About CharlesL
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921 followers Joined July 2015
My wife Evelyn and I are doing this together. I am retired,76 years old, looking for a way to better provide for her. We are





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

On Bing Webmaster, under the diagnostics tab, it shows that we have errors. In one place it says "200%". In another place it shows three errors. Can anyone tell us what this

Hi Charles, bing is one of those needed (to a point) pains in the butt.
Most people don't even bother with it. Can you repost this with some screenshots of your concerns, it might be useful so one of us can give you correct information?

We have discovered that the crawl error are: too many

The problem is we can't find any of these tags on that page. Here is a screenshot of the error detail. Maybe you can tell us what this means and where to correct it? Thank you for any help you can give us.
Chuck and Evelyn

Hi Charles and Evelyn,
I really have no experience on Bing. Hope our friends at WA will be able to help.All the best.

It could be error 401:
Your server is refusing access to your pages and requires additional information, such as a login and password. Check if you are unintentionally blocking your pages behind a login and password. If this is intentional, you could consider adding a disallow: rule to your robots.txt so that we no longer attempt to crawl your pages.

I don't know how to block our pages behind a login and password. How would I check to see if this is the problem?

That's interesting! Would be keen to see what others have to say!
Best wishes

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What does an error mean on bing webmaster?

What does an error mean on bing webmaster?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

On Bing Webmaster, under the diagnostics tab, it shows that we have errors. In one place it says "200%". In another place it shows three errors. Can anyone tell us what this

Hi Charles, bing is one of those needed (to a point) pains in the butt.
Most people don't even bother with it. Can you repost this with some screenshots of your concerns, it might be useful so one of us can give you correct information?

We have discovered that the crawl error are: too many

The problem is we can't find any of these tags on that page. Here is a screenshot of the error detail. Maybe you can tell us what this means and where to correct it? Thank you for any help you can give us.
Chuck and Evelyn

Hi Charles and Evelyn,
I really have no experience on Bing. Hope our friends at WA will be able to help.All the best.

It could be error 401:
Your server is refusing access to your pages and requires additional information, such as a login and password. Check if you are unintentionally blocking your pages behind a login and password. If this is intentional, you could consider adding a disallow: rule to your robots.txt so that we no longer attempt to crawl your pages.

I don't know how to block our pages behind a login and password. How would I check to see if this is the problem?

That's interesting! Would be keen to see what others have to say!
Best wishes

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

We have our website up and online and we have a few blogs on the home page. We just don't know what to blog about now. Can anyone help us? Our website is: peaceofminddreams.

I agree that writing from your point of view would give you a different angel to write from, like how you use the peace of mind suggestions, how you have benefited from the lessons on W A, do you feel more comfortable researching the internet as a result of your education from W A? Share how that has changed for you. Write about your vision of how your days would be now if you had not made the decision to join this project.

We all have times that the well runs dry and for me figuring out what is going on for me usually gets me back to the writing mode!
Hope this helps,

Thank you for taking the time to help us with our dilemma. It would help if we both could write, but I (Evelyn) am not the writer in the family and lately Chuck has been going through some difficult times that I can't help him with. We will get back into the swing here when we get Chuck through this difficult time. Thank you for your input.

Can you take notes from a visit with your husband, and get his help editing that talk with him?
You have a story, get him to help you write it!
Hope all is better soon

HI, had a look at your website. It's really good. Quite similar to mine. I feel the same way sometimes, but I look on my site almost like a journal. I haven't written a post in a few weeks but am trying to get a few ready for January so I am ready for a new year.

Just post what comes into your head that day. Read books, check the internet and get inspiration and write whatever inspires you each day.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for your suggestions. It is hard to write a journal when you have never done that before. As retired ranchers, we never had time to journal anything. We are really stretching out of our comfort zone with this business, but we keep trying. We will make it with help from people like you here at WA. Thanks again.

Also maybe talk about spamming and what to look out for.

Hi looked at your website and wondered if perhaps you could look at adding some other resources for making some extra money, try google trends, there is website building you can add information about places such as namecheap they have an affiliate program, if people like survey's which one's pay the best, have a read of Roberts post will perhaps fire up some more ideas for you.

Thank you for the advice. It seems that there is a lot of topics to write about, but we just aren't knowledgeable enough to feel comfortable writing about them. Again, thanks.

Yes sometimes I feel I don't know what more to write about either. Then go to yahoo answers or Google and see what people are searching for to get ideas.

Thank you for the input. It sure is nice to know that when we hit a wall, there are people out there who are willing to offer advice.

Charles, write about what you're passionate about, what you enjoy.

