Find me a dandelion.

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Every now and then, I will begin a new video and then have a hmmm! moment – and ask myself if I am sticking to the original intentions. Do I start again, or do I rename the video to match what I have done.

In my mind, I always go back to the dandelion moment – and I repeat it here in the hope that it might help some of the people here, some of the time.

Many years ago, I changed jobs, changed towns, changed houses and changed wives – all in one weekend – a story best saved for later.

Anyway … back to dandelions - I joined a large multinational company with a manufacturing site in the UK and about 1500 staff in total. The original plan was to stay for a few months, get myself sorted and start up on my own again. I was still there ten years later. I had responsibility for just over 300 operators, engineers, supervisors etc. and quickly realized that the whole set up lacked organisation. The workforce, generally, did what the workforce wanted. There was no sticking to schedules, no desire to meet production targets and a complete lack of discipline. Most of the other managers opted for an easy life and would sit in the canteens smoking and chatting. They may, on a good day, show their face in their own department later in the afternoon, but for now … another coffee Jack.

Not for me, I gathered my supervisors together and formulated, between us, a plan of action. We would introduce a new layer of Team Leaders. We would give each of them a small group to direct and look after and make each team aware of their own team’s goals and targets. The theory behind it was that if the individual teams performed well, then collectively the whole department would perform too. But how to select the right people. How do we find the team leaders, the one’s that will focus on what they have to do, get on with it and bring in the results.

We advertised internally for the team leader positions, sifted through them and selected several for the interview process. True to my own “out of the box” style, the actual interview style was also a little unorthodox.

One question for example was - “tell me the advantages of a round storm drain cover, compared to a square one” We didn’t manufacture drain covers by the way, we made computer parts. I didn’t care what they answered, there was no right or wrong, I just wanted an answer that made sense.

And then each candidate was asked to take the digital camera that we gave them, go out and photograph a dandelion, print the picture of it and bring the camera and the picture back in one hour. This was a really telling thing.

The key points were …

1. Photograph a dandelion – only one dandelion was asked for.

2. Print it.

3. Come back in one hour.

How they responded was very telling.

Some came back with a print of a whole field of dandelions.

Others returned with the photograph still in the camera but no print. “I couldn’t find a printer” or “I didn’t know how to use the printer”

One came back with the print but had left the camera on the shop floor.

And one had even counted all the petals on the dandelion – close to 200 as I recall.

And some took over an hour.

Just 4 came back with the camera, and a print and in one hour.

They proved to be excellent team leaders, focused, very driven and with a clear understanding of what achieving the objective actually meant. They were so good that we even put them through a recognized certification program for supervisory management. Something to take with them through their careers.

Now … about the others – all that they had to do was to follow the requirements.

A single dandelion – if one computer part goes in one box, don’t put two parts in – it costs us money.

Print it. – finish the job. Whatever it takes, get it printed. Sell your soul, beg someone else to print it for you, do whatever it takes, but just get it printed.

Come back in one hour – learn time management.

And I still think of the dandelion whenever I am embarking on a new project, a new video. Maybe you can take something from this in your own daily activities.

What is actually required

What is the customer expecting

When must it be completed by.

Let me know if this was useful, it may be that you have a similar method that helps you to focus. It’s good to share – especially the disasters. Don’t be shy – tell us.

Good luck everyone


PS - Oh yes, the round drain cover. The best two answers, first - you can roll it into position and second - you can’t drop a round cover through its own hole.

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Recent Comments


I love this story, Bux.

Years ago, I was a customer service supervisor for the local branch of one of the biggest cable companies in the nation, perhaps the largest. I was one out of five supervisors. The call center had over 100 reps (large for the area of the country we served.) We had a department manager who had no idea what she was doing and was only put there to keep her under control (another story.) She said my employees liked me too much, and I needed to tone down their adoration. Excuse me???

