About TTedesco1
Rank 2896
870 followers Joined March 2017
An innate desire to assist and motivate people and or groups, bringing them together based on their abilities to their highest possible level of achievement.





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asked in
Getting Started

My credit card is charged $15.99 per month. please tell me why....


Did you buy a new domain name? I can't think of any other reason for a charge of that amount. If it was for a domain name then the charge is yearly not monthly.

HI....Marion....No I did not buy a domain. I am sorry I thought I was asking support.....thanks for helping.

HI ... the charge was for registering my website for the year at WA...

Is it $15.99 for something affiliated with WA? If so, you'd be better off asking support than posting the question here. I don't see what they'd be charging that amount monthly for. I can't think of any monthly subscriptions at WA that cost that amount.

Yes, you are right. I thought I was asking support....my mistake....sorry. thanks for helping....

Hi, the answer is. The cost for registering my website for the year at WA...

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Why I am charged 15.99 per month?

Why I am charged 15.99 per month?

asked in
Getting Started

My credit card is charged $15.99 per month. please tell me why....


Did you buy a new domain name? I can't think of any other reason for a charge of that amount. If it was for a domain name then the charge is yearly not monthly.

HI....Marion....No I did not buy a domain. I am sorry I thought I was asking support.....thanks for helping.

HI ... the charge was for registering my website for the year at WA...

Is it $15.99 for something affiliated with WA? If so, you'd be better off asking support than posting the question here. I don't see what they'd be charging that amount monthly for. I can't think of any monthly subscriptions at WA that cost that amount.

Yes, you are right. I thought I was asking support....my mistake....sorry. thanks for helping....

Hi, the answer is. The cost for registering my website for the year at WA...

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am curious about the blog writing services available as well as the cost. I would appreciate any suggestions based on your experiences...thanks.....

Hey, actually, I can not recommend one, I have never checked into any. Sorry!


You can get some really good quality pieces over at iWriter.com for very fair prices. Their authors are all prescreened for quality assurance. You can pick the writing level as well. In general you will spend about $20 for a 1000 word piece that is done by a professional. I actually make my living writing with this company.

Thank you so much I really appreciate that....

Ok also are there discounts for monthly volume?

Just curious.....Can you get them to write a "review" also?

Unfortunately there are no discounts but I will say that ther prices generally run at about half what you will find anywhere alse for that quality of work. You can definitely get reviews, ebooks, college papers, blog articles, anything you want. I do a ton of their in-depth research papers as they tend to be the most fun.

Wow....I thought you were a newbie....You are way ahead of the game....Thanks.....

I'm new to the whole affiliate marketing thing but lime I said I make my living with #freelance writing.

That's a great question and I love the answers. I didn't know David helps like that. Will need to check that out.

Tried and true


Hi Elaine..... I am glad you like the question and I thank God for the answers...

Hi Elaine, did you mean Dom Wells or is there a David?

Hi, Elaine ,
David does and he is a gem too.
Debs. ;-)

Greetings @TTedesco1

It really depends on your budget here. You need to provide the keywords and I general idea of what you are looking for. UpWork is god but tends to be a little expensive. If you're looking for a bargain and don't mind asking for revisions or doing some editing yourself then take a look at Fivrr.com

I tend to make rough copy on my own and have the professional do the editing. That way it's in my unique voice and the grammar has been properly checked.


Hi Steven.....Thanks and I will look into Fivrr.com and also UpWork....Thanks for the advice.

You know I must also look at UpWork since you said they are a god.

UoWork can be a little more expensive but well worth it in my experience.

Good luck my friend!

I am sure your success is well earned...


I've tried these guys when I was tight on time and they're good.

http://thecontentcenter.com/ ($40/1000 words)

Fat Joe also offers writing services although I mainly use their guest posting service. Here's their URL https://fatjoe.co/content-writing/

Yes Prinz, I have heard about them... thanks.....

I am investigating them as we speak. Thanks for the advice...

I believe if you order by the month it is less expensive.

Hey, If you are having a problem writing content, follow this formula and see if it helps! The problem-The solution-the benefit- Conclusion!

You know, if it was that easy for me I would just do it but I am running short on time ....all the time....

Even your picture shows how comfortable and relaxed you are.

Seriously, I really do appreciate your advice and your..... "Time"...

One of our own.....Dom Wells. 1000 word articles from $25. Also eBooks etc.


OK....Thanks.....sounds good to me.

Maybe they even have monthly discounts?

Sounds good and I don't need to reinvent the wheel especially since he is one of our own....Thanks so much...