That is a good idea only we don't know how antique cars will tie in with affiliate marketing. Thank you for the suggestion.

Write about some of your goals and dreams and how staying focused with the training here at WA helped you achieve them. Getting the website up was a goal. Learning how to promote a generous affiliate offer was a goal. Understanding how to motivate people to take action was a goal. You've got stuff to work with and as you write, other ideas will come to you. Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!

Sometimes we forget that we need to set goals to achieve one. Thank you for that reminder, it should help a bunch. You have a Merry Christmas too!

Also, you can address broader issues related to business, for example time and financial management. A lot of people seem to forget that whether online or offline business is business and operating on sound business principles still applies. You could also write motivational posts to help folks through the rough patches since sometimes life isn't all that easy.

You are so right about life not being easy. We will consider these suggestions. They are very good and should help us over the hump. Thank you.

Why don't you talk about community and how you don't have to walk the learning road alone? That might be of interest to the timid.

Yes, that is a good possible idea. Here at WA we don't have to walk the road alone. All of the suggestions in answer to our question can attest to that. Thank you for that reminder. We don't think about other people who are not as bold in stepping out on this kind of venture. Thank you for your help and input, Gwen.

This is a great looking web site in my opinion, my personal recommendation is to do blogs on comparisons with other programs, online scams, anything to do with the online business that you are promoting. If you haven't yet, sign up to google alerts for relevant emails, which will contain posts and blogs that you can get ideas and information from. Just my thoughts.

Thank you for these suggestions. We took a vacation and lost our focus as well as our drive. Maybe this is what we need to get back in the saddle. Thank you again.

Happy to help.

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Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

We have our website up and online and we have a few blogs on the home page. We just don't know what to blog about now. Can anyone help us? Our website is: peaceofminddreams.

I agree that writing from your point of view would give you a different angel to write from, like how you use the peace of mind suggestions, how you have benefited from the lessons on W A, do you feel more comfortable researching the internet as a result of your education from W A? Share how that has changed for you. Write about your vision of how your days would be now if you had not made the decision to join this project.

We all have times that the well runs dry and for me figuring out what is going on for me usually gets me back to the writing mode!
Hope this helps,

Thank you for taking the time to help us with our dilemma. It would help if we both could write, but I (Evelyn) am not the writer in the family and lately Chuck has been going through some difficult times that I can't help him with. We will get back into the swing here when we get Chuck through this difficult time. Thank you for your input.

Can you take notes from a visit with your husband, and get his help editing that talk with him?
You have a story, get him to help you write it!
Hope all is better soon

HI, had a look at your website. It's really good. Quite similar to mine. I feel the same way sometimes, but I look on my site almost like a journal. I haven't written a post in a few weeks but am trying to get a few ready for January so I am ready for a new year.

Just post what comes into your head that day. Read books, check the internet and get inspiration and write whatever inspires you each day.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for your suggestions. It is hard to write a journal when you have never done that before. As retired ranchers, we never had time to journal anything. We are really stretching out of our comfort zone with this business, but we keep trying. We will make it with help from people like you here at WA. Thanks again.

Also maybe talk about spamming and what to look out for.

Hi looked at your website and wondered if perhaps you could look at adding some other resources for making some extra money, try google trends, there is website building you can add information about places such as namecheap they have an affiliate program, if people like survey's which one's pay the best, have a read of Roberts post will perhaps fire up some more ideas for you.

Thank you for the advice. It seems that there is a lot of topics to write about, but we just aren't knowledgeable enough to feel comfortable writing about them. Again, thanks.

Yes sometimes I feel I don't know what more to write about either. Then go to yahoo answers or Google and see what people are searching for to get ideas.

Thank you for the input. It sure is nice to know that when we hit a wall, there are people out there who are willing to offer advice.

Charles, write about what you're passionate about, what you enjoy.

That is a good idea only we don't know how antique cars will tie in with affiliate marketing. Thank you for the suggestion.

Write about some of your goals and dreams and how staying focused with the training here at WA helped you achieve them. Getting the website up was a goal. Learning how to promote a generous affiliate offer was a goal. Understanding how to motivate people to take action was a goal. You've got stuff to work with and as you write, other ideas will come to you. Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!

Sometimes we forget that we need to set goals to achieve one. Thank you for that reminder, it should help a bunch. You have a Merry Christmas too!

Also, you can address broader issues related to business, for example time and financial management. A lot of people seem to forget that whether online or offline business is business and operating on sound business principles still applies. You could also write motivational posts to help folks through the rough patches since sometimes life isn't all that easy.

