My Experience Losing Articles from Staging Site to Domain Name - Learn from My Mistakes

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(cover image: Wooded block letters in black with the words Lost & Found)

Hi, Everyone at Wealthy Affiliate!

I want to share my experience of losing two articles I published and indexed in Google Search Console before requesting a staging site on my domain name. Several weeks ago, I was experiencing a "white screen of death" issue and had a few articles that became corrupted, which caused some technical errors on my website. Hence, is why I needed a staging site to figure out and troubleshoot the issue.

Honestly, setting out on the exciting adventure of website creation is an exhilarating pursuit, brimming with boundless potential and the freedom of artistic creation. That is how it was for me when I created my new website last November. Yet, amidst the excitement of crafting my virtual domain, a hidden peril often goes unnoticed - the shift from staging site to domain name.

I want to recount my loss of content during this critical stage and offer valuable insights on how every one of you here at Wealthy Affiliate can prevent similar errors. Join me as I share the realm of website development and glean lessons from my oops blunders along the journey.

My Personal Experience Losing Articles During Site Transition

A female business entrepreneur looking upset about something seen on her laptop: Made with Bing Dalle-E AI Art.

Transitioning from a staging site to a live domain can be nerve-wracking for any website owner. That is how it was for me. Several weeks ago, I remember the sinking feeling in my stomach when I realized that some of my carefully crafted articles had vanished somehow into the digital abyss during this transition.

How did I find out?

  1. I noticed that the two articles I had written, published, and indexed a few days earlier were no longer there. I remember writing them. I have a list of all my articles in a Google Spreadsheet that I got from Jay, our trainer here.
  2. I returned to that list and then to my site to double-check if my post was there. Nope, not at all.
  3. I went to the trash folder, thinking it might be there, but it's not there either.
  4. The last place to look was in SiteContent—the article is there; when you click it (it's already published), you get this error message: "Oops, article not found."

I lost some of my work and it feels awful. It's like I never wrote it in the first place. I panicked when I found out. I got an email from Google Search Console saying that two of my articles couldn't be found. I usually save all my articles in MS Word, but it seems I didn't save those two. I felt lost and didn't know what to do next.

Welcome To The World of SiteSupport

I instantly remembered that Wealthy Affiliate does have website backups. I sent a call for help and created a ticket with SiteSupport. Then I saw Kyle in live chat and asked him for help. He eased my worries and said SiteSupport should help me with that, no worries.

After calming down, I had a few conversations with SiteSupport and provided them with the article names. I anxiously waited for their response. Finally, they found my article, which had been returned as a draft in SiteContent. I

I realized that none of my images were in the draft, but I had them in my media files in my WordPress back office. I republished the article and inserted the media images in the block editor. I changed the permalink and used a 301 redirect to point the old URL to two new articles. Problem solved!

What Have I Learned?

I never did find out exactly why or how it happened, but it did happen. So, what have I learned from this experience?

A valuable lesson about the importance of backups: Always double-check every step of the migration process. The frustration and stress were palpable as I tried to piece together what had happened and how to prevent it from occurring again.

  • Things can go awry during site transitions: Losing those articles was a stark reminder that despite careful planning, such incidents can still occur. It taught me the importance of meticulous planning when changing a website's structure or content.
  • Keep documents together: Organization and document storage are crucial. In the chaos of addressing the issue, I realized I had not saved my documents as usual.
  • Always have a backup plan: I've realized the importance of having a backup plan in case something goes wrong. It's crucial to quickly revert to a previous version or restore lost data.
  • Stay calm and patient: Don't panic while under pressure. The experience taught me to be patient and stay calm under pressure. It can be tempting to panic and make rash decisions when faced with unexpected challenges.
  • Technology is not infallible: Despite our best efforts, technology can still fail us. It's important to remember that no system or process is perfect, and there will always be room for error. That's why backups and contingency plans are essential.

Losing those articles was frustrating and stressful, but it taught me valuable lessons about backups, planning, organization, problem-solving, and communication. I'm grateful for this experience as it has made me wiser.

Final Thoughts Moving Forward

Moving from a staging site to a domain name may seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to mean losing valuable content. My experience with this transition taught me some vital lessons With proper planning and attention to detail, you can move your staging site to a domain name without losing content or causing disruptions.

Take it one step at a time, stay organized, and your new website will be up and running. Every setback is an opportunity for growth. Keep pushing forward, and never stop learning from your experiences.


PS. Have any of you experienced any technological issues with your website? How did you solve it?

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Recent Comments


Wow, Brenda! Yes, I have had issues transferring a site to a new hosting provider. I DID NOT have issues when sites were transferred here to WA, though. These guys at support are fantastic.

That is why I waited so long to transfer my huge equine website, which I've had for 24 years. I didn't want to spend a week doing the 'fixing' that I had experienced before.

I do everything you do, too, except I didn't think about using Google Docs as another backup. Great idea!

I'm gonna do that :)

Thanks for the info!


Hi Teri, sure, you’re welcome. That's why I wrote the article. I hope it will help others know how to prevent the loss of an article due to technical mishaps. I'm glad that it helped you yeah Google Doc is free.

Great lesson learned Brenda, reminds me a lot of the mistakes I made with my site.
My is a long story and something to blog about; maybe one day.

I thought my entire site was going to be a write-off, I was nearly having panic attacks at the thought of having to rebuild years of work.

I only just got it functioning again a few hours ago, with days of help from our site support.
I cannot thank or praise them enough.

I'm happy that your issue was also finally solved; great reminder to us all of how things can suddenly go south, and not to panic.

Prayers also helps!

Mel B

Oh my gosh, Melanie. I am elated that you got SiteSupport to help you. Yes, you ought to share your story, only if you are ready. Yes, prayers with deep calming breathing works too. 😀

Maybe one day I'll share it.
Right now I'd sooner like to forget about it.
It was truly a nightmare.

I understand! I'm with you. Mine was a nightmare, too. I was in a panic zone for a while.

I am glad this was resolved for you. It can be so frustrating to lose something we have works so hard on. That moment that we panic, that moment when we feel like we are losing our minds because we know we did it—now where is it?

Thanks for sharing the lessons you have learned, as well. They are very valuable thoughts and all point to the need to plan and keep track of things and save, save, save!

Best wishes.

Duh 😳🙄 me! Now, I am using sticky notes in front of my laptop save my articles in two places not just thinking SiteContent has a copy it doesn’t. Once it’s published that’s it. The articles rests in Wordpress. Even you can lose them there as I had. Right, save them all.

It’s a good reminder to all of us.

Oh no Brenda ... I think we all know that feeling of desperation when things like this happen. I'm so glad you were victorious.
A good warning for many others. I always have backups of backups, you wouldn't believe what I do to leave a recovery trail.
Good luck with everything, enjoy the weekend, enjoy life.
Bux 🌹

I agree with you. Now, I am trying to get back into the practice of saving all the articles I write. Sometimes, I forget. There are so many things to think about. I need a sticky note on my laptop an app called stickie note it helps on my MacBook Pro.

I am glad that you got your information back, Brenda!


Yeah me too. Still, I have to have a back up so I am hoping I do not face this problem again.

Sounds like a Great Plan, Brenda!


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