How I Earned $9465.05 Thanks To WA Members

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So February is was a tough month for my site and others. There seemed to be less traffic around the week of Valentine's Day and it's just a shorter month. But despite that I was able to earn $9465.05 with my affiliate site. Imagine what a full month would have looked like without the holiday! lol I pieced together a screenshot of my income from the various programs that earn me revenue on my site.

How Did I Do It?

There is no magical secret. I pretty much follow what the training lays out. But if you want more specifics then read my cheat sheet here.

WA Membership Has It's Perks

So a lot of times I see members wondering if it's worth investing in going premium. That's been a resounding yes for me since 2007 when I first joined. Aside from the technology and training, the members are a huge benefit. Essentially you get to rub elbows with successful people you normally wouldn't have access to.

So that said, the $2024.95 and $2128 I earned this month was a result of chatting with two other successful WA members. I make it a habit to look at others sites in my niche to get inspired and borrow ideas. I take it step further and ask questions if they happen to be WA members. I did that recently and it led to an additional $4000 this month and that number will grow every month just because of a few quick private messages.

Now keep in mind that my blog is established and trusted by Google. So it gets tons of traffic. But regardless watching what others were doing, asking a few questions and taking action has led to another source of revenue every month. So regardless of my traffic it would have added more money than I was currently making. It's just compounded because I have a lot of traffic. You can increase your traffic as well by following Jay's 10 Steps here.

Return The Favor

Another thing to note, is that I shared some information about things I was doing that I didn't see these other members were doing to return the favor. Some of this information I shared will help them earn more money as well. I didn't just take their advice without offering something in return. Too often I see people in the gimme mindset but don't provide anything back. It's very selfish and will make people less likely to help you.

I can't tell you how many private messages I've ignored or cut short because the person was rude or all about themselves. Folks have literally contacted me without even saying a simple "hello or hi" and just jump into how I need to help them. WTF?

This community is all about helping each other not just taking. So be mindful of that when chatting with other members.

We all have our businesses to run and tons of things that we're juggling. So respect each other's time when asking for advice or help. I've laid out the best way to approach this here.

Are You Inspired?

Hopefully you are. I've been at this game for many moons. But I always find that hearing about other's success inspires me especially if I'm feeling down. It reminds me if they can do it, so can I. So I need to keep pushing forward until I do. Rather than making excuses why this doesn't work for me.

You have all the resources here to achieve your goals. I've already linked to some content above that you should refer to if you want to achieve similar results in the future. So be sure you review it before you ask, how can I do this too? lol

Shout out to the two members that provided me their simple tips. I would list the two members here but I don't want to blow up their spots and have them flooded with messages. LOL Because they have their own businesses they need to run. But I've provided you the inspiration and some of the resources above to make this happen for you.

I hope this helps. Let's see what happens next month!

Eddy with a y

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Recent Comments


Thanks Eddy for the share, I totally agree with you on the give and take. That is exactly what the WA spirit is about!

Thank you for the guidance and help you gave me when I was a newbie here and I reached out. I didn't have anything to give back to you at that stage though!

Hey Lynne,

You're very welcome. And I'm glad I could help. And I don't mind helping people. I don't really expect something in return all the time. Sometimes a simple please and thank you go a long way. Or share my content or articles with others. There are a lot of ways to give back that anybody can do.

Eddy! That is awesome!

I totally agree with you regarding how we should ask for help. I’ve recently learnt from Tony Robbins that one of the secret to ask intelligently is to think about how we can add value to other people first. If we are able to add value to others, they will be more than willing to help you when you ask for it.

Another inspirational quote from Tony, “When you have nothing is when you need to GIVE.”

The more we give, the more we get. I firmly believe in this!

Wish you another fulfilling month ahead Eddy :)

Tony Robbins always has some great nuggets of wisdom. So I totally agree with you.

Yup! I learnt a lot from him especially during the recent 4-day Unleash The Power Within by Tony in Singapore!!

Love his passion and his energy!

That great Jerry.

Eddy, I have a question. I have been revamping my bootcamp site which has got over 300 post on it. But so far only one Premium referral. I have been doing reviews, connecting other blogs to other blogs on my site and the only thing I don't do is paid adverts. The site gets around 100 organic traffic a week. It has been steadily increasing over the last six months but at 2 years and 2 months do you think this is realistic? Is there something I should be doing else than what I am doing? Or is it just the way it is...slow and steady. Thanks for any help. I value your input.

That's weird. Did you read my cheat sheet I listed above to ensure you're following all the recommendations I made there. That would be the first thing I would look at. You should be getting way more conversions with that much content assuming you've followed some of the things laid out in my cheat sheet and the traffic link I posted above.

Thanks for this post. I am almost one month in with WA but as I said in another comment, I have hit a variety of walls that I need to knock down. Posts like this get me back on track and motivated to make something happen. Thanks again.

You're very welcome Jack. I'm happy it inspires you.

