Happy Birthday Joe Satriani - July 15, 1956!

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Please help me celebrate the birthday of one of my favorite guitar players, Joe Satriani!

I wrote about Joe back in 2022:

A Little History

Joe was born on July 15, 1956, in Westbury, New York. He began playing the guitar at the age of 14, inspired by the death of Jimi Hendrix. His early influences also included Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck. Joe quickly became the go-to guitar teacher for serious students in the area. He taught players like Steve Vai, Eric Johnson, and Kirk Hammett!

Joe quickly became renowned for his instrumental rock compositions and virtuosic guitar skills, and his breakthrough came with his second album, Surfing with the Alien (1987). This album cemented his status in the guitar world, reaching No. 29 on the Billboard 200 and earning a platinum certification.

I was fortunate enough to have Joe sign this album for me, which proudly hangs in my music studio. It always reminds me of the Fantastic Four movie with the Silver Surfer and the dedication it takes to achieve that level of guitar mastery! Sorry about all the reflections!

My autographed Joe Satriani album

Joe continued to release successful albums, including Flying in a Blue Dream (1989), The Extremist (1992), and Crystal Planet (1998), each demonstrating his ability to blend melody with technical mastery.

In addition to his solo career, Joe has been involved in various collaborative projects. He was a member of the supergroup G3, alongside Steve Vai and a guest guitar player, and later joined Chickenfoot, featuring Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony, and Chad Smith. He has also contributed to recordings by other artists and worked as a touring guitarist for Mick Jagger in the late 1980s.

Equipment Used (For all you WA Gearheads, and you know who you are! Lol)

Here is an abbreviated list of some of the more common equipment that Joe has used throughout his career (courtesy of me and ChatGPT 4o):


  • Ibanez JS Series: Satriani’s signature model, with various versions like the JS1000, JS1200, and JS2400.
  • Ibanez 540 Radius (540R): His primary guitar during the recording of Surfing with the Alien.
  • Ibanez JS1: A custom model with a chromed finish.
  • Ibanez JSBDG: A rare "Black Dog" model with custom inlays.

Today, I am playing my JS1000 guitar all day (and night, Lol) in honor of Joe!:

My Joe Satriani Signature Series (JS1000) guitar


  • Marshall JVM410H: Used extensively in the studio and live performances.
  • Peavey JSX: Satriani’s signature amp head.
  • Marshall 6100: A 30th-anniversary edition amp used in the ’90s.
  • Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC+: Featured in the recording of Flying in a Blue Dream.


  • Boss DS-1 Distortion: A staple in Satriani’s rig.
  • DigiTech Whammy: For pitch-shifting effects.
  • Ibanez Tube Screamer: Used for overdrive tones.
  • Fulltone Deja Vibe: For vintage Uni-Vibe effects.
  • Eventide H9: A multi-effects unit used for a variety of sounds.
  • VOX Big Bad Wah: Satriani’s signature wah pedal.

Honors and Awards

Joe Satriani’s contributions to the guitar world have been widely recognized and include the following incomplete list (courtesy of ChatGPT 4o):

  • 15 Grammy Nominations: Acknowledging his technical skill and musical creativity.
  • Platinum Certification: For Surfing with the Alien.
  • Multiple Gold Certifications: For albums like Flying in a Blue Dream and The Extremist.
  • Classic Rock Roll of Honour Award: Innovator Award (2015).
  • Guitar World Reader’s Poll: Various awards for Best Rock Guitarist and Best Overall Guitarist.


Here is the list of essential Satriani albums (courtesy of ChatGPT 4o). I recommend you give each one your undivided attention! However, if you must listen to only one album, check out Surfing with the Alien (1987).

Solo Albums:

  • Not of This Earth (1986)
  • Surfing with the Alien (1987)
  • Dreaming #11 (1988)
  • Flying in a Blue Dream (1989)
  • The Extremist (1992)
  • Time Machine (1993)
  • Joe Satriani (1995)
  • Crystal Planet (1998)
  • Engines of Creation (2000)
  • Strange Beautiful Music (2002)
  • Is There Love in Space? (2004)
  • Super Colossal (2006)
  • Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock (2008)
  • Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards (2010)
  • Unstoppable Momentum (2013)
  • Shockwave Supernova (2015)
  • What Happens Next (2018)
  • Shapeshifting (2020)
  • The Elephants of Mars (2022)

With Chickenfoot:

  • Chickenfoot (2009)
  • Chickenfoot III (2011)

Collaborations and Live Albums:

  • G3: Live in Concert (1997)
  • G3: Live in Tokyo (2005)
  • G3: Live in Denver (2004)
  • G3: Live in New York (2012)

How About Chickenfoot II?

So, if you're one of the musical elites who read down this far, you're probably wondering what the hell ever happened to Chickenfoot II? Here's the band's interpretation. Parabolic dives in a 747 jet to achieve weightlessness while recording, really?? You figure it out! Lol πŸ˜‚


The Bigfoot explanation at the end of the video is totally ridiculous! Everybody knows that Bigfoot was in Scotland riding the Loch Ness monster at the time! You can't make this stuff up, not even on drugs! 😁

Photos never lie!

My Birthday Celebration Tonight!

