will not be listed in your content list within your hub. You will find your article within Wordpress when you login to your website.

Thank you Tim. Yes it appears on my website but not the website content list.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Picking in on the calculations in the lesson about potential revenue I believe that in my modest opinion one sale a day is already a quite reasonable achievement.
Are there

Chris, you have a FANTASTIC response from Vitaliy here :)

Yes, I understand his point of view. No difficulties there.
I was just tipping tones in the water and searching for some averages to come to some estimations.

That's fabulous, Chris!

Hi Chris, as someone who has been to this conference numerous times, the numbers really vary. The key isn't in the statistics necesarily, but first focusing on converting people into starters then premium, then scaling that which is when the numbers play a role. It's not everyone who gets say a 100 people to click on their WA affiliate link will get an X amount of sales. It just doesn't work that way because there's so many other factors to consider like traffic, the type of audience and other things.

The good news is that if you follow the training in WA that you'll be on the right path to make it and as your experience grows in the business, so too will your understanding. I would also recommend considering the Premium plus membership as there's a bunch more content/classes on this topic that may help you reach your goal.

What matters is that indeed the platform and hubs are a beautiful tool for business development, whether you sell the WA training or another product. It is a great achievement of all the people involved in the development of the hub and training.

That's an excellent point and something I would totally use when you create content promoting WA. The value of the platform is what sells it and keeps people here.

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How much people were invited in las vegas ?

How much people were invited in las vegas ?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Picking in on the calculations in the lesson about potential revenue I believe that in my modest opinion one sale a day is already a quite reasonable achievement.
Are there

Chris, you have a FANTASTIC response from Vitaliy here :)

Yes, I understand his point of view. No difficulties there.
I was just tipping tones in the water and searching for some averages to come to some estimations.

That's fabulous, Chris!

Hi Chris, as someone who has been to this conference numerous times, the numbers really vary. The key isn't in the statistics necesarily, but first focusing on converting people into starters then premium, then scaling that which is when the numbers play a role. It's not everyone who gets say a 100 people to click on their WA affiliate link will get an X amount of sales. It just doesn't work that way because there's so many other factors to consider like traffic, the type of audience and other things.

The good news is that if you follow the training in WA that you'll be on the right path to make it and as your experience grows in the business, so too will your understanding. I would also recommend considering the Premium plus membership as there's a bunch more content/classes on this topic that may help you reach your goal.

What matters is that indeed the platform and hubs are a beautiful tool for business development, whether you sell the WA training or another product. It is a great achievement of all the people involved in the development of the hub and training.

That's an excellent point and something I would totally use when you create content promoting WA. The value of the platform is what sells it and keeps people here.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I like to refer to another article ( a specific post, not the whole website ) in one of my posts.
It concerns the same website. How do I do that ? Thank You for your advis

Andre, thanks for the question and all the answers form the WAers.

My pleasure .... :-)

if you select some text that you want to create a link to the other post - then click on the likn symbol and start typing the other posts title it should become listed under where you are typing and you can click on it to make it link to it....

Great Feigner. Thank you for your concern.

Copy the URL of the page you want to add to your post/page and paste it in the new article.
If you go to the magnifying glass at the top and type in the question it should give you lessons on it. Trust me when copy and paste and working with Google will be a big help.

Kevin and Son

Thanks Kevin ... I will try this out.

Indeed an interesting portion of information on that subject.
Thank you Madame Abie+

You're welcome, Chris! Please keep us updated on your progress.

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Hallo. how do I put a link in a post of my website to another post in my website ?

Hallo. how do I put a link in a post of my website to another post in my website ?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I like to refer to another article ( a specific post, not the whole website ) in one of my posts.
It concerns the same website. How do I do that ? Thank You for your advis

Andre, thanks for the question and all the answers form the WAers.

My pleasure .... :-)

if you select some text that you want to create a link to the other post - then click on the likn symbol and start typing the other posts title it should become listed under where you are typing and you can click on it to make it link to it....

Great Feigner. Thank you for your concern.

Copy the URL of the page you want to add to your post/page and paste it in the new article.
If you go to the magnifying glass at the top and type in the question it should give you lessons on it. Trust me when copy and paste and working with Google will be a big help.

Kevin and Son

Thanks Kevin ... I will try this out.

Indeed an interesting portion of information on that subject.
Thank you Madame Abie+

You're welcome, Chris! Please keep us updated on your progress.

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asked in
Getting Started

I have logged in in my wordpress and conform the instructions went to the appearence ... customize ... Site identity .. logo : downloaded the new logo, replace the old one an

Hi 🤚 My advice . Ask Kyle . Thank You

Why would you need to ask Kyle. Another browser will solve the issue or CtrlF+5


Thank you Catherine. Ctrl F5 worked fine.

Thank you for your concern Dazzel.
The problem is solved with Ctrl F5

Fabulous :)

Also try Ctrl + F5

Yes ... This one worked. Thank you :-)

You're welcome, Chris :) I am glad it did.

You may need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the servers cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Thanks Abie.

Np, Chris! :)

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I have changed my logo and published but if I go to my website it is still the old one showing up .?

