Saturday's Snowy Sanctuary!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I expected that snow would be arriving today after a decent night's rest, having talked to Monica, Mom, and Mel, the night before! It had been forecast for a couple of days by then.

Waking up, I knew I had to get the fire from the day before reignited in short order before the eBay house turned into a colder tomb than it already was! That took a little bit of doing.

I also chatted with Mel Waller for a while in the morning, and my buddy Kevin up in Nebraska--who is off for the next couple of days also called, and we had a productive chat, as well!

Even though I had cleared all posts from yesterday, the venture into the Wealthy Affiliate Community, went well, but there were a lot more things to delve through with the Black Friday Special going on.

Kitty wisely declined to assist though.

She remained in bed--SMART CAT! Later, she would venture out for a minute or two, but then it was back to bed. Wish I could do that!

I also checked the fire from time to time, as well! It seemed to be going well, but there will be some additional firewood being toted in later.

The snow was continuing to fall beyond what we were forecast for today, but that is how Kansas weather seems to work!

Here were some images of the snow coming down throughout the day!

It was surreal!

Earlier, it had not been snowing that bad!

It steadily picked up though. That has made it harder to un tarp the firewood!

What a big difference that an hour or two makes! Perhaps the forecast tomorrow might relax a little! Otherwise, it might be a bit more difficult to bring some more fire wood inside.

No matter what, I will persevere ever forward!

Since the snow was still falling, I decided to work on my book promotion website again, as well! Why not? This is the BEST time to write!

I was surprised at how quickly the words for that post flowed into my mind! We can definitely direct our minds to what we wish to get done. We just have to have the willpower.

I did some more work in the WAC, and then got the fire roaring again!

This will be ab ongoing process for the rest of this evening, but I need to do as much of it as I can!

Haha! Then, of course, I needed to venture outside and get a little more firewood, as well!

I, at least, needed enough inside to get it going again in the morning. I believe that I achieved that a moment ago! Whew!

The log on the left had fallen off the porch past winter, and since there was no snow on it, I wrestled it back on the porch and got it into the house!

Back in the house after that, and just settling back into the office, Kitty decided to grace me with her presence for a minute or two! I guess that she had finally slept long enough for the day already! I was happy to see her!

Of course, she did not stay very long again though! No matter.

She was probably wonder when I was coming to bed. There were still a few hours to go, because I was going to check out the Kansas State football game this evening to see how the season turns out.

This post will be winding down very soon, but don't forget to avail yourself of Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday special this time around!

Research what you need to, but you might find that you will be glad you do!



Jeff, the BLOG DOGS, and Kitty

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Jeff, I see you got a light dusting of snow, I always did love the first snowfall of the year. As the snow falls, it seems so quite as it falls. Why is that you suppose? But, I also believe in the snow being here today and gone tomorrow, LOL. Have a good Sunday afternoon and evening, my friend.


It does seem to be melting pretty good right now, Larry!


The snow looks fantastic Jeff, definitely enough to make a small snowman!!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday portion my friend!!


I quit making snowmen when I was no longer at Monica's house--the one I bought her, Nick! I've got too much to do here just to survive!! The sun is out today, and we have much more snow, though it has quit for now!

Enjoy your Sunday portion of Frisatsu!


I still class that as YOUR house Jeff, but nevermind....

Building a quick snowman when one is able to can be a fun activity and a great way to relax for a bit in my opinion!!

Much appreciated my friend and you too!!


Class it however you want to , Nick! I don't care!

Cold weather and I don't get along.

My day is going Great--two eBay sales, and other more important accomplishments, as well!


A healthy drop of snow. ❄️ last tile I dropped in it was sunny.
Have been having a few lung problems and although not severe it has been enough to keep me inactive. They aren’t sure but I’ve been given stuff for covid. lol. Nothing is just flu anymore.
Any way I’m not bad. Had problems with swallowing and shite like that but ….basically πŸ‘.
Have to go back hospital on Tuesday… so there goes more money. lol.
Trying to get motivated and am halfway through 3 posts at the moment.
Keep out of that snow. Looks bloody cold πŸ₯Ά

Sorry to hear about that Stevoi...

I hope you recover well my friend..


It was, Stevoi, and it must have kept coming down overnight! We got more than forecast, but Sunday the sun is shining and you can get snow blind going outside right now!

Hope you get to feeling better. I never did anything about Covid when it was a thing. I hope your hospital visit is fruitful! I know that your motivation will return soon, my friend!