You're welcome

What type of help are you looking for? Do you want someone to teach you how to write content, edit your writing, or do all the content creation for you?

There is a wide range of quality when it comes to outsourcing writing. You can sometimes find people on UpWork or similar sites willing to work for $25-$50 an article. But it may require a lot of editing and not be optimized particularly well. I know people who have bought services at that level and then felt like it wasn't even high enough quality to publish the post.

Top freelance writers can make $150-$300 per post. They write copy that converts and do so quickly and efficiently. What you choose to do really depends on your budget and goals.

I think anyone can become a better writer. If you are new to this and not yet making revenue, I would recommend just continuing to gain reps. Write frequently, use sources like Grammarly and HemingwayApp (both of which are free) to edit your work, and read other bloggers work. You will see the formats and styles that work well.

Thanks, Mamafish.....I was thinking I could do my own keywords, editing, and images along with links. I certainly would not consider paying $150.00 per post for 1000 word.

To save time they would search and write the content.

My site is unable to convert to WordPress. tommysteam.com

Perhaps I'll just continue like a turtle on step at a time...

I have had an eBook written for me all water marks proper paid for images and I know it wasn't easy work because all I said was a few words.

This eBook is going to be like gold to me.

Please pass by and see David. He really is a gent. No Don' t get commission for this but David has been a real shoulder to lean on not in person but here in W.A.

He has always been a source of inspiration.

debs ;))

I have used one but only recently. Its not finished yet. if you hold on I shall let you know how it went. I hate typing and my wrist is killing me so. this has come in handy I am quite excited to see how they have done.
debs ;-)

OK....Debs.....thanks....I also am pressed for "time". I always seem to run out of time.

Lol I know the feeling connect with me very good friend here in W.A he may be able to help you.

Thanks, I will check it out thanks for saving me...."TIME"

I hope it helps and lets just say I am so happy with the service.

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Can you recommend a blog writing service?

Can you recommend a blog writing service?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am curious about the blog writing services available as well as the cost. I would appreciate any suggestions based on your experiences...thanks.....

Hey, actually, I can not recommend one, I have never checked into any. Sorry!


You can get some really good quality pieces over at iWriter.com for very fair prices. Their authors are all prescreened for quality assurance. You can pick the writing level as well. In general you will spend about $20 for a 1000 word piece that is done by a professional. I actually make my living writing with this company.

Thank you so much I really appreciate that....

Ok also are there discounts for monthly volume?

Just curious.....Can you get them to write a "review" also?

Unfortunately there are no discounts but I will say that ther prices generally run at about half what you will find anywhere alse for that quality of work. You can definitely get reviews, ebooks, college papers, blog articles, anything you want. I do a ton of their in-depth research papers as they tend to be the most fun.

Wow....I thought you were a newbie....You are way ahead of the game....Thanks.....

I'm new to the whole affiliate marketing thing but lime I said I make my living with #freelance writing.

That's a great question and I love the answers. I didn't know David helps like that. Will need to check that out.

Tried and true


Hi Elaine..... I am glad you like the question and I thank God for the answers...

Hi Elaine, did you mean Dom Wells or is there a David?

Hi, Elaine ,
David does and he is a gem too.
Debs. ;-)

Greetings @TTedesco1

It really depends on your budget here. You need to provide the keywords and I general idea of what you are looking for. UpWork is god but tends to be a little expensive. If you're looking for a bargain and don't mind asking for revisions or doing some editing yourself then take a look at Fivrr.com

I tend to make rough copy on my own and have the professional do the editing. That way it's in my unique voice and the grammar has been properly checked.


Hi Steven.....Thanks and I will look into Fivrr.com and also UpWork....Thanks for the advice.

You know I must also look at UpWork since you said they are a god.

UoWork can be a little more expensive but well worth it in my experience.

Good luck my friend!

I am sure your success is well earned...


I've tried these guys when I was tight on time and they're good.

http://thecontentcenter.com/ ($40/1000 words)

Fat Joe also offers writing services although I mainly use their guest posting service. Here's their URL https://fatjoe.co/content-writing/

Yes Prinz, I have heard about them... thanks.....

I am investigating them as we speak. Thanks for the advice...

I believe if you order by the month it is less expensive.

Hey, If you are having a problem writing content, follow this formula and see if it helps! The problem-The solution-the benefit- Conclusion!

You know, if it was that easy for me I would just do it but I am running short on time ....all the time....

Even your picture shows how comfortable and relaxed you are.

Seriously, I really do appreciate your advice and your..... "Time"...

One of our own.....Dom Wells. 1000 word articles from $25. Also eBooks etc.


