$6.2K Month - October Monthly Update!

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Another month has just passed by and we're approaching the end of 2018!😊

Here's my October report...

Take note! To be successful, focus on the lessons and learning points that other people shared. Not just being jealous at other people's results but never put into any real actions for yourself!

October Report

I had another record breaking month in October despite my website got hit severely by Google's algorithm update in late September and early October😢

I'll share more about that in a sec.

Here's my Oct performance:

  • New WA Sales: 65
  • Recurring WA Sales: 151
  • Free Starter Referrals: 464 (Suffered quite a lot due to Google's update)
  • WA Commissions: $5,383
  • Thrive Themes Commissions: $756
  • Other Commissions/Sales: $128

So these add up to about $6.2K

Here's the growth since Jan 2018:

(P.S. I'm not showing these because I want to brag or anything like that. I'm doing this because I want to be transparent and prove to beginners that everything is possible as long as you're willing to work for it with persistence and patience! Transparency is what I learnt from one of my affiliate marketing idols, Pat Flynn. He's super transparent about his work and I love that.)

Severely Hit By Google Update :(

So, back to the topic on Google Update. I'm sure many of you have experienced that as well.

This is my website traffic over the past 90 days:

As you can see, my traffic was constantly growing until end of September when it started going down.

I had some days with over 2K traffic per day but the entire October my daily traffic just hovered around 1K only.

Right now, there's no signs of recovering despite my writer is still constantly producing new posts.

If your website also experienced the same thing, I understand your feeling. (I know there are quite a number of people having this problem as well.)

Yes, I did complain and whine about Google.

But for those of you who experienced this, we need to focus on thinking what we should do instead of complaining.

So, here's what I learnt...

Moral of the Story - Diversification!

What happened has already happened and we can't control Google.

So there's no point complaining and whining, make sense?

The first thing we should think of is how to improve our content quality, content engagement, website authority, etc. and try to "please" Google as much as possible through legitimate and whitehat SEO strategies.

(Some people may tell you that Blackhat SEO strategies work but I don't believe that's the best long term strategy.)

As long as you're doing your best to provide the best content for your readers and apply the right SEO techniques, there's no point to complain anything anymore. You're already doing your best and you should be proud of that.

(But one important factor is to keep learning and constantly upgrade your own skills & knowledge so that what you're applying are what's working now.)

After that, the rest is all up to Google.

What we can do from there on is to DIVERSIFY!

There are 2 main ways to diversify:

  1. Diversify your traffic source
  2. Diversify your income source

The main concept here is to stop putting all your eggs in one basket which is Google.

To diversify traffic, there are many things you can do, such as:

  • Starting a YouTube Channel and doing video marketing
  • Getting traffic from social media by learning and building your social media followings (The beauty of this is that you don't have to master ALL the platforms. You can get lots of high quality traffic as long as you can successfully build just one of the platforms, be it Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • If you have the budget, you can adopt paid traffic methods like PPC, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, etc.

I'm not saying any of these will be easy. Everything has a learning curve that you have the go through.

That's why I always say Persistence, Consistency and Patience are the keys to success in anything.

As for diversifying income source, there are many things you can do.

Let me just share with you what I am doing to give you some ideas...

#1 Mediavine Ads

Since my site has enough traffic, I'm able to adopt display Ads as another income source.

For the past 2 months, I got about $600+ each month from display Ads. (I didn't include those in my income report because they haven't been paid out yet.)

Again, my October earnings are supposed to increase but it didn't due to the drop in traffic.

The good side is that it's another income source anyway!

#2 Website Offers

On my website, I started offering some service-based offers like buying Guest Posts and Done-For-You Website service.

Once you have gained some experience in literally anything, you should think of...

How you can monetize your strengths!

Offering products, services or even your own course are just some ideas for you.

#3 My Own Course

Talking about course, I'm also preparing my own course for sale for another passive income source.

Anyway, I'm just giving you some ideas on how to diversify your income source.

Many of these require you to have enough traffic. That's why for beginners, you should start by working on ONE traffic source and then diversify it. After that, you can diversify your income source.

