Is This Really True? When We Close Our Eyes!
I get quotes of all kinds daily. I feel pretty certain most of us do as well. I admit I do get tired of inspiration overload and will occasionally take a day off from it and some days I just want to go throw up if I see or have to read another inspirational quote of the day.
Nonetheless...most days I try to take heed to all the philosophical and creative "spiritual" souls out there than know more than I and find most of the time, the "brainy" quotes to be true, when applied.
I received a quote today that I actually devoted more than a minutes passing thought to.
It is as follows:
“Why is it that We Close Our Eyes When We Pray?" (For those of us who do)

You Know We Close Our Eyes "When We Cry?"

And for Sure "When We Dream?"

And Even "When We Kiss?"

"Because we know that the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by the heart."-Unknown

Do you agree with this?
What about success? Do You Pray about it, Cry about it, Dream about it, Kiss it hello every morning and/or Feel It in Your Heart?
OR All the above?
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Great post Cindy. It’s an attitude of gratitude that helps us engage and commit our mind, spirit and body and treat this as a gift and everything will be an adventure full of anticipation and excitement. Looking forward to to follow you
For sure I recommend you do this sitting down or at least standing still James! I've been known to fumble around with my eyes closed and it usually doesn't end well. ;-)
Good idea to sit down or stand still... and no, I don't think it will end well for me either :)
Oh Thank you Carol, I appreciate your reading and replying. I will assume you do all the above? Eh?
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That is great never thought of it that way but truly great Thank you
Gives us a little something to think about eh?
Thank you Melissa.