OK....Thanks.....sounds good to me.

Maybe they even have monthly discounts?

Sounds good and I don't need to reinvent the wheel especially since he is one of our own....Thanks so much...

You're welcome

What type of help are you looking for? Do you want someone to teach you how to write content, edit your writing, or do all the content creation for you?

There is a wide range of quality when it comes to outsourcing writing. You can sometimes find people on UpWork or similar sites willing to work for $25-$50 an article. But it may require a lot of editing and not be optimized particularly well. I know people who have bought services at that level and then felt like it wasn't even high enough quality to publish the post.

Top freelance writers can make $150-$300 per post. They write copy that converts and do so quickly and efficiently. What you choose to do really depends on your budget and goals.

I think anyone can become a better writer. If you are new to this and not yet making revenue, I would recommend just continuing to gain reps. Write frequently, use sources like Grammarly and HemingwayApp (both of which are free) to edit your work, and read other bloggers work. You will see the formats and styles that work well.

Thanks, Mamafish.....I was thinking I could do my own keywords, editing, and images along with links. I certainly would not consider paying $150.00 per post for 1000 word.

To save time they would search and write the content.

My site is unable to convert to WordPress. tommysteam.com

Perhaps I'll just continue like a turtle on step at a time...

I have had an eBook written for me all water marks proper paid for images and I know it wasn't easy work because all I said was a few words.

This eBook is going to be like gold to me.

Please pass by and see David. He really is a gent. No Don' t get commission for this but David has been a real shoulder to lean on not in person but here in W.A.

He has always been a source of inspiration.

debs ;))

I have used one but only recently. Its not finished yet. if you hold on I shall let you know how it went. I hate typing and my wrist is killing me so. this has come in handy I am quite excited to see how they have done.
debs ;-)

OK....Debs.....thanks....I also am pressed for "time". I always seem to run out of time.

Lol I know the feeling connect with me very good friend here in W.A he may be able to help you.

Thanks, I will check it out thanks for saving me...."TIME"

I hope it helps and lets just say I am so happy with the service.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi .....I received an e-mail from The International Society of Business Leaders. It basically stated that I was chosen as a professional in my field and therefore I was eligibl

Hi Thomas I have never heard of that organization, Best Alan

Thank You, Alan. I did not follow through with them....

Hey, before I joined I would research them thoroughly and when that was finished, if I did not feel comfortable, I would say no!

Thank you...that is exactly what I did.... I did not join....

Never get involved in any venture that you feel uncomfortable about, especially where money is involved.

Thank You....You are right....

You're welcome!

Never heard of it. Do they want to charge you to join? If yes say no, if not then do you have anything to lose ?
With Grace and Gratitude

Thanks.....Yes, they do charge.....from $189.00 for the first year and then more for three years and $799.00 for a lifetime.

Honestly, I don't feel comfortable. I will not join unless I hear something possitive from one of OUR members here in WA...

Honestly that sounds fishy to me, I would look into everything first check out what those negative reviews are about then see what's next.
Kind regards

Thanks for the reply; The 4 negative comments come from BBB. Poor customer service and charges for upgrades.

Now if they truly have 50,000 members then sometimes you just can't satisfy everybody all the time.

I will say Since no one here at WA has any comments good or bad then i am not going forward to join them.

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International society of business leaders?

International society of business leaders?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi .....I received an e-mail from The International Society of Business Leaders. It basically stated that I was chosen as a professional in my field and therefore I was eligibl

Hi Thomas I have never heard of that organization, Best Alan

Thank You, Alan. I did not follow through with them....

Hey, before I joined I would research them thoroughly and when that was finished, if I did not feel comfortable, I would say no!

Thank you...that is exactly what I did.... I did not join....

Never get involved in any venture that you feel uncomfortable about, especially where money is involved.

Thank You....You are right....

You're welcome!

Never heard of it. Do they want to charge you to join? If yes say no, if not then do you have anything to lose ?
With Grace and Gratitude

Thanks.....Yes, they do charge.....from $189.00 for the first year and then more for three years and $799.00 for a lifetime.

Honestly, I don't feel comfortable. I will not join unless I hear something possitive from one of OUR members here in WA...

Honestly that sounds fishy to me, I would look into everything first check out what those negative reviews are about then see what's next.
Kind regards

Thanks for the reply; The 4 negative comments come from BBB. Poor customer service and charges for upgrades.

Now if they truly have 50,000 members then sometimes you just can't satisfy everybody all the time.

I will say Since no one here at WA has any comments good or bad then i am not going forward to join them.

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