New Order Page at Wealthy Affiliate, New Payment Options!

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Hi Everyone,

There has been some confusion lately about the order process here at WA so I thought I would take a moment to clarify well as showcase the brand new order page and payment platform here at WA.

A few weeks ago we rolled out a brand new order page that we have been working on for some time. The new payment page has several new updates.

(1) Brand New Payment Options

The first major update was the additional payment options that are available to EVERYONE, Starter or Premium.

Formerly, as a Starter member you were forced into purchasing the first month $19 discount (if you joined in the first 7 days), or $49 if you purchased beyond that. There were MANY requests to go yearly right away, so we felt it was a good idea to offer this to everyone right away.

We also have had many requests over the years for a shorter term purchase, as in "half a year". So we have also introduced the 6-Month Membership option to the mix. As a member you now have the choice between monthly, 6 months and yearly.

Here is what the new order page options look like.

You can see it for yourself here (and can even change your membership type if you like):

==> View Order Page Here

The longer the membership term you purchase at once, the greater the discount. Monthly is $49 per month, 6 Month is $234 (which works out to $39 per month) and Yearly is $359 (which works out to be $29.92 per month).

(2) You Can Now Purchase With WA Credits

We have introduced a new payment type, WA Credits. You can now use "cash credits" that you either earn through the platform here at WA, earn through the affiliate program, or that you purchase to pay for your membership.

This is going to allow people with "prepaid" cards to now join. Traditionally it is very difficult to pay for recurring memberships with prepaid cards because merchants don't allow for it. So now someone can buy cash credits, and then apply those to a membership.

We had many affiliates and those earning cash credits within the platform request this as well. Not to mention those that were looking to "gift" a membership, you can now do this by sending someone cash credits through the Credit page, and they can then purchase a membership.

(3) Much More Robust Code

The code base and how the payment processes work were due for an update. There are many cases that are now accounted for that weren't before, and we reprogrammed the code base with a focus on security and further efficiency.

(4) Newfound Affiliate Opportunity

Affiliates have been wanted to have a yearly option for many years now that they could promote out of the gate. Now you can.

Instead of earning $8 per sale (on a $19 first month offer), now you can build the 6 months and yearly into your marketing and earn $108 and $175 commissions respectively. It doesn't take too many sales like this to be earning a full time income online.

So there you have it, the official update on the brand new order page here at WA. There are going to be subsequent updates and iterative improvements to this platform that we are really excited about. We will be updating folks with respect to this.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback in respect to the new order page, affiliate side, or the upgrade procedures, let me know below and I will be happy to help you out. I would love to hear your feedback as to the design of the page as well!

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Thank you, Kyle, and also to Carson for the important update.

Now that it is official and explained we can easily make some changes or additions to our content for those promoting WA.

Just another reasons to want to stay or join this amazing community.

Best wishes to all starters and premium lets make 2019 more than an amazing year online.


Great idea. At the 6 month stage, one has a better idea of whether to go on or not. It's not as intimidating to sign up for half a year as opposed to a full year.

Thanks for that ...Kyle and Carson

The Co - Founders of Wealthy Affiliate are to be applauded for having our interest at heart. Where else would you find such ethical businessmen?

That is great Kyle, it would really help some members here. Can't wait to see what more you have in-store for us in the coming months.

Hi Kyle - thanks for clarifying this. Can we swap from one payment option to another on a month by month basis? So, if I know in advance that I have enough credits to cover the monthly fee, that is how I pay. But if next month I haven't, swap back to PayPal or credit card? And if so, does this have to be done within a certain time frame or literally just the day before? Cheers, Diane

This is awesome! Did anyone else read that "prepaid cards" line and say, "Well I better run off over to Jaaxy and grab every single phrase for that kind of search for people wanting to get into affiliate marketing using prepaid cards, and get it before it's saturated? Or just me? HINT = Kyle's releases like this make running to success so much fun!

Thanks for the new improved update, just another step up for WA.

Thanks for the clarity Kyle - we can all add this option to our respective WA reviews now 😊

Thanks for the update, really appreciate it!

I love these options, especially the 6 month option and yearly plan which will save people money.

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