Resolution or Wishful Thinking
In the early '90s, my wife's dad announced his New Year's resolution for that year was to not make any more New Year's resolutions. A few years later, he told us it was the only resolution he ever kept.
Ignoring the obvious oxymoron of making a resolution to not make resolutions, I have got to say I have never been a big fan of the New Year's celebration.
People want us to believe a tick of the clock and the tearing off of a calendar page have suddenly made everything new. As if someone has pushed the universal reset button. It looks like a lot of wishfull thinking to me.
Then we wake up on January 2nd to discover the world is pretty much the same as it was on the evening of December 31st.
The futility of this New Year's thinking is best seen in the easy discarding of the New Year's resolution. The resolutions are not very resolute. They are quickly tossed out with the crumpled up Christmas wrapping.
if we want a changed world in 2018, we have to become different people.
One of the reasons I love being here at WA is this is a place where people are encouraged to make commitments. Then training, resources and encouragement are added to enable that person to see those commitments through.
WA is changing the world because people come here and grow.
I would wish you a great 2018, but I don't have to. You are going to make your 2018 great. So, I celebrate with you.
Happy New Year.
- Joe
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Joe, I have to say you are absolutely right about changing ourselves. We have to change our ways of thinking more often than I had dreamed. Also, I want to say that the experiences I have had here have been worth a whole lot and while I have not started making money yet, I am committed to doing just that in 2018!
Thank you. I haven't made much either. I'm just starting out. I feel like I will be able to get to a place where I can control my financial destiny.
You have made a great commitment. May you succeed beyond your dreams.
Hi Joe,
I tend to agree with you for the most part. I think most people that make a New Year's resolution don't have their hearts or minds in the right place. They want to make major changes in their life without a plan to succeed. I personally think of a New Year's resolution as a short term goal. Like any goal, you have to plan it out and work the plan to reach it. I guess it's just how you look at it. I'm not going to make a resolution this year, I already have my goals and my plans set. Some say tomato, some say . . . I guess typing it doesn't have the same affect. (Lol). Great post, enjoyed reading it. Hope the New Year brings you great success and prosperity. See you at the top.
Hi Don,
I'm sure there are people who have kept their New Year's resolution. I am in favor of a day where people would contemplate what is going on in their life. Undergird their strengths and positives. Also, develop plans to mitigate or eliminate the negatives. If a large portion of the world did this on a single day, the effect would be phenomenal.
The present celebration of New Year's misses this by a mile. They think they have a plan. Gym memberships spike in January. However, there is no steadfast commitment, no accountability, no group of folks cheering them on. Too bad, for these facets could be added so easily.
People like my wife's dad see the futility of resolutions and stop making them. Fortunately for him, he was a very good man and successful in his niche (teacher).
You have discovered you can make your resolution anytime. Sticking to it is the key. Congratulations, you are already successful.
Thanks for your message. I deeply appreciate it.
Happy New Year.
- Joe
Love this! =) Although it is fun for me to make resolutions, I do agree that it does not have any more magic to it than starting any other day! ^_^
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I wish you much success in 2018
Thank You, LaVerne, Best of success in the New Year to you.