So, diversification is the key to long term success. Never put all your eggs in one basket.

But for people who are just starting out, please focus on just ONE THING at a time. DO NOT overwhelm yourself by having multiple projects at the same time.

Diversification cannot be done in a short period of time. It takes a lot of time. That's why this is a long term battle. DO NOT RUSH or be IMPATIENT.

Even if you want to diversify, everything must be done one step at a time!

Rome wasn't built in a day!

Hiring a Writer Course Update

For those of you who have been following me, you'll know that I'm preparing a course for all the Premium Members here in WA to help you hire a writer for your website.

If you suck at writing or you don't have time to write, hiring a writer is an option for you.

If you want to scale your business, hiring a writer is a way for you to free your time and work on other projects simultaneously.

This will be made available for all the Premium Members. This is not the course for sale I was talking about.

Anyway, all the contents for the course are almost done. Give me another week or two before I publish it for you guys :)

So, if this is the first time you're hearing this, follow me on WA and you'll get notified when this course is LIVE.

WA Black Friday Offer!!

Finally, November is an exciting month because Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday Offer is coming!!!

WA Black Friday Offer will be from 23 Nov to 26 Nov 2018. You'll be able to enjoy WA's Premium Membership at just $299/year, which is equivalent to only $25/month and $0.82/DAY!

Personally, my WA Premium Membership is grandfathered to this Black Friday pricing because I grabbed this opportunity 2 years ago.

There are 2 ways you can benefit from this Black Friday Offer:

  1. Grab this offer if you haven't already to cut down your business expenditure here at WA.
  2. Promote this opportunity to get paid affiliate commissions. (You'll earn $130 per Black Friday Sale.)

So, this is just an early notification. I believe Kyle has send PM to you as well to inform you about the upcoming Black Friday Promotion.

I'm sure there will also be some official update soon.

So, stay tuned and mark your calendar!

(P.S. If you're already on the Premium Yearly Membership, don't worry! Grabbing this Black Friday Offer will simply extend another year of your membership from your current expiry date.)

That's all for this month's update. I hope you enjoy it and most importantly learnt something new :)

Remember! It's NOT about what others have accomplished. It's about what YOU CAN accomplish. I hope I've given you enough motivation and inspiration to pressure forward regardless what obstacle lies ahead!💪

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Recent Comments


Thanks for all the facts and figures. It's encouraging to know what is possible. Good suggestion on diversify.

You're welcome Debbie!

so inspiring! way to go!! thank you for posting!

Thank you Alisha!

Hi Jerry
As always good to learn more from you thank you
Have bookmarked

My pleasure Vicki!

Thanks for the advice. It's very encouraging to see that are doing so well in the methods that you are using to creating traffic.

I also notice in spite of some setback with Google, you are solving the problem with a positive altitude. That is very impressive indeed.

I look forward one day, when I learn this well, to make my first dollar on WA.

Once again, Congratulations for your success in the October month!.

Thank you! Yes, to be successful, it's all about being optimistic and solving as many problems that come in your way. The more problem you can solve, the more money you can make. That's for sure :)

great stuff jerry... keep growing bud... the traffic will bounce back. the cream always rises. That is what google wants...

anyways... see you in January.

Yea man, see you in Vegas Chris!! Just curious, are you getting most of your referrals from YouTube? Because I saw that you're doing an amazing job with your YT Channel :)

It's about a 75-25 split between YouTube and the blog.

The conversion rate on YouTube is off the charts so I been doubling down on it over the past few months.

That's awesome man! Good to hear that :)

Inspirational to the max.
It is so good to hear about successes like this to push me through the gobbledy-gook of learning all these things.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

It's my pleasure Francis! All the best :)

Fantastic article that is very constructive and encouraging. It can happen for yourself as you wrote persistence and consistency.

Yup, that's right! Thanks Judson!

Thanks for posting this. Thanks for the links to help me. Thanks for setting an example and being strong enough to share it with us.

My pleasure Jared!

Wow you are so realistic and encouraging Jerry thank you so much.

My pleasure Martin!

Thank you for the inspiration :)

My pleasure Susan!

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