​Image ALT Tag Tips


Hello everybody. I was working on my website internal links yesterday and today. Since I added one post and there will be many more in the future, it is safe to say that this is a never ending task.

Since I am done with internal links for the moment, my next task is to add Alt Tags to my pictures. Three different WA have recommended me to do this to improve my website SEO.

I wanted to understand a little bit more what Alt Tags are about because, honestly , I did not have a clear idea of what they even looked like!

I found the following article in http://accessibility.psu.edu/images from PennState. I hope this will be helpful for other members as well.



About ALT Tags

ALT Tags are invisible descriptions of images which are read aloud to blind users on a screen reader. Adding ALT text allows authors to include images, but still provide the content in an alternative text based format. If no ALT tags are provided, then a screen reader would only be able to say "IMAGE" or perhaps provide a file name.

WCAG 2.0 Guideline 1.1.1—"All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose."

This page provides general guidelines on what kinds of text to use in an ALT tag. For specific steps within a specific tool, please select a link within the "Related Links" section.

Accurate, Concise Description

It's important to not only provide an ALT tag, but also provide one that is useful in the context of the document. You may not need to include every artistic detail, and you may be able to skip over purely decorative images, but those that contain critical information need to have it to spelled out in the ALT text.

A good rule of thumb to consider is to include what you might relay over the phone.

Infographic Example

Consider an graphic at an e-commerce which includes two credit card company logos. If you need to know which credit cards are accepted, which would be the better ALT text?

Select Preferred ALT Text for Credit Card Logo

1.ALT="Credit Card Logos" (which ones?)

2.ALT="Vidi-Visi and Magic Card accepted." (conveys specific cards)

Artistic Example

Consider this example of a photograph of the dome of the U.S. Capitol (Picture fromArchitect of the Capitol Office).

When thinking of an ALT tag, the task would be to consider WHY the image is included. Is it within a political science course? A news story connecting Penn State to an event in Washington? An architecture course? Depending on the context, multiple ALT tags can be used.

Possible ALT Tags for Capital Dome Photograph

1.ALT = "Capitol Building" (most Political Science/News)

2.ALT = "Capital Dome in neo Classical style. Dome is white, circular with narrow windows on many levels and pillars on the lowest level. See additional details in text." (Architecture course)

Hint on long descriptions: If a description is very technical it may be worth including it in the main text so that all readers can benefit.

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Decorative Image ALT Tags

A decorative image is one used to enhance the mood of a document, but not to convey actual information. Decorative images can include tool bars, clip art, photographs to add "color" and repetitions of a logo.

Decorative Images do need an ALT Tag, but the ALT tag can be empty (ALT="", best for Web) or a blank space (ALT=" " best for Microsoft Office). Both are valid but produce slightly different results across environments.

Long Description

ALT tags are generally recommended to be concise (about 150 characters). However, some images are so complex that more information may be needed. Today, most experts recommend including an ALT tag which refers blind users to a text based description elsewhere which is visible to everyone.

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Recent Comments


very good run down on alt tags useful to know now I understand what it is about always added them to my photos

I have never added any Alt tag to my images...that is why I wanted to understand what they were about and how they looked like. Thanks for your comment. Blessings!

I have a hard time keeping up... by the time I finish writing my blog I'm so tired that I don't always take the time to do alt tags properly but I should...

I totally understand....I feel drained these days. Blessings!

I just used the feedthebot and they talked about my lack of alt tags. I had NO idea of what they were talking about so thank you so much for writing this! I only wish I could open every single email I receive because there is so much good info! Thanks again Hilda!

Carla, the same happened to me...3 experienced members have told me to add alt tags to my images and I had no idea what they were talking about. That is why I tried to find some information. Blessings!

Very nice explanation. Thank You for sharing, as It is a common question here in WA. Glad you took the time to explain it to all. :))

You are welcome. I am glad you found the information useful. Blessings!

Thank you for providing clarifying information Hilda! I always include a keyword as well :)

I will try to include keywords, too. Thanks for the tip. Blessings!

Hi Hilda,

Great info and, as always, presented in an easily accessible style.



You are welcome Phil. I am glad you found the information useful. Blessings!

Good info. I've been putting my Alt tag text in but probably should be a little more detailed on a few. Shirley

I need to start doing this. Blessings Shirley!

Great information Hilda. I am working on this also.

I need to begin working on this. How are you doing with this? Blessings!

Reviewed all of my post once. Will update again this weekend.

I haven't gotten to this yet, Hilda. I DO put int he ALT text in the image descriptions that I use in my articles, though. Thanks!

I have not gotten there yet either Carla...I am just trying to undersand better what they are about before I begin doing it. Blessings!

Thank you very much for this, I have no image tags but I will get on the case tomorrow!

You are welcome Peter. I need to begin doing this, too. Blessings!

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