About DynamicDavid
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1,514 followers Joined January 2015
I am David. I have always had an interest in having my own business and being my own boss. I have always liked the idea





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am using the Site Rubix Website Plugin code (found at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links) on a few of my posts.

I am getting the following error:
Not Found

I would contact site support and have them check it out.

Hi David,

I don't think it's a plugin.

You are right.

Technically it's a widget.

WA call it a "Site Rubix Website Plugin" at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links

Anyway I have raised this with WA site support.

Hey David, I would ask Site Support. If it was working and then stopped working there must be some kind of issue. Hope you get it fixed soon! :)

Good idea. That will be the third issue I raised with WA site support today with stuff that was working earlier.

Sometimes I have to go to site support more than once, I just say hi it's me again, but good communication and letting them know the issue, tends to get resolved. Sorry about your issues, I'm sure site support will help.

Siterubix is not a plugin for starters so you won't find it in plugins. The links and banner codes on that page need manually entered in your content or on your widgets to make use of them.

Thanks. I know. The code was working. The problem is on the other side at the WA server side as it can't find the widget.

This is really a question for Kyle or Carson. I took the option to ask Kyle and it ended up in here. Anyway I have just now left this question in Kyle's profile.

Have you applied the code the right way Dave

Yes I have. I have this code on a few different posts and it was working earlier (meaning days/weeks/months/years ago).

This is really a question for Kyle or Carson. I took the option to ask Kyle and it ended up in here. Anyway I have just now left this question in Kyle's profile.

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Site rubix website plugin - not found - wondering why?

Site rubix website plugin - not found - wondering why?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am using the Site Rubix Website Plugin code (found at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links) on a few of my posts.

I am getting the following error:
Not Found

I would contact site support and have them check it out.

Hi David,

I don't think it's a plugin.

You are right.

Technically it's a widget.

WA call it a "Site Rubix Website Plugin" at https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share/links

Anyway I have raised this with WA site support.

Hey David, I would ask Site Support. If it was working and then stopped working there must be some kind of issue. Hope you get it fixed soon! :)

Good idea. That will be the third issue I raised with WA site support today with stuff that was working earlier.

Sometimes I have to go to site support more than once, I just say hi it's me again, but good communication and letting them know the issue, tends to get resolved. Sorry about your issues, I'm sure site support will help.

Siterubix is not a plugin for starters so you won't find it in plugins. The links and banner codes on that page need manually entered in your content or on your widgets to make use of them.

Thanks. I know. The code was working. The problem is on the other side at the WA server side as it can't find the widget.

This is really a question for Kyle or Carson. I took the option to ask Kyle and it ended up in here. Anyway I have just now left this question in Kyle's profile.

Have you applied the code the right way Dave

Yes I have. I have this code on a few different posts and it was working earlier (meaning days/weeks/months/years ago).

This is really a question for Kyle or Carson. I took the option to ask Kyle and it ended up in here. Anyway I have just now left this question in Kyle's profile.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If I have similar content on more than one website, how do I "inform" Google that the content on both sites is mine? I want to keep my web visitors on the first site of mine th

Thank you to all the WA members who commented earlier.

My title and my description of my problem were not clear at all so I have rewrote my description below.

I wrote a review post promoting WA in one of my websites. That website promotes WA mainly. The Google figures for which are 0 clicks, 314 impressions and position 78.7. The post was written in April 2019 and has 10 comments.

The other day I copied that review post to one of my other websites which is in the health related niche.

Now I want to say to Google "oh, by the way, I wrote both of these posts" so please don't consider this as duplicate content."

I included some additional content to make the content relevant to my health related niche - something like "People including me who have this health related issue become affiliate marketers …."

I don't want to use links on one of my websites to go to the other website as the audience for both wouldn't be a complete match:
- a small percentage of people with this particular health issue may be interested in becoming affiliates if they see how it may help.

I want Google / other search engines:
a) To rank both of my reviews. The content is nearly the same, say about 95% the same, which is really the same on both posts, one on each site.
b) To realise that I wrote both posts i.e. I did not copy the content from another person and claim that content as my own.
c) To realise that the content is not duplicate. I do not want to be penalised for duplicate content.

the content - as you have stated- is duplicate - so google will see that and one of your sites will be penalised, which one do you want...
if you don't then...rewite one of the articles - you can still use the basis of the content, just not a copy and paste.
have fun

Thanks. Guess it is time to rewrite one of them.

There is a statement by Mueller from Google available on YouTube where he says that there is no duplicate content penalty. It never existed. You can have exactly the same text in both sites, they will rank the original better than the copy and this is all.

