My Keywords are indexed through "" but do not show in my content platform. Anyone can help me!
Hey wa, my keywords are indexed but not show through content plateform?
My Keywords are indexed through "" but do not show in my content platform. Anyone can help me!
You must have the colored G, no?
You mean the publish content platform?
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My subscription at Wealthy Affiliate has been canceled due to financial reasons. How can I recover my website?
do you still own the domains - have you kept up the payments, if any while you were away...
check under websites>>sitedomains as long as you are on your original account to see what domains you still have - assuming you were hosted here...
and if you stil lhave them then as the others are saying - contact support ( under help at the top ) to see if there is a backup available ...
Kyle is saying 6 months for backups - so as long as it is under this then you may be lucky....
good luck
Site Support does daily backups of all sites. I believe they keep them for 90 days and can provide you with a copy.
I agree with will have to reach out to support...but the 1st step is to find a host for your domain.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!
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My subscription at Wealthy Affiliate has been canceled due to financial reasons. How can I recover my website?
do you still own the domains - have you kept up the payments, if any while you were away...
check under websites>>sitedomains as long as you are on your original account to see what domains you still have - assuming you were hosted here...
and if you stil lhave them then as the others are saying - contact support ( under help at the top ) to see if there is a backup available ...
Kyle is saying 6 months for backups - so as long as it is under this then you may be lucky....
good luck
Site Support does daily backups of all sites. I believe they keep them for 90 days and can provide you with a copy.
I agree with will have to reach out to support...but the 1st step is to find a host for your domain.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!
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My website performance is bad please suggest me.
Hi - I answered in chat.
It will be because of the huge header image that you have.
Plus, the header also means that people have to scroll past it before they reach your content, which is not good in Google's eyes.
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How do I get the best speed for my website?
My website performance is bad please suggest me.
Hi - I answered in chat.
It will be because of the huge header image that you have.
Plus, the header also means that people have to scroll past it before they reach your content, which is not good in Google's eyes.
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You must have the colored G, no?
You mean the publish content platform?
I published my article on the content platform, and the letter "G" remains in black color.
Thanks Abie!