NOTICE: In 2013, when selecting Status as “All” the xml file exported would include all attachments. Somewhere along the line, that no longer worked. Then came plugins... but the most popular plugin (that appears in Google search results #2) now comes with a warning that it has not been updated for the latest 3 major releases of WordPress.
Other plugins may come and go... however, now you know why I stated the need to manually download and upload all of your post or page attachments that you want included, like your images, PDF, Excel, and maybe even Word files.
The screen print is to include more detail for those who need a bit more understanding.
PS: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/triblu/blog/why-do-click-on-...
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Thanks for that, Trish. It is good to have a training on this at WA.
I'll just add that if the post has been on the original site for a while and is indexed or ranking, it is a good idea to place a 301 redirect on the old link to the new URL so when someone searches they will be taken to the new website URL and not get a 404 error. This also reduces the number of 404 errors on the original site from google bot visits. ~Jude.
I'll just add that if the post has been on the original site for a while and is indexed or ranking, it is a good idea to place a 301 redirect on the old link to the new URL so when someone searches they will be taken to the new website URL and not get a 404 error. This also reduces the number of 404 errors on the original site from google bot visits. ~Jude.