Importance Of Online Presence



It has been awhile since I have posted a blog entry here, and there are reasons...I'd like to share one of the reasons today, and maybe it can help you in your own online marketing program!

In a nutshell, here's the reason...

I have been very busy elsewhere building my online presence. Between adding a daily newsletter, fleshing out my money online site with articles and information, building my latest online/offline blended business, etc. there is simply less time to spend here...


This is a general term I use to refer to the visibility a person or entity has on the internet...Every bit of information we leave somewhere on the internet adds to the totality of our presence online...


Over time, your daily consistent additions of information, advice, comments, guest posts, products, reviews, etc. propel you forward (hopefully) in the effort to establish yourself or your business as an authority and trusted "go-to" person for your niche.

Here are my thoughts regarding "Online Presence"...

"The culmination of your strategy and methods you use consistently to increase your online presence is that over time you will get more traffic, targeted traffic, subscribers, and conversions (i.e. cash)."

This is why you should plan your online presence carefully...Determine which platforms or mediums OUTSIDE your website and blog you feel comfortable in using, develop a well laid out strategy with details on what you will add to each of the selected platforms, and then determine when you will add your content/information...


While the main focus of Wealthy Affiliate is on the blog and website (of course, more is included here as well, but these tasks are the basis/the beginning of your online marketing effort, and are covered VERY well within Wealthy Affiliate), there are a number of other means available to you helping you increase your online presence...


There are many ways....Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc. or some that focus on the visual like Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat etc. could be parts of your strategy...

If you are of the visual persuasion and do not mind interacting/appearing in front of a camera, you could sponsor webinars, appear in videos, use Google Hangouts, start doing Periscope streams, or start a regular Blab session, or go into podcasting or a combination of these mediums...

Develop A Strategy...

With each medium you may select as fitting into your overall online presence strategy, you can develop a set of individual critical tasks for each selected platform, i.e. if Facebook is one medium you select, you can plan for posting regularly using a schedule you determine, while adding in surveys, contests, viral marketing, etc...

Do the same for each medium you decide to use, and when you implement your strategy and complete the tasks, overall what is happening is that your online presence is increasing. So be active, contribute and participate. Add unique content that is of value to niche members, and do this consistently...


This traffic comes because you are taking steps actively to increase your online presence...The more people see you out there, and what they see is positive, helpful, and timely, it cannot help but help you!

Blog Posts.

Because I think this online presence is so important to your success, and one result among others is that you will get more traffic, I developed a whole series of posts on my money site on free traffic. They involve increasing your online presence.

Other Content.

In my case, and the reason I have had less time here, I have published a daily newsletter, have started a discussion forum on a free site called Disqus, and have been commenting on other influencer's blog posts, participated in related groups on Facebook, etc.

My Strategy.

My strategy is to spread my content out in various mediums and I am always looking for new ways to get this done (and easier ways lol). I have a set of tasks for each of the mediums, add new ideas constantly, and consistently get the work done and online...


What should you do?

(1) Increase your online presence to increase your chances of getting seen by the people that are interested in what you are offering...

(2) Use all the means I mention above or others you have found to post more content...,

(3) Develop a strategy how you will use the selected mediums, and develop a schedule on when you will use each.

Outcome: Increase your online presence!

Why Are You Doing This?

The overall goal of your online effort I assume is to make money. To make money you need something of value online to draw traffic. Traffic of and by itself does you NO good unless you have a Call to Action telling that traffic what they should do....

You can pay for that traffic which will grow your business faster IF you have done your homework regarding setting up lead magnets, sales funnels, upsells, and working payment, delivery and support systems...

Using a combination of paid and organic traffic you can grow your sales faster, and having more of an online presence will get you more organic traffic...It is that simple, really...


This is just a short post to let you know why I have had less time here on Wealthy Affiliate, but more importantly, how and why you should be doing the same thing with your online marketing business.

Having a ranking here is not going to make you any money, it is a nice place to be and share/commiserate, but remember what you are here for: Learning how to build your business.

This is no way intended to put you off participating here, far from this. Moreso I would like you to plan your participation here so it does not get in the way of building your online presence...


Dave : )

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Recent Comments


Hi Dave!

Another awesome WA Blog. I agree that building our external communities is very important. Although somewhat behind in this, I have started doing that as well. I just signed up with Blab and plan on starting a newsletter too. I have been to Disqus before and thought about doing the same as you. I really like your ideas and inspiration. You always know just what is in our best interest and you are always ready to share your expertise and knowledge. Thank you!


Hi Steph!

Sorry for the late reply, it has been a bit hectic for me the last weeks, involved in an offline contract that is close to being closed...It has sucked a lot of my time from WA participation.

