I started my children's book today

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Today I started my children's book. The images above were generated by Adobe Firefly for my main character, a 5 year old Princess. I have not decided which princess I will use yet but I am leaning toward #1 or #4. They are both so beautiful and representative of the character I am creating.

I also created images of the other main characters in the book. I suspect this book will be 20-50 pages in length with photos created by AI for the adventure part.

I hadn't really thought about writing a children's book since I was in college when I wrote a short story about a "tall, slightly ugly princess who married a tall, slightly ugly prince and they lived happily ever after with their tall, slightly ugly children."

I think at the time I was trying to tell people that you don't have to be the "perfect" vision of beauty to be happy.

I may do a rewrite of that one changing the word "ugly" to "awkward" and seeing where that takes me.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a brief update on what I'm up to over this long weekend!

I am branching out a bit from doing strictly websites and working on achieving my goals as an author, as well.

Best wishes and have a tremendous rest of your weekend!


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Recent Comments


Well done Karin wishing you well with your new book.
I like image four as the choice. She looks the cutest of them all and seems to show the most endearing innocence but also has the feel of one that is wanting to learn more about everything around her. More show with nature around here and life itself.

just a thought


Thanks for your input, Andre. I like her, too!

Hope you have a great week!


Most welcome and thank you

Excellent. Every journey begins with the first step. Make small steps every day Karin. A dripping tap will fill a bucket in time.
Keep the ugly, it has more impact, and appeal, than awkward. Kids will get involved with the word ugly, they will want to see what happens to the uglies. Awkward is just middle of the road. You could write a story about the clumsies. Again, kids can associate with that word.
Just my 4am thoughts.
Enjoy your Sunday

Thanks, Bux. I think I will keep the word "ugly."

I got some plot stuff going and tomorrow will be working more on the story. I'm anxious to see where this goes! :)


Follow the road and keep walking it, every day.

Images are nice. Best of luck, Karin!

Mo Khan

Thank you, Mo Khan.


Sounds fun, Karin! Good luck with your adventure.


Thanks, Susan. I think it will be fun.


A very rewarding endeavor and I love the images. Have a great weekend!


Thank you, Nancy. It is all part of the big business picture I have rolling around in my brain. :)


Great idea and excellent images, Karin. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Thanks. That AI is really something!


Yup! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

If the book takes off, maybe I'll turn one of the character images into a tattoo! Probably the sweet looking little mouse. I think he's my favorite!


Great idea, Karin! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž

Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Sounds probable, Karin. I think it's really good to write a children's book to see where your imagination takes you through this journey.

Great little article!

Myra โ™ฅ๏ธ

Thank you, Myra. I am interested to see where we go on this adventure/journey!


Awesome Karin, personally I like the third princess, she has an inquiring facial expression, I also love 4, she looks as though she could get into all sots of scrapes

Iโ€™m really going to have to look at the little ladies again to see whom I should choose.


Hi, Karin.

The idea that people have a "perfect" vision of beauty to be happy is complex and influenced by various factors. Here are some key points to consider:

Cultural Influence:
Different cultures have varying standards of beauty, which can shape individuals' perceptions of what is considered attractive. These standards can change over time and can be influenced by media, fashion, and societal norms.

Personal Preferences:
Beauty is subjective, and what one person finds attractive might differ greatly from another's preferences. Personal experiences, upbringing, and individual tastes are in one's vision of beauty.

How people view themselves can impact their happiness. Confidence and self-acceptance often contribute more to personal happiness than conforming to an external standard of beauty.

Psychological Factors:
Psychological well-being and self-esteem are crucial for happiness. People who are content with themselves and have a positive self-image are more likely to be happier, regardless of how closely they match societal beauty standards.

Social Acceptance:
Feeling accepted and valued by others can influence happiness. Social connections and support networks often matter more than physical appearance in fostering a sense of belonging and well-being.

Media and Advertising:
"Ideal" beauty in media and advertising can create unrealistic expectations. This can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness if individuals constantly compare themselves to these often unattainable standards.

Holistic Well-being:
True happiness is multifaceted and includes physical, emotional, and mental health. Focusing solely on physical appearance can neglect other important aspects of well-being, such as relationships, career satisfaction, and personal growth.

In summary,
while societal standards and beauty can influence happiness, they are not the sole determinant. Personal preferences, self-perception, psychological well-being, social acceptance, and a holistic approach to well-being play significant roles in achieving happiness.

Bon Chance on your "children's book."
I trust that it will be awesome.

Paul from Canada.

Yes, truly beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Thanks for sharing those many things. Iโ€™m looking forward to where this take will take me and the readers of it!


You will "rock it".
I believe in you.


Thank you, Paul. I appreciate that!



Sounds intriguing, Karin.

Children's book are unique and really take some imagination.

Isaiah ๐Ÿ˜

I think it will be quite an adventure. I hope I am up to it!


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