Best Affiliate Networks, do you have a long or short list?
I'm familiar with and clickbank, perhaps because these seem to be the networks that I hear the most about. But, I was wondering do you have a favorite network that may not be as well known.
When it comes to affiliating, I know a lot of people use Amazon and I plan on using them too but this is more of an affiliate program, not a network. I'm talking more along the lines of cj and clickbank. I want to know if you have a "go to " list of the "best affiliate networks".
I was doing a search this morning and ran into a pepperjam network (ebay, I think) but prior to today, I've never even heard of them. So, this got me thinking how many other programs are out there that I don't know about?
Remember, WA is my ONLY resource for AM so I've never ventured far from what I learn about in here.
I ask my fellow WA members because you're experienced and knowledgable and I trust what you have to say. I rely on your opinions so much more than that of strangers or people I don't know. Plus, since many of you have been doing this for quite some time, I'm sure you may have some advice to offer.
I understand that even though you find a good network, the company you find to affiliate from that network might not be worth pursuing (there is more research to do once you find a company that you think works for your site) but, if there is a trusted network, I'd like to stick with working with them.
I know this is highly niche specific too but maybe if we just start talking about it, we can see a trend and look further into those companies.
Now, let's start making some money. :)
Recent Comments
I would suggest finding the products you want to sell and then do a search on Google in the following way: this is an example only... outdoor furniture "affiliate program"
I think You'll be pleasantly surprised... not only will you find great products in your niche... affiliate program management program like Commission Junction, Share a Sale, and many more... Good luck.
Hi Julie, thanks for reading and commenting. I already do that method to search for companies to affiliate and it does work wonderfully. I was just curious about what trusted affiliate networks are out there.
With the "google" method it seems I mostly get individual businesses and not many networks. It isn't until you research the actual program for the company that you run into the names of the networks their partners with so I guess I'm just trying to get an idea is what networks my fellow members here trust.
Thanks again. :)
I hope this post will give you some good idea of what networks to consider once you get to the monetizing phase of your site. Best wishes for much success to you. :)
I use Share-A-Sale and Amazon but from the sounds of it I am sure they will be dropping me. I have generated clicks but no sales as of yet. I applied to Ebay but haven't heard back as of yet.
Share-a-sale seems to be pretty popular. I might be looking into Ebay too, seems they're a contender and I think they're as recognizable as Amazon.
Thanks for commenting. :)
eBay takes a couple days, Mercedes. Then there's a small learning curve to getting the type of link that'll work for ya'. One of the links that works the best is partially messed up right now due to the fact that not all of the Product I D's work within eBay's system. I'm hoping that they'll pump up the pace a little and get it all sorted out!
I like Linkshare, there you will get offers from companies that want to sing you up, instead of begging them.
I use Linkshare which has multiple companies under one umbrela, and Ebay.
I was with Amazon but they dropped me for no sales in 90 days.
Hey Patty, yes I can re-apply, but I will wait until I am more established, with steady sales, etc. For now, Linkshare and Ebay are fine.
Yah, I got back in Patty, but every single affiliate program that I applied for denied me instantly! So, I'm not sure what the problem is and CJ is not the most helpful when you're trying to do things by the book... they're pretty sucky on things!
I found that creating a capture page (or squeeze page) actually increased my traffic quite substantially
One great program I use also offers a free training program that is similar to wealthy affiliate, the program is called Power Lead System.
I wrote a review for it on my page, feel free to check it out for yourself.
Thanks for the info. I started out with a health & fitness for the over 50 crowd, but I'm planning to add on making money. I bookmarked your info.
Not exactly what I was looking for, I'm more interested in Affiliate networks not generating traffic, but thanks for reading my post and commenting.
Even if it wasn't close to what WA offers, I'd still stick to WA, this is my comfort zone and I don't like straying. :)
Thanks. :)
The lead system I mentioned also has an affiliate compensation plan, sorry I forgot to mention that!
I'll search all of the ones mentioned here and then do searches like "nam of product/website + affiliate program" to find independent programs.
I'm still exploring a little myself. I just applied for LinkShare, but it can take two weeks before you hear from a company. I deleted Amazon links, because they said they were going to close my account if I didn't get more traffic.
I'm going to be getting the boot here soon from Amazon too if I don't start getting some sales. :( I'll add linkshare to my list. Thanks!
If I remember correctly at the beginning, Amazon would send me a message telling me I made nothing (thanks, like I needed an email to tell me that lol) and deactivate me. So I would reactivate.
They did that like clock work every 90 days for months and months before I was getting steady sales. I just reactivated and tried again for another 90 days, then did it over again.
That's good to know Stacy, thanks for letting us know. At least I won't panic too hard if I get deactivated. :)
Oh ya, definitely don't sweat it.
I think it's because they have so many zillions of people that sign up as associates and it's just an automatically triggered message that goes to everyone without sales yet. Keep at it and those messages will stop ;).
There should be a reactivate link in there somewhere.
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I have heard of PepperJam but have not used them., shareasale. clickbank,, Skimlinks and Vigilinks are all good resources. For those who get dropped by Amazon, you still can get paid by Amazon through a third party like Skimlinks or Vigilinks. However, if you are in a state that is disallowed by Amazon then they will comply with Amazon's rules and not pay you either.
One thing to think about is the amount of traffic you get to your sites. You will get click throughs on a small percentage of those visits and sales will be an even smaller percentage. Your traffic must be targeted to your niche and in the buying mode or researching mode to do you any good.
For this reason it is a good idea to use just one affiliate network until you are able to get more targeted traffic. Otherwise, you can wind up with commissions you never see because they are below the payout amount.
I don't want to discourage anyone, just get you to work smarter so you can actually receive the funds you worked so hard for.
Once you have learned how to get targeted traffic to your sites and don't have to worry about minimum payouts I actually recommend diversifying so you don't have all your eggs in one basket.
Thanks for your reply. You've offered some good advice. :)