Tonight, we are having a little soiree in Joe's honor with family and friends, food, drink, and lots of Joe's music, plus a concert video. It's guaranteed to be as unusual as his music, and the theme will be built around his "Not of This Earth " album! As you can see, I'm having all the fun I can in my retirement years! Lol

Happy Birthday, Joe! πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³

So, be well, Rock On, and watch out for the giant Cyclops playing a Les Paul guitar! I hope I have brightened your day and reduced the boredom in some small way! 😎

(Image created by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🀘🎸

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Recent Comments


You've definitely reduced my boredom! I don't know this guitarist or these albums at all! But I love the ideas with the aliens! I am an alien and zombie fan so anything to do with either I am up for! And I remember Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness monster. It was a Saturday if memory serves me correctly...


Hi Karin

I have to post something like that every once in awhile, when I sense that WA members are getting into a rut and need a little break from reality. Lol πŸ˜‚

Glad you enjoyed it. Check out Joe’s music if you like high octane Rock and Metal. 🀘😎

Frank 🎸

Joe Satriani is a huge idol of mine, I performed The Forgotten Part 2, live a few years back. Crazy where guitaring has gone since then.

I look at players like Andy James and Tim Henson playing on YouTube and the level of technique has just gone through the roof even old Joe I am sure would be impressed.

Great post mate, love the autographed album :)

Hi Luke

I agree that players like Tim Henson are the next level of guitar technique. Polyphia is an incredible band!

Keep on drumming! 🀘πŸ₯
Frank 🎸

Excellent post, Frank!! 😎

Joe is also one of my favorite guitar players! If I had to pick my favorite all around musician / singer, it would be Sammy Hagar and Chickenfoot was one of my favorite Sammy projects! I believe Joe is currently touring with Sammy on the Best of All Worlds tour. 🎀🎢

Surfing with the Alien is currently playing on my PC here at work!

Happy Birthday Joe!! 🎸🀘🎸🀘😎

Thanks again Frank! And keep on Rockin!! 🀘🎸
What an incredible collection you have!

Tim 🎼

Just watched the Youtube video, I can't believe I never saw this!!

Loved it!

Thanks, Frank! 🎸😎

Tim 🎼

Hi Tim

Yup they’re currently on tour. They’re doing all Van Halen songs.

Glad you’re spinning up some Satch to celebrate Joe’s birthday! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

I love that Joe Satriani guitar. It has a wicked fast neck and DiMarzio pickups that absolutely kill! Lol πŸ˜†

I put one of those pickups in the bridge position of a guitar I modded with a blue and silver Lace Sensor pickup in the middle and neck position. That guitar sounds incredible in a totally different way! πŸ’―

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hahaha, I was going to tell you to make sure you see the Chickenfoot video! 😎😎😎

So glad you’re enjoying my music posts!! πŸ˜„

Happy Birthday, Joe! πŸŽ‚

Jeff 🀘🎸

Thanks for commenting, Jeff! πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Frank 🀘🎸

I saw Joe so long ago that he still had hair. lol
Late 80’s was the first time I saw him at Tipitina’s in New Orleans. I made my parents go with me. 🀣

Hi Steve

Yeah, that was back in the "Not of This Earth" days and going forward about three more albums.

I've seen Joe four times, all phenomenal shows! 😎

Rock on! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Not heard of him before Frank.
Gasp, horror, where have you been.
I will remedy this obvious omission in the fundamentals of life and report back.
Happy Birthday Joe from your newest fan.
And you too Frank, have a happy day.

Hi Bux

Since you plan on remedying this musical oversight, all will be forgiven! πŸ™ Lol πŸ˜†

Check out the album "Surfing With The Alien" to start, and let me know how you judge Joe's skill level. 🎢

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Thank you Frank.
That is now in my diary for a later listen to. I guess it sounds better with a beer.

Everything sounds better with a beer, Bux! Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ»

Frank 🀘🎸

Frank, I've listened to Joe and the Alien. It's good but not me.
The rhythm is just a little too fast for me, I'm more of a Floydian person., laid back and drifting off.
I can see why he is so successful, good skills and making that guitar talk its own language.
Thanks for encouraging me.
I'm just about to listen to some Om chanting - I feel I need it after a very busy day.

Hi Bux

Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands and David Gilmour is absolutely amazing!

He has a new album coming out on Sept 6th called Luck and Strange and is touring to support it.

I guess I can forgive you for not worshipping Satriani. It’s a guitar player thing. Lol πŸ˜‚

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Maybe I'm missing out. I have never played guitar, not even an air guitar.
You play guitar, Frank, and I'll drink the beer.

Hahaha, they’re not mutually exclusive, Bux! 🎢🍻

Frank 🀘🎸

I like it, that made me smile.

Of course! 😎

Great performer. I have seen this guy play.. amazing

Yup, amazing is a good way to sum it up, Steve! πŸ‘πŸ‘ 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

I love his music and the way he plays guitar too !!!!

Hi Ela

You obviously are a person of impeccable musical taste! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Today is a great day to listen to some of Joe's tunes. 🎢

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Photos never lie Frank! Love that one of Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness Monster!!

Take it easy on the celebrations my friend and happy birthday Joe!!

Rock On!!


Hahaha, I knew you'd like that image, Nick! 😎

I usually overeat, but I'm not much in the drinking department.

Rock On & check out some of Joe's tunes for his birthday! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Absolutely I did Frank!!

Rock On!


That’s great to hear, Nick! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Enjoy the rest of your night, 🍹
Frank 🀘🎸

You too buddy!


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