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Hello, my name is Wesley, and I'm all new to internet marketing. I'm excited about learning IM because of its potential to help me achieve





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Website Development & Programming

Either a plugin I'm using has a bug or my theme doesn't work nicely with it. It is adding in duplicate html tags for one of it's features and not adding in any for a different f

Recommend that you remove plugins until the problem resolves. Then add them in one at a time until it returns. You have then located the offending plugin.
Delete that one.

Thank you for replying. I know what plugin it is. I gave some more information about it in one of my other posts here. I just might have to turn it off and try something else.

The problem with messing with the code for a specific plugin is that everything is interrelated. It is quite easy to mess up if you don't fully understand the programming behind the conflict.
I would try something else if there is a conflict.

I agree, if you know what your doing then go ahead, of course if it doesn't work out, just remove what you changed and update....I do that sometimes.

You can edit, but only if you are positive you know what you are doing. One character missing, and you could have a rats-nest of nothing.

Thanks for the reply. Do you know where to find a plugin's specific html code? I've been through all my site's pages in the editor but I can't find the code. I can see it when I inspect my site code with the web browser though.

Hi - yes, if you go to Editor - and then select the most likely PHP file - eg. if it's in your footer, it's likely in your footer.php - if your main page, main.php or content.php or page.php etc - the file names are normally quite descriptive.

However, as Ken has said - be careful.

I would always recommend backing up your site files first, before making any changes - you could do this with a plugin, but my preferred way is to use an FTP program (eg. FileZilla) and download everything from your site onto your local computer.

If you don't want to use FTP, if you are just making changes to a single file - always copy and paste the file contents (Ctrl A and then Ctrl V into a local copy of notepad if you're using a windows PC - I'm not sure of the apple equivalent) - so you always have a copy of the file before you make any changes online.

If you are not familiar with PHP - please google it first - it's not a difficult language to pickup (imho) - but I have been programming for a long time - so I may take it more for granted than others may do.

All the best, Mark

I appreciate your reply. This is where my problem starts. If you look at the code of my site at http://freedomisthedream.com you can see that the Yoast plugin is adding in duplicate Open Graph tags. Hover, I've searched through all my site's PHP pages and cannot find these tags anywhere. That's why I was wondering if there was some other section I don't know about where plugins add in their own code. It's frustrating because it's also not adding in the Twitter Card information at all.

Wesley, I took a look. Are you using JetPack - I noticed it in the code in a few places, JetPack widget, etc.

At one time there was an issue with JetPack and Yoast, but I believe it has been fixed.

WA hosting no longer allows JetPack plugin.

If you are using it, look in particular at the social media and SEO related plugins within JetPack.

Just wondering, if you have JetPack, have you disabled it to see if the double tagging stops. ~Jude

Hi Jude. I did disable all my other plugins and it still did the same thing. Maybe my theme is causing the problem? I didn't know WA doesn't allow Jetpack anymore. That's good information to have lol. I may just have to try other plugins for the social features.

JetPack plugin has a set of about 20 plugins. Some people activate the lot and it can really slow down the loading of the site. If you just have a few activated, it should be okay.

Before changing code, check the settings of all of SEO-related and social media plugins on your site and see if any give you an option to disable adding of Open Graph Metatags.

You may have seen this already, but there's a list of such plugins on this page and it provides other steps to remedy this problem:



As Mark says. In WP, left menu, go to:

Plugins > Editor

Then from the top right drop down listing, select a plugin, then Ok.

It will list all the code files for that plugin, not just the php.


Well, I got rid of JetPack so that is one thing I don't have to worry about. I think this is a problem with my theme because all three of the plugins that I'm using to add features are being duplicated in the same section. I really like the theme though so I hope they fix it.

Does your theme have support and have you contacted them about this issue? ~Jude

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Can i edit the html that a plugin adds into my site?

Can i edit the html that a plugin adds into my site?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Either a plugin I'm using has a bug or my theme doesn't work nicely with it. It is adding in duplicate html tags for one of it's features and not adding in any for a different f

Recommend that you remove plugins until the problem resolves. Then add them in one at a time until it returns. You have then located the offending plugin.
Delete that one.

Thank you for replying. I know what plugin it is. I gave some more information about it in one of my other posts here. I just might have to turn it off and try something else.

The problem with messing with the code for a specific plugin is that everything is interrelated. It is quite easy to mess up if you don't fully understand the programming behind the conflict.
I would try something else if there is a conflict.

I agree, if you know what your doing then go ahead, of course if it doesn't work out, just remove what you changed and update....I do that sometimes.

You can edit, but only if you are positive you know what you are doing. One character missing, and you could have a rats-nest of nothing.

Thanks for the reply. Do you know where to find a plugin's specific html code? I've been through all my site's pages in the editor but I can't find the code. I can see it when I inspect my site code with the web browser though.

Hi - yes, if you go to Editor - and then select the most likely PHP file - eg. if it's in your footer, it's likely in your footer.php - if your main page, main.php or content.php or page.php etc - the file names are normally quite descriptive.

However, as Ken has said - be careful.

I would always recommend backing up your site files first, before making any changes - you could do this with a plugin, but my preferred way is to use an FTP program (eg. FileZilla) and download everything from your site onto your local computer.

If you don't want to use FTP, if you are just making changes to a single file - always copy and paste the file contents (Ctrl A and then Ctrl V into a local copy of notepad if you're using a windows PC - I'm not sure of the apple equivalent) - so you always have a copy of the file before you make any changes online.

If you are not familiar with PHP - please google it first - it's not a difficult language to pickup (imho) - but I have been programming for a long time - so I may take it more for granted than others may do.

All the best, Mark

I appreciate your reply. This is where my problem starts. If you look at the code of my site at http://freedomisthedream.com you can see that the Yoast plugin is adding in duplicate Open Graph tags. Hover, I've searched through all my site's PHP pages and cannot find these tags anywhere. That's why I was wondering if there was some other section I don't know about where plugins add in their own code. It's frustrating because it's also not adding in the Twitter Card information at all.

Wesley, I took a look. Are you using JetPack - I noticed it in the code in a few places, JetPack widget, etc.

At one time there was an issue with JetPack and Yoast, but I believe it has been fixed.

WA hosting no longer allows JetPack plugin.

If you are using it, look in particular at the social media and SEO related plugins within JetPack.

Just wondering, if you have JetPack, have you disabled it to see if the double tagging stops. ~Jude

Hi Jude. I did disable all my other plugins and it still did the same thing. Maybe my theme is causing the problem? I didn't know WA doesn't allow Jetpack anymore. That's good information to have lol. I may just have to try other plugins for the social features.

JetPack plugin has a set of about 20 plugins. Some people activate the lot and it can really slow down the loading of the site. If you just have a few activated, it should be okay.

Before changing code, check the settings of all of SEO-related and social media plugins on your site and see if any give you an option to disable adding of Open Graph Metatags.

You may have seen this already, but there's a list of such plugins on this page and it provides other steps to remedy this problem:



As Mark says. In WP, left menu, go to:

Plugins > Editor

Then from the top right drop down listing, select a plugin, then Ok.

It will list all the code files for that plugin, not just the php.


Well, I got rid of JetPack so that is one thing I don't have to worry about. I think this is a problem with my theme because all three of the plugins that I'm using to add features are being duplicated in the same section. I really like the theme though so I hope they fix it.

Does your theme have support and have you contacted them about this issue? ~Jude

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