But you can keep the exact copy, and add some extra value to it, say in the introduction or in conclusion, and it can be ranked. It can even outrank the original. Mueller goes even further and says that you can have multiple exact copies collected in a separate post, as long as they provide a value in a new context, the post will be ranked. So do not worry about penalties, just provide value.

But I am not aware of the way to explicitly say to Google that both sites are yours.

Thanks. That is really good to know. Thanks for letting me know about this.

I see what you mean. On your health niche, I suggest you write a totally different review because Google doesn't know that it was you who copied your own content. They use bots not a human eyes that indicates duplicate content. It would be more relevant if you just wrote another review. You don't need to delete it, just change the content. Then use the URL inspection tool in Google Search Console and clear your cache at site plus.

Hey David, I'm not sure what you're asking, so I have to assume here. You can do a non index inside your back office of wordpress, If you don't want it on the search engines, you can delete that particular page or post through google search console, or you can do a 301 redirect.

Thanks Evelyn for coming back to me. I had worded my description of my issue badly. As one of the comments I have worded it better and hope that my revised description makes more sense.

Oh, so I'm assuming it is showing on the search engine the non-revised description. You can run a fetch to speed up what appears on the search engines by going to Google Search console by using the URL inspection tool. Also, try clearing your cache inside site plus.

Comments are helping
Wish you the best

It is not completely clear to me what you want to achieve and what kind of situation you have. If you "want to keep visitors on the first site that they land on" then simply remove links from the post to the other site. But you know this already, so there must be a reason for the links which you have.

If both sites are top-ranked for a particular keyword but not linked, this may look like competing with yourself but this means you are keeping two top positions instead of one, this increases your chances for sales and I do not see anything wrong in that. I have such situations in my sites.

Your title suggests that this is some duplicate content, then the original will probably be better ranked in any case, so no need to link posts in those different sites. But again, you must have had reasons for those links and duplicate content.

In any case, give more details here to get some better answers.

For duplicate stuff in the same site this is regulated within AIO's Canonical URLs. More in this post:


Thanks. Earlier I added a comment to this thread explaining my issue better. Thanks for the link re canonical URLs. Very interesting information there.

if you want google to ignore it then how have your visitors found it.
you cannot have it indexed but ignored by google
if you want google to ignore content then use the noindex box in the all in one seo section of the post.
ideally you shouldn't be competing against yourself - concentrate on one site
have fun

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks for suggesting to specify noindex.

I worded my description poorly. As one of the comments I have worded it better and hope that my revised description makes more sense.

I am of the opinion that affiliates should have more than one site in different niches, so that their eggs so to speak are not all in the same basket. That is my opinion.

Cheers and thanks for your comment.

i totally agree about the eggs and basket - but only once the first basket is full.
you can have a second site, for times when you want abreak from the first , but short breaks.
your content will still be seen as duplicate - it is on two sites and copied from one.
you are effectively competing against yourself.
change your content to match your niche.
even some large bloggers got caught
using the rel=canonical
but it won't rank on that site. so you will need to add supporting content to link to it.

Thanks for this. I love your "but only once the first basket is full" observation! :)

Thanks for the link to that interesting post.

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How to ask google to ignore my dupliate content on my sites?

How to ask google to ignore my dupliate content on my sites?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If I have similar content on more than one website, how do I "inform" Google that the content on both sites is mine? I want to keep my web visitors on the first site of mine th

Thank you to all the WA members who commented earlier.

My title and my description of my problem were not clear at all so I have rewrote my description below.

I wrote a review post promoting WA in one of my websites. That website promotes WA mainly. The Google figures for which are 0 clicks, 314 impressions and position 78.7. The post was written in April 2019 and has 10 comments.

The other day I copied that review post to one of my other websites which is in the health related niche.

Now I want to say to Google "oh, by the way, I wrote both of these posts" so please don't consider this as duplicate content."

I included some additional content to make the content relevant to my health related niche - something like "People including me who have this health related issue become affiliate marketers …."

I don't want to use links on one of my websites to go to the other website as the audience for both wouldn't be a complete match:
- a small percentage of people with this particular health issue may be interested in becoming affiliates if they see how it may help.

I want Google / other search engines:
a) To rank both of my reviews. The content is nearly the same, say about 95% the same, which is really the same on both posts, one on each site.
b) To realise that I wrote both posts i.e. I did not copy the content from another person and claim that content as my own.
c) To realise that the content is not duplicate. I do not want to be penalised for duplicate content.

the content - as you have stated- is duplicate - so google will see that and one of your sites will be penalised, which one do you want...
if you don't then...rewite one of the articles - you can still use the basis of the content, just not a copy and paste.
have fun

Thanks. Guess it is time to rewrite one of them.