I have changed my logo and published but if I go to my website it is still the old one showing up .?

asked in
Getting Started

I have logged in in my wordpress and conform the instructions went to the appearence ... customize ... Site identity .. logo : downloaded the new logo, replace the old one an

Hi 🤚 My advice . Ask Kyle . Thank You

Why would you need to ask Kyle. Another browser will solve the issue or CtrlF+5


Thank you Catherine. Ctrl F5 worked fine.

Thank you for your concern Dazzel.
The problem is solved with Ctrl F5

Fabulous :)

Also try Ctrl + F5

Yes ... This one worked. Thank you :-)

You're welcome, Chris :) I am glad it did.

You may need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. Try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the servers cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Thanks Abie.

Np, Chris! :)

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The idea is that it concerns permanent and essential information on the subject of the website but at the same time an interesting 'blogging' item to tell the public and curiou

No, you must not do this.

That is clear. Thanks !

Why would you want to do that?

Are you following up on the webinar training?

Most of your content would be Posts, with the privacy policy and disclosures as pages. Services or e-commerce websites may have additional pages.

But you definitely don't want duplicate content vs. a compelling blog post with a great keyword that punches and delivers. It conveys a message and has a purpose.

Google also frowns on duplicate content.

Hi Abie thanks.
I 've read your information and yes I follow the webinar training.
BUT I am only at lesson four ...
Point is I want to make already some -useful- content so that I can at least use my AI word balance ...
If I first follow only training the credits vanish at the end of the month.
So I try to find a balance in taking the theoretical course and practical applications.
This can lead to some 'strange' questions ... I appologize for that.
Your time and consideration is most appreciated.

You can do outlines and save those for later :) No need for an apology... And don't sacrifice points for quality and compelling content.

Hi - no, that's not a good idea.

People find your content by searching for the keyword or topic in Google, and whether it is a page or a post doesn't matter, in that respect.

If it's relevant to the search term, Google will show it in the results.

But, if you have two articles the same, Google won't know which is the most important, they are fighting against each other, and Google might not show either of them!

Don't forget, you can add a post to your top menu, if you wish, to make it stand out and be easily accessible.

It's not just pages that can be added to a menu.

Or you can make the post "sticky" so that it is always shown at the top of your blogroll on your homepage, so it doesn't get pushed down by newer content.

Thanks Diane
Good tip to add some to the top menu.
Will procede with that :-)

If you publish as a page it will still appear in your blog roll. So I believe now you will have it twice in your blog roll. Personally, I would not publish it twice but let's see what others say about it

Pages don't get added to the blog roll.. But he will indeed have duplicate content on the site which is bad.

You can look at the below resource; I definitely don't want duplicates :) 🍓

OK Got it ... Thanks

Thanks Danny ... So no duplicates ...

Thanks Mark
The others follow your opinion.
So I will act properly ;-)

You're welcome. Chris :)

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Pubishing the same content simultaneously as a page and a post on the same website, does it make any

Pubishing the same content simultaneously as a page and a post on the same website, does it make any

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The idea is that it concerns permanent and essential information on the subject of the website but at the same time an interesting 'blogging' item to tell the public and curiou

No, you must not do this.

That is clear. Thanks !

Why would you want to do that?

Are you following up on the webinar training?

Most of your content would be Posts, with the privacy policy and disclosures as pages. Services or e-commerce websites may have additional pages.

But you definitely don't want duplicate content vs. a compelling blog post with a great keyword that punches and delivers. It conveys a message and has a purpose.

Google also frowns on duplicate content.

Hi Abie thanks.
I 've read your information and yes I follow the webinar training.
BUT I am only at lesson four ...
Point is I want to make already some -useful- content so that I can at least use my AI word balance ...
If I first follow only training the credits vanish at the end of the month.
So I try to find a balance in taking the theoretical course and practical applications.
This can lead to some 'strange' questions ... I appologize for that.
Your time and consideration is most appreciated.

You can do outlines and save those for later :) No need for an apology... And don't sacrifice points for quality and compelling content.

Hi - no, that's not a good idea.

People find your content by searching for the keyword or topic in Google, and whether it is a page or a post doesn't matter, in that respect.

If it's relevant to the search term, Google will show it in the results.

But, if you have two articles the same, Google won't know which is the most important, they are fighting against each other, and Google might not show either of them!

Don't forget, you can add a post to your top menu, if you wish, to make it stand out and be easily accessible.

It's not just pages that can be added to a menu.

Or you can make the post "sticky" so that it is always shown at the top of your blogroll on your homepage, so it doesn't get pushed down by newer content.

Thanks Diane
Good tip to add some to the top menu.
Will procede with that :-)

If you publish as a page it will still appear in your blog roll. So I believe now you will have it twice in your blog roll. Personally, I would not publish it twice but let's see what others say about it

Pages don't get added to the blog roll.. But he will indeed have duplicate content on the site which is bad.

You can look at the below resource; I definitely don't want duplicates :) 🍓

OK Got it ... Thanks

Thanks Danny ... So no duplicates ...

Thanks Mark
The others follow your opinion.
So I will act properly ;-)

You're welcome. Chris :)

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Millionaire Mentorship
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