Is it Working - follow up


Last month I posted about my progress in WA and how it was working for me.

I started my second niche site just over 2 mths ago and am pleased to report my 1st sale! It was one of the smaller items but am I happy? OH YES, a sale is a sale and it means this really is working.

I've been here 6mths now so don't be discouraged if you think nothing is happening, one day you'll check your affiliate account and BOOM, there it will be, your first sale! :D

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Congrats! Keep up the good work!

Thanks Greg, I will!

Congratulations Kathy331, you are on your way.

Yes, I'm sure I am Sheryl :)

Congrats Kathy. So far I have earned my money on adsense, no sales yet, but I have not really worked hard on that part yet either. I need to write some reviews and more. I am still learning and have been consentrating on other aspects of my site. I have made a list of all the bits of sale strategy I have picked up from members here and I know I can do it :-))

Thanks Marith, you can do it!

You go girl! Congratulations on your second niche's sale. ~Marion

Thanks Marion! :)

Hi Kathy congrats on first sale, you are on the way up to the stars, you deserve it

Thanks Willie, enjoying my journey to the stars I am!

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for following me and I am also following you. I checked out your website for Baby Clothes. I also read the above blog post. I am a mom of three and a grandma to one little girl and love making things for her. I am in the US in the state of Texas but originally from the state of Ohio. I enjoyed your sites. Very good job! Please re-read them for grammatical errors since I saw a few. If you have trouble finding them, let me know and I will review them with you.
Have a GREAT day! Hope to hear from you in the future as well.

Thanks for the feedback Paula, great to connect with you. :)

You are very welcome. :-)

Hi Kathy, great to read your text, and it is good to bear in mind what you are saying. I was indeed mentally prepared for such a long race when I started all this. Best. Jovo

Yes Jovo, it's not an overnight thing and there are times when you doubt. I was told by the seasoned professionals to hang in there!

Great! Congrats! Way to go Kathy :)

Thanks Kristina :)

Well done and congrats Kathy!

Thanks Arthur. :)

Congratulations Kathy:)

Thanks Jazmin :)

You're welcome Kathy:)

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