You are so right about life not being easy. We will consider these suggestions. They are very good and should help us over the hump. Thank you.

Why don't you talk about community and how you don't have to walk the learning road alone? That might be of interest to the timid.

Yes, that is a good possible idea. Here at WA we don't have to walk the road alone. All of the suggestions in answer to our question can attest to that. Thank you for that reminder. We don't think about other people who are not as bold in stepping out on this kind of venture. Thank you for your help and input, Gwen.

This is a great looking web site in my opinion, my personal recommendation is to do blogs on comparisons with other programs, online scams, anything to do with the online business that you are promoting. If you haven't yet, sign up to google alerts for relevant emails, which will contain posts and blogs that you can get ideas and information from. Just my thoughts.

Thank you for these suggestions. We took a vacation and lost our focus as well as our drive. Maybe this is what we need to get back in the saddle. Thank you again.

Happy to help.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Upon checking our keywords on the WA Keyword ranking tool, two of the pages from our website have ranking. But upon checking the same keywords on Jaaxy ranking tool, there is

Not sure, i see the WA latest keyword list was updated march 2013, Do not know if the ranks might have changed by now. Good Question , not aware of it thanks hope we can all find the answer to this

I am using WA keyword tool only and some of my quoted keywords are on first page. How do you search keywords thru WA tool?

That's really interesting. It's always difficult to gauge whether these tools are working.

Skimali from my opinion i would advocate the search of key words using Jaaxy,it will give you accurate results.Hope you have opened an account with them

Yes, I have a free account with jaaxy. I will think to upgrade if needed.

Good question, I keep an eye on this to see others comments. Curious to know myself cheers Daragh

This might really help you-Robert explains it very well, but ask if you need more help-many members have experience with this :)

Thanks for this link!

I am having difficultly with the keyword tool. If there are misleading results maybe I should look for another tool to do the job. I can't justify the ongoing cost for Jaaxy as I have planned my budget to include other things I need. If my site starts to show promise I will sign up for Jaaxy, but that's a sort of catch 22 situation. Do Google provide a keyword tool?

Yes they do. They are free.


I'll take a look. Do you have a link?

Both are nice but just one is basic and one have more features to it but can used both. However will like to hear more on it =^-^=

Interesting topic. I hope to hear more on this.


Off to meet with Mr. Jaaxxy::))

That is interesting. I will be curious to find out.

The WA keyword tool does a regular Google search and if you are signed into Google at the time, it will skew your results.

Didn't know it would skew the results. Explains some of the results I get!

I'm not sure why there are differences between the two. I only use Jaaxy because I feel like the keyword tool doesn't give as many ideas and variations on keywords. I'd be interested in hearing other's opinions on this.

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Why do we have ranking with wa keyword tool and not jaaxy?

Why do we have ranking with wa keyword tool and not jaaxy?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Upon checking our keywords on the WA Keyword ranking tool, two of the pages from our website have ranking. But upon checking the same keywords on Jaaxy ranking tool, there is

Not sure, i see the WA latest keyword list was updated march 2013, Do not know if the ranks might have changed by now. Good Question , not aware of it thanks hope we can all find the answer to this

I am using WA keyword tool only and some of my quoted keywords are on first page. How do you search keywords thru WA tool?

That's really interesting. It's always difficult to gauge whether these tools are working.

Skimali from my opinion i would advocate the search of key words using Jaaxy,it will give you accurate results.Hope you have opened an account with them

Yes, I have a free account with jaaxy. I will think to upgrade if needed.

Good question, I keep an eye on this to see others comments. Curious to know myself cheers Daragh

This might really help you-Robert explains it very well, but ask if you need more help-many members have experience with this :)

Thanks for this link!

I am having difficultly with the keyword tool. If there are misleading results maybe I should look for another tool to do the job. I can't justify the ongoing cost for Jaaxy as I have planned my budget to include other things I need. If my site starts to show promise I will sign up for Jaaxy, but that's a sort of catch 22 situation. Do Google provide a keyword tool?

Yes they do. They are free.


I'll take a look. Do you have a link?

Both are nice but just one is basic and one have more features to it but can used both. However will like to hear more on it =^-^=

Interesting topic. I hope to hear more on this.


Off to meet with Mr. Jaaxxy::))

That is interesting. I will be curious to find out.

The WA keyword tool does a regular Google search and if you are signed into Google at the time, it will skew your results.

Didn't know it would skew the results. Explains some of the results I get!

I'm not sure why there are differences between the two. I only use Jaaxy because I feel like the keyword tool doesn't give as many ideas and variations on keywords. I'd be interested in hearing other's opinions on this.

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