There is a statement by Mueller from Google available on YouTube where he says that there is no duplicate content penalty. It never existed. You can have exactly the same text in both sites, they will rank the original better than the copy and this is all.

But you can keep the exact copy, and add some extra value to it, say in the introduction or in conclusion, and it can be ranked. It can even outrank the original. Mueller goes even further and says that you can have multiple exact copies collected in a separate post, as long as they provide a value in a new context, the post will be ranked. So do not worry about penalties, just provide value.

But I am not aware of the way to explicitly say to Google that both sites are yours.

Thanks. That is really good to know. Thanks for letting me know about this.

I see what you mean. On your health niche, I suggest you write a totally different review because Google doesn't know that it was you who copied your own content. They use bots not a human eyes that indicates duplicate content. It would be more relevant if you just wrote another review. You don't need to delete it, just change the content. Then use the URL inspection tool in Google Search Console and clear your cache at site plus.

Hey David, I'm not sure what you're asking, so I have to assume here. You can do a non index inside your back office of wordpress, If you don't want it on the search engines, you can delete that particular page or post through google search console, or you can do a 301 redirect.

Thanks Evelyn for coming back to me. I had worded my description of my issue badly. As one of the comments I have worded it better and hope that my revised description makes more sense.

Oh, so I'm assuming it is showing on the search engine the non-revised description. You can run a fetch to speed up what appears on the search engines by going to Google Search console by using the URL inspection tool. Also, try clearing your cache inside site plus.

Comments are helping
Wish you the best

It is not completely clear to me what you want to achieve and what kind of situation you have. If you "want to keep visitors on the first site that they land on" then simply remove links from the post to the other site. But you know this already, so there must be a reason for the links which you have.

If both sites are top-ranked for a particular keyword but not linked, this may look like competing with yourself but this means you are keeping two top positions instead of one, this increases your chances for sales and I do not see anything wrong in that. I have such situations in my sites.

Your title suggests that this is some duplicate content, then the original will probably be better ranked in any case, so no need to link posts in those different sites. But again, you must have had reasons for those links and duplicate content.

In any case, give more details here to get some better answers.

For duplicate stuff in the same site this is regulated within AIO's Canonical URLs. More in this post:


Thanks. Earlier I added a comment to this thread explaining my issue better. Thanks for the link re canonical URLs. Very interesting information there.

if you want google to ignore it then how have your visitors found it.
you cannot have it indexed but ignored by google
if you want google to ignore content then use the noindex box in the all in one seo section of the post.
ideally you shouldn't be competing against yourself - concentrate on one site
have fun

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks for suggesting to specify noindex.

I worded my description poorly. As one of the comments I have worded it better and hope that my revised description makes more sense.

I am of the opinion that affiliates should have more than one site in different niches, so that their eggs so to speak are not all in the same basket. That is my opinion.

Cheers and thanks for your comment.

i totally agree about the eggs and basket - but only once the first basket is full.
you can have a second site, for times when you want abreak from the first , but short breaks.
your content will still be seen as duplicate - it is on two sites and copied from one.
you are effectively competing against yourself.
change your content to match your niche.
even some large bloggers got caught
using the rel=canonical
but it won't rank on that site. so you will need to add supporting content to link to it.

Thanks for this. I love your "but only once the first basket is full" observation! :)

Thanks for the link to that interesting post.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

In Google Search Console when I do an analysis of traffic using their performance page I notice different numbers of clicks for "queries" and "pages". I expected them to be the

Hey David, I was curious and checked mine and the queries and pages are the same number, so I'm baffled why yours are different. I would asked your question in Google search console community and see what they have to say about it. Sometimes Google has errors or it could be something else. Hope you get this resolved!

Thanks. It is really more of a curiosity thing and an understanding thing as I expected these click totals to be the same. Like you, I am baffled why mine are different. Interesting yours are the same so it may be some sort of glitch somewhere.

Unless you have a filter your forgot about that could be another reason why your numbers don't match.

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Google search console - performance. why different results?

Google search console - performance. why different results?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

In Google Search Console when I do an analysis of traffic using their performance page I notice different numbers of clicks for "queries" and "pages". I expected them to be the

Hey David, I was curious and checked mine and the queries and pages are the same number, so I'm baffled why yours are different. I would asked your question in Google search console community and see what they have to say about it. Sometimes Google has errors or it could be something else. Hope you get this resolved!

Thanks. It is really more of a curiosity thing and an understanding thing as I expected these click totals to be the same. Like you, I am baffled why mine are different. Interesting yours are the same so it may be some sort of glitch somewhere.

Unless you have a filter your forgot about that could be another reason why your numbers don't match.

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