Jeffoi πŸ₯Ά

Thanks buddy

Thanks Jeffoi. With that weather you don’t need a refrigerator for the beer. lol…positive thinking, ice cold drinking. 🍺 🍺

I know, Stevoi! I'm just going to fetch them from outside!

Jeffoi 😎🍺🍺

Hey Jeff, what a shock when I saw those photos. They made me instinctively look towards my collection of woolly jumpers. It's that time of year I guess.
No snow here as yet, but my son might get some, he's a thousand miles further north.
I can remember working in South Africa back in the 80s, we had snow on Jo'Burg in June/July, Everyone was outside playing snowballs. I stayed in the campus bar.
Keep that firewood dry, keep Kitty close and enjoy your Sunday.

I'm still digging out some things too, Bux! It seems to sneak up on us most of the time!

I've got to go out and get under the snow covered tarp for more later. The Sun is blazing today.

Sunday will be busy for me preparing for some work on Monday!

Enjoy your Sunday, as well!


Good morning Jeff,

You were right about the snow, Jeff, it really happened! The weathermen in the media in the UK get very excited about the snow, but in this part of the UK, we don't get much!

I'm glad you have the far right to keep you warm, maybe one day you can invest in a wood burner and keep the fire in all-night.

It's good that you have solid friends to chat to Jeff, that can help to motivate and encourage us, especially when the snow is on the ground!

Make the most of your writing time, Jeff, I don't know how long the snow is around for.

Have a great day.


Good day, Roy!

The fireplace works find! I just need access to the wood to keep it going! My next wood delivery is running late!

Yes, and having good friends also stems the loneliness, as well!

I have not been able to do as much writing as I have wanted to, because if I did that, then nothing else would get done! Working on it though!

Enjoy your day!


Good morning Jeff,

I do hope you're firewood is replenished very soon. Do you burn coal where you are or perhaps it's expensive?

I understand, Jeff, I don't believe that we were meant to do life alone, hence the importance of having solid friends.

I fully understand where you are coming from, Jeff, regarding writing! I often find myself in the same position! Time goes quickly!

A very happy Tuesday to you.


Not yet, Roy, but I expect some today, so we shall see!

Solid friends are a big help too!

Time flies by in productivity, but drag when one is miserable too!

Happy Tuesday!


I do hope that you had some more firewood arrive, Jeff!

Indeed, Jeff, it's very important!

In that case, we know what the answer is, keep up the productivity! I appreciate that can be easier said than done at times.

Have a fantastic Thursday.


Not yet, Roy! His truck is broke down. I'm managing!

You are right about that, Roy!

Happy Thursday!


Good morning Jeff,

Sorry Jeff, I'm a bit behind with my replies etc.

That's good news that you have now had some firewood delivered!

A very happy Saturday to you.


I have been a bit behind, as you already know, Roy!

Happy Tuesday!


I'm sure Jeff, I hope you are starting to get there and catch up!

A very happy hump Day to you.


It is an ongoing process, Roy!

Happy HUMP Day!


I believe that, Jeff!

Have a great day.


You bet, Roy! Enjoy your day too!


Well, it's almost the weekend, Jeff!

I do sincerely hope you have a better weekend than last weekend!

Enjoy your Friday.


I do too, Roy, but I have internet again. so that will surely help!

You do the same! Happy Frisatsu!


I'm sure you will have a much better weekend, Jeff!

I always remember our Bible school principal saying that he is going to preach himself happy! I always think that's a very good logic as we can make a choice to be happy! I appreciate that can sometimes be easier said than done!

When I walk downstairs to make coffee first thing in the morning, I try and be thankful for everything as I start the new day!

Incidentally, I'm not suggesting that you are unhappy, Jeff, as I think you try and make the most of life! I just think it's good to try and look on the bright side!

Sorry, I've digressed slightly, but that's the word for today!😊

Have a great weekend, Jeff.


So far, it truly has been, Roy!

I always pray, and whatever result occurs, I treat it as God's will!

We must always look on the bright side of things!

Enjoy your remaining Frisatsu!


I'm glad to hear that, Jeff!

It's good to pray, Jeff! I don't want to sound super spiritual, but when I lost my friend about five weeks ago, I was praying and I felt God say in my spirit, "Make me your best friend" and "Talk to me how you talk to your friend David"! It was powerful, Jeff!

