Is Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday Sale Really Worth It?

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The answer is a big fat.... HELL .... YEAH.... UNLESS.....

  • You prefer to pay 40% more for your Wealthy Affiliate membership!
  • You're just going to give this a "try" & don't plan to keep working on securing your dream.
  • You love the idea of working for someone else to make them rich & fulfill their dreams.
  • You don't think of yourself as the best investment you can make!
  • You don't like the idea of passive income and prefer to trade hours for money.
  • You love the idea of having others dictate your free time with family and friends.
  • You believe in the idea of "job security" even though you're not the actual boss.
  • You prefer to jump through hoops making pennies with surveys.
  • You like harassing your family and friends on social media to join your MLM.

Look if any of this stuff is what you would prefer, then investing in yourself via Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday Yearly sale is a waste of money. Just keep doing what you're doing and getting the same results you have been getting. That's fine and no one is judging you. I've always said that not everyone is meant to be a business owner. And I realize there are some of you that just can't afford this so what I described above doesn't apply to you.

You're Worth It!

Then there are those of you that understand that that investment in yourself will pay many times over like it has for these folks:

And many more stories like this here and here.

So you may not really need much convincing that the Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Sale is worth it for you! You were already sold on saving 40%. Applaud you for recognizing that value! But I want to make the deal sweeter for you.

How To Make Your Investment Back Quickly!

One of the biggest issue, I see with people starting this business is the lack of delayed gratification. The reality is it can take months to get your online business off the ground and making money. You really need to think like a farmer to find success. That can be a hard pillow to swallow for most people especially when you have bills to pay. And psychologically the delay makes you start questioning if this stuff really works.

Even a seasoned OG like me had doubts recently. But I knew to push through the pain because I've seen firsthand this business works. However, it's still hard to stay motivated even if you're reading all the great success stories. Everyone needs to get their first dollar to make this all real in your mind.

So with that said, I've created my 5 Steps To Earn While You Learn Bonus. It's my step by step system to help you earn hundreds to thousands of dollars within a short period of time. You're able to do this as you build your online affiliate business.

Depending on how you apply the 5 Steps To Earn While You Learn System you may even be able to recoup the cost of your yearly bonus within a couple of days. But that all depends on how you apply it.

That said, this bonus is something that will make you look at your WA yearly membership in a new way and provide you multiple sources of income.

Members Only!

No I'm not talking about the 80s jacket. I loved mine. lol This amazing bonus is strictly for my referrals that go yearly. It's not being offered to anyone else. So if you joined via your boy "Eddy with a y's" link, then you qualify. All you need to do is watch the video here to learn how to get started.

Invest In You!

Ultimately the black Friday time of year is a great way to save on things for others and yourself. But as you shop around ask yourself, is what I'm buying going to make money for years to come and change my life. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy a really discounted TV. But you should also consider budgeting money to invest in yourself here at WA. Because the potential income you will earn can make every day feel like Black Friday! Let that marinate in your mind...

Until next time,

Eddy with a y

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Recent Comments


Very well said. I am officially three years into WA now. I have never regretted the money spent on my membership. I have gotten tons of value from it and expect to get even more in the future.

To get the MOST value out of our memberships, we do have to put in the effort and implement what we are taught.

I hope your holidays are awesome.

Thanks Sondra.

I feel the same way and I've been here for over a decade. It's an investment in myself that has paid for itself numerous times over. And will continue to for years to come. But like you said you need to commit to the work.

I am still trying to find something I can buy for $.82/day? Not having any luck.

You mean .82 cents per day? Yeah you won't be able to find anything that can eventually make you thousands of dollars like the WA Yearly Membership.

Been in NOLA 3 days for little R and R. First coffee. lol Heck, to think about it you cannot get much for $82 either.

Have fun there!

Good post Eddy. Will definitely take advantage of this :)

Thanks Leslie. Sounds good!

I’m going for it for the 2nd time Eddy. I agree. The returns are there but it does require delayed gratification. Best wishes for you on Black Friday!

Sounds good Tiffany. Yeah there is definitely a huge delayed gratification. But it does pay off many times over later on.

Great post Eddy. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks Jean. Are you planning to take advantage of WA Black Friday sale?

Already did. 🙂

Great move Jean!

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