They liked me because I was fair, I listened, and I took the time to make sure they understood. No matter what team I had, we consistently had the best stats of the entire company. This all came about because it was Christmas time, and unbeknownst to me, my group was collecting money for my gift. This was not unusual because each team did this every year. The grit that stuck in her craw was that, apparently, my team had collected quite a bit of money and planned on buying me a super nice necklace for Christmas. She didn't know how much they collected; it was just too much. I had to tell my team they could not do it, and to punish me, my team could only donate $2 each.

I did that and didn't have a problem because it was not the gift but because I had a team that liked and respected me so much. I really won in the end. So, I would have passed your test, Bux. I am not arrogant but proud that I was a darn good supervisor.

Whew...I know, long-winded.


I had a manager like that one time, in fact he still works for the company. If someone is doing well he will take steps to slow them down, overload them, disrupt their rhythm. He doesn't like balance. just like you, I won in the end. I left the company with a great handshake and a pension. I left at 10am, and was working for myself again by 2pm. The rest is history as they say.
I'm glad you were respected by your staff, it matters and it takes a special sort of person to receive that sort of accolade from her/his people.
Stick to what you believe is your truth.

Hi Bux

Very amusing story, and I do believe that those were the best answers for the drain cover.

It reminds me of the story of David Lee Roth, who wanted a big bowl of only green M&Ms (small candy coated chocolates) in his dressing room or he would refuse to go onstage with Van Halen.

David said years later in an interview that it was a test. He knew that the venue administration had carefully read and honored the performance contract if they were all green. His concern was that there were unique safety requirements to do with their electrical equipment, etc. 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

How do Frank.
Now that is a very clever way of testing someones attention to detail and ability to follow instructions. I like it.
Enjoy the day.

I think getting someone to follow instructions closely is harder than ever, Bux.

Have a great day! 🥳
Frank 🎸

I've noticed that too Frank.
Especially when I order a coffee as last week.

A black coffee please
Is that a frappe or a cappucino or a latte etc. Single shot or double shot.
Just a black coffee please
Do you want cream on that, caramel sauce or marshmallows
Just a black coffee, nothing else.
Alright, is that with milk.
No milk, just black
OK sir, sit down, we'll bring it over.
After a short wait ...
Her's your coffee sir, and here's the milk. This is cold milk, did you want it warmed.
I give up.
Anyway, hope you and yours are all well.

Yup, upsells and attention deficit, Bux.

I very seldom give strangers more than one thing at once to do. 😎

Frank 🎸

Good plan that, Frank. Go and do this and when you come back I’ll give you another job.

Haha, that’ll work, Bux. 😎

Frank 🎸

Wow! That was a great story. I can definitely relate to this.

Glad it helped. I hope you are having a good day Jennifer.

Great story Dave. I still have memories of a bloke working with us on a renovation on a few acres out of town. At "smoko" he would pick a few dandelion leaves put them in his cup and pour on the hot water. Dandelion tea! it wasn't too bad either.

A great story Michael. Some of the old ways are really interesting. I knew a lady who would, if someone cut themselves badly, pick a certain leaf, get the casualty to chew the leaves and them put the mash onto the wound. It stopped bleeding almost instantly.

Very awesome, indeed, Bux!

Enjoy the rest of your evening!


Thanks Jeff. Appreciated.
Burning my way through hump day right now. Just about to have a break for lunch.
Catch you later.

Sounds good, Bux!



A managers manager. I have always hated boxes. So, I love the Dandelion Project. It harkens back to Common Sense is NOT so Common! From one cog in the machine to another, we need to work together!

I will carry your Dandelion Project with me forever.

Thanks Don, I like your attitude to life.

Common Sense is NOT so Common

How true, I will remember that one, and the photo is good too.
Take care my friend.

Great and very useful story, Bux! Thank you!

And the drain cover answers were awesome!

Tim 🎼

Thank you both, appreciated.
Always outside the box.

Awesomeness!! Time management and following through on the instructions! What a concept :)

It works Walter. Apply it to your own work and I'm sure that you will see results.
I must tell you about the Gravity Shelf sometime.

I look forward to it

I will do a blog on it one day Walter. It was an example of thinking outside the box and why nobody else did.
Catch you soon.

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