Yes, Jeff, it's always good to look on the bright side and be positive.

Have a fantastic Sunday.


I'll bet that was a powerful moment, Roy! God was telling you your friend is just fine!

We must look on the bright side of things! We are alive, and that is a positive thing too!

Have a Super Sunday!


It was, Jeff, big time! It was very clear!

It's definitely so important to look on the bright side, Jeff! I believe that can be the difference between a good and a bad day. The Bible school principal used to say, "Today is going to be a good day"! That's not a bad thing to say!

A very happy Monday to you.


You are right Roy!

Like your Bible school teacher said, "It is going to be a good day!"


It's definitely better that way, Jeff!

I believe our words have power, Jeff! It's always good to speak positive words over situations.

Have a fantastic Tuesday.


Positive words are very key, Roy!

Happy Tuesday!


I think so, Jeff; not only does it make us feel better, but there is also power in our words.

A very happy hump Day.πŸͺ🐫πŸͺ🐫


Yes and our words could either have the power for good or evil, so we must be careful! The tongue is a two-edged sword!

Happy HUMP Day! 🐫πŸͺ


That's a good way of putting it, Jeff! We are always better to build people up than putting them down!

A very happy Thursday to you.


Most of the time it works, Roy!

Happy Thursday!


I hear you, Jeff! It's good to be around positive and like-minded people.

Have a great day.


Always, Roy!


I hope you have a great Saturday, Jeff, and trust that all is well.


We shall see, Roy! I'm up and moving slowly. No worries, I have all day!


That's good, Jeff, I hope the pace speeds up as the day goes on!

Have great Sunday.


It did, Roy, and it helped too when the sun came out!

Enjoy your Sunday!


I think will feel better when the sun shines, Jeff.

Have a fantastic Monday.


We always do, Roy, unless the heat is unbearable, but I can sure use some of that now!

Happy Monday!


As I was writing my previous comment, Jeff, it doesn't seem like five minutes ago when the sun was shining and it was unbearably hot! When it's winter, it's hard to imagine summer and vice versa!

Have a great day.


I definitely know what you mean, Roy!

Enjoy your day too!


I hope you're still snow free, Jeff!

Are you expecting a white Christmas?

I think I can only remember two white Christmases in my lifetime!

Enjoy the rest of your hump day.


Sunshine and 50 here so far, Roy!

I have had quite a few--nothing spectacular in my book, Roy!

Enjoy the rest of yours too!

Jeff 🐫

That's good, Jeff, that's not too bad!

I understand, Jeff when you have a lot of snow, I'm sure it becomes very unexciting! Even at Christmas time!

Have a great day.


I don't even have snow, Roy, it is just cold in the house while a bit warmer outside! Make no mistake, the snow will be coming and make it even worse which is why I am carrying firewood in daily!

I do not, and have never liked, winter!

Happy Thursday!


I remember my brother moving into an old cottage in the village, Jeff. There was snow on the ground, and at the time, he didn't have central heating. When I left the house about three hours later, the snow was still on my boots and around my boots it had not melted at all! We often laugh about that!

However, I know exactly where you're coming from and it's not much fun! Please keep warm, Jeff, and look after yourself.

A very happy Friday to you.


Great story, Roy!

I know exactly what you mean, and I have been working on it!

Happy Friday!


The story was probably from 30-plus years ago, but we still laugh about it!

My brother and his wife live in a different house now in the village, he has put a wraparound extension on! The insulation that he has added is amazing. I don't know if you will see his money back, but he will probably be able to heat it with a candle, or not much more!

Have a fantastic Saturday.


That sounds even more awesome!

Happy Saturday!


I'm looking forward to seeing their extension finished, Jeff! My brother is a bit of a perfectionist and likes to do things himself, so things take time. At least it should be dry and free from any draughts now!

A very happy Christmas Eve to you.


Sounds awesome, Roy!

Enjoy your day!


I hope a brother doesn't take too long as I want them to be able to enjoy their home.

Have a fantastic Christmas day, Jeff.


A very Merry Christmas, Roy!


Thank you, Jeff!

And a very happy Boxing Day to you! The sun is shining here in the village of Great Bardfield, which is nice.

I trust all went well yesterday.


You bet, Roy!

Enjoy your day!

I'll have a Great RESTING day!


It's a wet morning here, Jeff, but at least we have passed the shortest day!

Take it easy, it's Christmas!