Inspiring post Eddy gosh you will have seen WA evolve over the years I have still got a long way to go but what else is there to do , I always say WA has been one of my best investments and I have learned so much and continue to do so each day. many thanks have a good weekend

I've definitely seen WA evolve over the years. Sometimes when I read people complaining, I think to myself you don't know how lucky you are to have the present day WA. Because it just gets better every year.

Sadly there will always be those who do not see the value of this opportunity this is me going into yr4 and it is amazing how it is improving each year

Very inspiring Eddy! Thank you for sharing this. I think it all makes so much sense. I always enjoy to read what you write. Now it is up to us all to take action on this and work hard with things that matter to help us build our own succesful businesses.

Indeed Marika. It's all about taking the proper action.

Eddie, this is more inspirational then you realize and has made me look deep inside myself. You are showing everyone here that you are successful, but you're not doing it in a way that says "Look at me, I'm doing so well and you're not."

You are showing your success here because you want to inspire others that they too can be successful just like you are and you are sharing the info that helped you achieve it so that they too can achieve it.

I now realize a big error that I've made here at Wealthy Affiliate and that is not taking advantage of the Wealthy Affiliate community like I should. Sure, I do welcome some of the newer members that follow me and I end up following them back and I do reply at times to successes that other members here start to see, but I'm not fully immersing myself into the community like I should and that's a shame. I should be helping others that request it in the chat, I need to ask more questions that I don't have the answers to, and I need to look closer or ask for advice more from those members here who are successful so that I can reach success as well and share what made me successful with other members here, just as you have.

There are a lot of people following me and I want to show them that I can be successful and that they can as well and share what I know to ensure they reach success.

So now I have my work cut out for me. I'm working to get back on to a consistent schedule of taking action on my website so I can start building up traffic again as it is really low, doing more research, and getting more involved with the community here.


Thanks for the great comment and insight. I'm glad you can see what I was trying to do here and that you appreciate it. But more importantly, I'm happy it inspired you to take more action on your own business and effort.

Eddy with a y

It has made me realize that my two biggest issues (that is entirely my doing) since I've been here at WA for 4 years now, is not taking consistent action, and not utilizing the great community that we have here. You have taken action that has had consistency and it has paid off and you wanted to ensure you reach success so you asked and saw what other successful members have done here.

I had so much going for me last year as I had my first affiliate sales ever and I even got out of my comfort zone a bit and dabbled just a bit into PPC. All of a sudden, life got in the way, I lost focus, lost consistency, wanted to make money as quickly as possible instead of simply helping others and I completely let my foot off the gas pedal so to speak. The second half of last year was a disaster as I barely even touched my websites. How can I expect success if I'm not taking consistent action?

My goal this year is to take consistent action the ENTIRE year, just for 3 months, not just for 6 months, the entire year (and of course keep going after that). I cannot let my foot off the pedal anymore even when I reach some goals or successes I've striven for.

Hey Brian,

At least you can acknowledge where you went wrong. Too often I see people blaming everything but themselves for their lack of success in this business. So the effort, consistency and delayed gratification is key. A lot of what you do now and on won't result in success until months down the line.

But too often people do a wait and see and then give up if they don't see the results right away. Like I'm always saying this is a marathon not a sprint. The folks that are consistently pushing forward eventually get to the finish line. So you know what you need to do. It's just a matter of doing it and making it a habit like waking up and brushing your teeth. Every week do at least 1-2 articles per week and that will take you a long way assuming you follow the tips in the links I listed above. So get cracking. I wish you the best.

Hi Eddy (and I do have the Y lol) I have a good friend named Eddie, but he does go by the IE, so I do have to be careful :).

To be quite honest, I think it was your site WorkAtHomeNoScams, that I first heard about WA.
Continuing my research on how to make money online, I also found Steve from I've Tried That.

It was both your site and Steve's that introduced me to WA, and it wasn't long before I made the jump to join. I did have to leave for quite a bit of time, but I've never forgot your site and how it's helped me to make the decision to come back as a premium member (this time for life :) )

I never did thank you just, for lack of a better phrase, just being there and getting me started.

And since I've returned you've been a big help to steer me properly when I've missed the mark on a post or post idea.

I'm glad to see you are doing so well with WA and all your ventures, but I guess a short-term-chattel-loan is out of the question-JUST KIDDING :)

Take care

Well you're very welcome Frank. I'm happy Steve and I helped you get here. Now you know first hand why we recommended this place so much.

I always love reading your posts Eddy (with a y). Thank you for this post. Sharing knowledge and tips with each other is such a wonderful part of this community. Let's all respect each other for it too. I'll have to bookmark this post to come back to so i can check out the other posts you've linked to. On my way out the door.

Thanks Angela. I appreciate it. Definitely take the time to read the other posts. They will be very helpful.

As usual there is a lot of truth in what you say, Eddy, concerning members here at WA and how they can achieve financial success. The long-time member that you are, the advice/suggestions/tips that you provide in your dashboard article blog posts are worth their weight in goal.

Needless to say, congratulations to you for your success this month in your business. Just think if February wasn't always the shortest month of the calendar year!

Thanks Jeff. It's always great to hear from you. I appreciate how you're always open to my feedback.

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