Relationships and Internet Marketing
In the last 10 years of my life, I have been involved in some form of internet marketing and there is one thing that stands true... Relationships are the KEY!
My very first attempt at an online business was a complete failure. Not because I didn't have the right tools. Not because the products were horrible. Not because I didn't do everything I could to promote it... it was because all of my focus was on me.
It wasn't until I learned the key to success was helping others succeed. My first real mentor taught me something that I use to this day in everything I do.
He taught me to take my inward focus and turn it on others...
Turning Inward Focus into Outward Focus
Think of it this way...
100% of the world is made up of people. 99% of them are not you.
So by setting all of your focus inward, you are only affecting 1% of your potential success.
This is a mistake most marketers make and fail.
How do we change it?
Start with one. I know you have heard that a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. So pick one person that you can help. No matter how small you may believe it is, you will be amazed at what this can do... for both of you.
It doesn't matter if it is an encouraging word, or just a simple question about their life or business. This opens the door to trust, and people do business with those they trust.
Genuinely listen to them and start a relationship that will go beyond them signing up with your program or buying your product.
Once you have built this relationship and have a new friend, find another. This process is more valuable than any marketing tool for sale on the web. This is the true definition of network marketing.
When you take the focus away from yourself, you begin to understand how to be a more effective marketer in all phases.
My Challenge to You
Right now, stop what you are doing. Go to your favorite social media site and find someone that is working online and ask them how they are doing. Nothing more, nothing less.
Plant a seed that will grow and grow.
Let me know what you do today!
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Relationships are important. People like to deal with those that they know. "People don't care what you know until they know that you care."
I was inspired by reading a facebook group newsfeed. It's crazy... people are constantly posting about their "Awesome" program and never once commenting on anything of anyone else's. I wouldn't sign up with these people for any amount of money. They are Homers.
Thanks for the advice. It's truly going to be helpful to the success of people I do business with in the future. I can't market on my site because I'm not allowed to earn my own income without paying a heavy price. That's the truth I'm telling with my blog so it is a lot about me. However, I want it to be about much more. I want to help others who are in the same situation I'm in now. I want to inspire people and assist them in achieving their dreams. I want to help get laws changed so people have a fair chance at doing what they love and making a living from it if they choose. Helping others is my real goal.
It's a challenge, and the rewards are out of this world. Keep on grinding, one person at a time!
"100% of the world is made up of people. 99% of them are not you."
I think your percentages are a bit askew, but your concept is right on.
Good stuff.
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Good advice, I'm not very social but know how important it is to be active, help and share.
BTW...How the heck are you today.