Have a fantastic day or great resting day.


Well, it is post Christmas now, but the seasonal feeling remains!

Enjoy your HUMP day forward!


I know where you're coming from, Jeff and I think it's nice to keep that seasonal feeling for the 12 days of Christmas!

Thank you, Jeff!

Wishing you a fantastic Thursday.


I agree, Roy!

Happy Thursday!


We still have another week of Christmas, Jeff! Based on the 12 days of Christmas!

Have a fantastic Friday.


I thought those came before Christmas, Roy!

Have a Happy Friday!


According to my Google calendar, Friday the 5th is the twelfth night! Having said that, I don't believe everything Google tells me!

Have a fantastic Saturday, Jeff.


I am truly glad that all the snow is gone right now, but, unfortunately, I know that it will be back too!

You have a Fantastic Saturday too!


I understand where you're coming from, Jeff! Make the most of being snow free!

Have a great Sunday.


I will enjoy it for as long as it stays away!

Happy Sunday!


Let's hope it stays away for longer than you expect, Jeff! The only thing I like about really cold weather is that it makes the global warming clowns look even more silly than they already are!

Have a fantastic day.


Haha, Roy! I totally agree with that!


It's always good to show the eco-clowns up!

Have a fantastic hump day and stay warm.


I'll try to do my best on both counts, Roy!

You do the same!


I'm sure you will, Jeff!

A very happy Thursday to you.


I will when I am ready, Roy!

Happy Thursday!


Well, you finally got some snow. Ours is gone right now, but we are due for more toward the end of this next week. Sigh! I love Alaska, but as I get to be an old coot, could do without the snow.

I'm doing okay with firewood. I have quite a number of bigger rounds and lots of kindling pieces. A friend is bringing me by a load of in-between sized pieces tomorrow, and then I will be set.

How do you start your fire? Have I told you that in the homestead, I used to cut a little piece off a duraflame log and light it; build my fire over it. That stuff burns so hot it will burn anything! Now what I use are the little squares called "Timberlite." One of them lasts for 11 minutes, so I build the fire, light one of those and stick it underneath everything. Lighting a few pieces of paper in there to get everything going, plus one of those little "Timberlite" squares gets things going in no time.

So glad I have this woodstove. If my oil stove goes out, the woodstove will still keep this house warm. Of course, it's easier to just use the Toyo, but at least if I do have a problem I have backup.

Have not heard from your mother yet. Hope she's enjoying her first Alaskan winter.

And, by the way, you still owe me a book! Maybe for Christmas?

I don't like the snow either, Fran. It is a major impediment to me, but it comes every year anyway.

My friend has not made another delivery for me yet, so I might have to bust up furniture or something.

I'll make it through either way. I am happy about having the fireplace. it at least takes the chill off of things.

I have talked to her but sporadically, and I sent her your info, but I guess she has not tried to contact you yet.

PM me your book requests, and I'll see what I can do--sorry about that.

Snow. Something Singapore will never have since we are close to the equator.

Keep warm, enjoy hot drink, and keep writing.


Haha, Tim! I truly wish that I could send you some!


Jeff, keep warm. It is not easy to see snow in Atlanta where I am living. take care of yourself, your family, and the cat.

Will do, Jim! Thank you!


You made the best day out of what you had, Jeff. That makes it a GREAT Day! :D

Love the pics of the snow.

It has been raining today. I get to go to Brownwood tomorrow unless the weather is too bad.

If I don't make it back tonight, Goodnight and sleep well.


That is what I always try to do, JD! It is still cold, but the fireplace is holding its own, right now!

I'm sure there is a lot more out there right now too!

Hope you have an excellent Sunday! I will be retiring to bed after the football game!

Sleep well, my friend!


I hope too.



I hope you slept well, JD!

Happy Sunday!


I did till I had to get up at 4:30. Then did the normal Sunday thing and just woke up from a nap (still waking up).

Happy Sunday.


Hope the weather has been decent for you, JD!

Happy Sunday!


It has been. Although quite chilly to cold this morning and staying in that temp range, the day is gorgeous.


I'm very glad to hear that, JD! Have a GREAT new week!


A bit different to my day, swimming, and doing other activities at multi purpose complex near the beach. Came home slightly sunburnt once again.
So much for the Caribbean winter.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend JB.


Haha, Michael! I am very glad that your weather is much better than mine! I hope that everything is going well for you!


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