There is no doubt in my mind that you will be one of the most successful members on this site, you have the drive and the will, and it shows.

I do appreciate your feedback and positive comments and can say that and more about you and your efforts here. I for one appreciate this and I know a LOT of others here do as well...

Best of luck, always!!!

Dave : )

Thank you, Dave, for the suggestions for grow our presence.

I agree with you. We are here to make money not to be rank period.
By the way, thanks for your advice.

No Problem M8! have a great day in PH!! : )

I am a US resident.

Great blog, Dave. BTW, I just posted a blog tonight and I gave you a nod and referenced your blogs about Blab as well. Hope to join you online soon. My site will hopeful be at the promotable stage shortly, but I would like to establish an online presence first. I don't need to be trying to sell anything in order to join the conversation; am I right?

Hi Hal, Thanks much M8! No need whatsoever, it all is a process and each of us is in a different stage...There are those that have years and years doing this business, but they all started from zero point, and what I like is that most (not all) have that in mind when they work with others in the field (humble?)...Cheers and look forward to getting online via Blab! Cheers! Dave : )

Hi Dave and very well written - to keep yourself up there takes a lot of work but it really is worth everything we have to do I know

Hello Paul, Thanks for taking the time to post a comment and for the positive words! I totally agree with what you point out and in fact, I am actively following this route....I do wish I had more hours in a day lol! Cheers and all the best! Dave : )

H Dave - well I am doing an experiment and for the past five days have blogged every day and my views today have been the biggest ever so I will blog for the weekend and look at my weeks work and see just how it has worked out

Congratulations on all your endeavors.

Hi Ed, Thanks M8! Best of luck to you as well!! Dave : )

The post is a good reminder of why we are here and to ensure focus.
I particularly like your strategy of spreading your content across various online medium.
Some of the outlets for exposure would be a challenge for someone like me but not inachievable.
Thanks you for the advice and challenge you've subtly thrown us.

Hi Kav,

Yes, I see a lot of pointless posts here that really are not moving people's online business programs forward...They do help to get you rank here on the site, but that will not make you money, which is the point of being here in the first place?

In my case, I have decided to cut such posts, and instead, focus more on using the voluminous amount of real training and advice that is here and available to us all to advance my online business...

Increasing your online presence is a great way to do this....There are so many ways to proceed in this regards that I created a series of posts on my money blog to clarify to visitors some of these options...

I do hope that people receive this post as you have....The intent is to get them focused on doing the things that will get them success as opposed to posting pretty much blather on the Wealthy Affiliate site that will get them a ranking here, but no money...

Dave : )

It is a constant juggle - participating here and getting the business done too! Cheers.

Hi M8!

I know that is right! There is a limited amount of time we all have for building our online marketing business...If we spend it making posts here that really add nothing to that business, we are wasting our time and those that choose to read those posts...

Of course, a certain amount of banter is normal and to be expected, I do that as well...In my case, I find that too much of that takes away from the real mission I have though...

My mission is to make this online business effort a successful venture....

Hopefully, this post will be taken in a positive manner not negative by whoever reads it. Certainly that is my intent...

The value of this site cannot be underestimated, but it is important to also use it properly or risk having it take away from your business efforts...

Dave : )

Good morning Dave - Great insight. Rang a lot of bells for us as we try to balance our real time business with creating the online to be most productive for both. Glanced at your funnel training and tagged that too. Best of luck to your endeavors! Rod and Troy

Hi M8s!

Thanks a bunch for your feedback...I really started this post with the intent to focus on a particular piece of my online presence effort, and it kind of morphed into what you see...

I love being here on the site and reading about what people are doing, and there are a number of really successful people here that are creating or operating successful online businesses...

There are a lot of people that could do much better if they shifted their focus to building that online presence as opposed to posting more here, leaving them less time for the real business at hand, which is building their business!

Dave : )

Hey Dave, I enjoyed every bit of that post. I have just recently started to amp up my social media posting and I have garnered new subscribers and followers on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

I have a question about sales funnels. What do you recommend for as a starter methodology when embarking on this strategy? Any particular tips?

Thanks so much,


Hi Duncan,

I am glad you enjoyed the post and hope it can give you perspective on your own online program! This was a rather quick post, so I likely will have to come back later and edit a bit...

I have done a series of blog posts here on sales funnels (4 part) that will give you an introduction to the process, this will give you a starting point...

You can find it here: This is a 4 part series that takes you through the process...

I would also do some research here on other posts/training as well as a google search...Lots of posts and good info....

This is something I am going to be rolling out a product on as well, but that is another story lol!!

Cheers and thanks for taking the time to make a comment...

Dave : )

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